Weekly Horoscope for March 13 by Eric Francis

Two previews for each sign are here — just tap!

The 2025 spring reading is done. These are 50-minute readings that calmly explore our current astrological wilderness. I wanted to have your reading ready well in advance so you have time to work with the ideas I’m seeing in the astrology. We’re getting a lot of action all at once; I read the charts thoughtfully, in plain talk, in slow motion — so you can really get the feeling of these events and put them to maximum benefit. Note, it’s alternately called For the Faithful, Reckoning and the Spring Reading…you can choose your favorite name and color.

NOTE — The video above pertains to Friday’s eclipse of the Moon. I cover Mercury retrograde stating Saturday in this separate video.
Spring thaw in upstate New York. Photo by Eric.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — There’s probably a long list of tasks that you must get to but don’t feel like doing. Honor your feelings as best you can, and start with the projects, tasks or activities you prefer. Unless something is truly pressing, set it aside for a while. You might find a preference for old-fashioned household tasks — reorganizing the linens, cleaning behind the couch, finding out what’s going on in the oven, and making the dangerous journey to the back of the fridge. Think of this all as ritual practice; proceed with intention and invoke the household saints as you clean (Lakshmi loves this stuff). You will feel better and while you’re at it, sort out some complex emotions that have been evasive and elusive during the long Mars retrograde. All of this will make important decisions easier.

Reckoning for Aries has been published, preview below. Note, more previews are on our Youtube channel.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Friday’s total eclipse of the Moon in Virgo encourages you to let go of your hangups, particularly the obsessive tendencies that block your creative expression. Neither creativity nor expressing yourself requires anything resembling perfection. They require flow, presence in the moment and willingness to be ‘wrong’ rather than right. The quality and impeccability of art are in a language other than the measurable nature of accounting or carpentry: being real with yourself, seemingly at any cost. It is the risk factor that you’re looking for. Creativity is a challenge to what you think is true, who you think you are, and the discovery of something deeper. That’s a lot of words to describe the simple concept of ‘let yourself flow’ and notice the inner censor that is trying to get you to modify your experiences. That entity is terrified of who you are — though you do not have to be.

Reckoning for Taurus has been published, preview below. Note, more previews are available on our YouTube channel.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You simply must get serious about your professional aspirations and not assume you have all the time in the world. There are moments that are ripe for certain kinds of development, and this is a glorious moment to answer your calling to some form of service. Two thoughts: essential to the nature of Gemini is your professional life being strongly infused with some form of beauty, a spiritual quality and/or truly creative activity. You were not made to sit in an office (and if you must do so, make it a calm, cozy space). (I could also see a wildly adventurous role working well for you.) Second, the work itself must be its own reward. This has nothing to do with getting paid. That’s a separate thing. Work being its own reward means you feel good about what you do, you have a sense of accomplishment, and you learn something valuable about yourself every day.

Reckoning for Gemini has been published, preview below. Note, more previews are on our Youtube Channel.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The Sun enters your power sign Aries on the 20th, which is always a creative turning point for you. More significantly, this month Neptune enters Aries for the first time since April 1861. I bet you don’t remember back that far. What is this about? It’s about keeping your promise to yourself to do something creative and beautiful with your time on Earth. Just what exactly may not be clear. For now you can consider this to be an approach to existence — the kind where you experience the beauty and touch of the spiritual even in the most ordinary of activities. Neptune encourages exploration by feel, by scent and by color rather than a rational process. However, in late May, Saturn arrives in this territory and you will have a much better sense of what to do. Yet in this equation, exploration proceeds commitment. The mystery precedes understanding. You are suited for this way of life.

Reckoning for Cancer has been published, preview below. More previews are available on our YouTube channel.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — If you respect natural limits and boundaries, you will find other elements of the landscape that help you make unexpected discoveries. Yet the first step is to recognize when you are at a point of transition; or to know when something has run its course or reached a natural endpoint. That, in turn, calls for an appropriate response, which means proceeding in a straightforward way — and not living as if time is an infinite resource. All changes are reminders of death, and all deaths are reminders that change is the one constant in life. The most challenging aspect of what you’re going through is likely to be an emotional attachment or blaming yourself for what you did not know. However, blame is not accountability, and to collect the lessons and the benefits of the current moment, you must know the difference between the two. Blame is merely a game; accountability is a tool and a resource.

Reckoning for Leo has been published, preview below. More previews are available on our YouTube channel.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Despite any external distractions, direct your energy into what matters the most to you. You might even be obsessed with a creative project and find yourself ignoring people and situations that might ordinarily distract you. An important element of your freedom is not caring so much what other people might think; you’re going to do your thing anyway — and I would mark that as progress. A lunar eclipse in your sign suggests that the people who genuinely care about you will give you plenty of room to be who you are. Taking that a step further, you have the courage to do something daring that others might not do. Far from offending them, you are setting an example, though it’s best not to think of things that way. You are in a rare state where you must do what you know you must. Everything else will take care of itself till you come back to it.

Reckoning for Virgo has been published, preview below. More previews are available on our YouTube channel.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Sex is the constant confrontation with who you are. Various influences constantly try to make it about who someone else is, or worse, what everyone else thinks. Romance is all about the other. Yet your intimate experiences have the primary purpose of teaching you something about yourself. And when you’re with another person, you serve as a mirror or reflection of what they are about. And this goes further than you as the context. So be gentle, and give the people close to you the benefit of the doubt. What would you teach them about themselves, if all the possibilities were open? Would you rather help them see their possibilities or their limitations? That is the choice that you have. And what you think is true for them is also true for you. So be generous and supportive, and take a positive approach to their potential — which is also your potential.

Reckoning for Libra has been published, preview below. More previews are available on our YouTube channel.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — A Full Moon eclipse in nearby Virgo will teach you something, and please don’t let it be about how worthless humanity is for all its faults and foibles. That would be a form of false learning. It’s true that the mesh is getting tight. It’s true that loyalty and empathy are in short supply. Therefore I would ask, what are you doing to offer them up to humanity? By this I mean to your immediate circle of friends. Why are they in your life? I have a proposal — they are there for you to serve. And in the process, you learn to serve without expecting anything much in return — not even ‘feeling good about yourself’. That is not the point. Whatever you see humanity lacking is up to you to offer. Along the way, discern when your actions are self-serving. Know the difference between offering and wanting. Be grateful when you see any need in the world that you can fulfill.

Reckoning for Scorpio has been published, preview below. More previews are available on our YouTube channel.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Let the Full Moon glowing from the night sky remind you to let go of your perfectionist tendencies. If you want to love, know that that desire is perfect in itself. If you want to create, remember that the last expression contains beauty. If you want understanding, pause and respect any question about life that you may ask. If you seek freedom, listen to that desire and ask yourself consciously how you might respond to it. Your character is distributed between expression in bold, broad strokes, and obsession with the minutia and detail. I would propose that for the best result and easiest path to happiness, start with the large, the approximate and the fresh, and work your way toward refinement gently, as you are called. This will serve your personal relationships as well as your creative desires.

Reckoning for Sagittarius has been published, preview below. More previews are available on our YouTube channel.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You may be feeling considerable tension about what to say and what not to say. It’s going around; but you would not know it because most people opt for “what not to say” — hardly anyone rewards anyone else for telling the truth about anything whatsoever. I don’t mean in the public sphere; I am talking about the most intimate aspects of our lives. The lies that prevail serve to weave a false existence that does not exist anywhere other than in the imagination. And this makes it rather difficult to live in any way that could be described as bold, sincere or — everyone’s favorite buzzword — authentic. But nobody will win an Oscar for Best Bullshit Artist in Their Own Life. And you may never win a prize for being real with everyone on equal terms. But you will feel better about yourself, and make a livable home for yourself in the part of you that is right and true.

Reckoning for Capricorn has been published, preview below. More previews are available on our YouTube channel.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — When confronted with an opportunity or a problem, try directing your mental resources rather than your financial resources toward it. Mental means ideas, combined with your patience and time. It will be tempting to throw money at a problem when you don’t need to do that. Or at least, that’s not the primary method of getting to the next place. It’s probable that an old idea rather than a new one will get the result that you want. Yet it will be helpful to invest your energy into exploring the nature of your situation and making sure you define any problem you perceive in a way that it can be solved. If you find there is no solution, one of two things will be true: there is no problem, or you have not described it in a way that can be resolved. Consider both carefully.

Reckoning for Aquarius has been published, preview below. More previews are available on our YouTube channel.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have a tendency to see the best in people. I suggest you see what they show you. Let them reveal exactly who they are, and respond accordingly. It’s almost always true that people tell on themselves, which can disabuse you of the task of figuring out who they are or what they want. However, it’s up to you to respond to what they reveal — or at least to acknowledge it consciously. This may be challenging as you may be in one of your more idealistic states. Just remember, once you have cautionary information, the responsibility for whatever happens falls on you. When someone’s presence in your life is unhelpful, detrimental or toxic, it’s a good idea to let them go. Save your sentimentality for your old teddy bear or your photo album.

Reckoning for Pisces has been published, preview below. More previews are available on our YouTube channel.

Visit The Boutique — New from Planet Waves. Excellent products for all 12 signs and rising signs, all subscription options, chart casting service, personal consulting and more. Note, I’ve scrapped most ads around the horoscope to make room for more photos. You will find what you’re looking for, including tons of audio previews, by tapping the banner below.

1 thought on “Weekly Horoscope for March 13 by Eric Francis”

  1. Bless you for this beautiful, uplifting Cancer horoscope, dear Eric. “For now you can consider this to be an approach to existence — the kind where you experience the beauty and touch of the spiritual even in the most ordinary of activities.” Such wonderful words. Thank you.

    A belated Happy Birthday to you! So sorry to have missed it this year. Big belated hugs <3

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