Aries (March 20-April 19) — Mars opposed Pluto re-enters Cancer this week, and that may stir up some old feelings that you would prefer not to have to deal with. It may be that something lingering around from the distant past is clouding your ability to perceive and acknowledge your feelings. Healing is its own reward, though if you persist, you are likely to discover what hinders you creatively and sexually. On one level it may seem to be emotional insecurity that you need to address. I would say it’s spiritual, related directly to your right to exist. Note that all things erotic and creative (think: sex, drugs, rock and roll) are often cast as sinful. You need to sort this out yourself. But I will give you half a clue. Why would God, Creator of the Universe, have something against people feeling good and sharing their love?
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Something seems to be bothering you but you can’t focus your mind on what it is. This is more the kind of thing that you’ll suss out intuitively rather than using logic or tangible observation. One hint I can give is that you’re probably concerned that people will discover something about you, as if there is something you’ve done that’s ‘wrong’. Yet I don’t see an action taken — only a question asked. You seem to be suspended between two difficult situations, and at the same time, are out in the open. So my question for you is, what if there was indeed no privacy possible, and the whole concept no longer valid? Imagine how you would feel — just for a moment — if everything about you were known to everyone. Just try that on and see what feelings come over you.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Events may proceed quickly this month, particularly where joint financial arrangements are involved. Therefore, you must work with partners to come up with a mutually agreeable strategy. It will be altogether better if you don’t count them as adversaries and strive for cooperation at every turn. Despite any pressure you seem to be under, you will not know your actual financial status until Mars stations direct in late February. I know that seems like a long time from now, though you have plenty of resources at your disposal — and you will if you refuse to play the ever-so-popular game of power struggle (and it may be a temptation). With Mars retrograde, the best strategy is usually to watch events develop, and make careful observations that will reveal what you and others want. That is vital information, and it would be unwise to make any decisions without it.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — This is the year to set your sights higher than you ever have before. Family-oriented Cancer usually does things for the sake of doing them well. Yet a once-in-a-lifetime combination of factors is urging you to see your potential as something greater than you have ever admitted, and then to let that motivate you. Take over the goal-setting and establish your timeline. Others may be of help, though they can never make the final call on strategy. Any partner or individual you work with in any capacity must be sidelined immediately if they “run away” with any facet of the project. Carefully filter out anyone in your life who is not dedicated to both you and the task at hand; anyone who is not wholly truthful; anyone who is not sober. Part of your success will involve working only with people of the very highest caliber.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The past few weeks have given you a run for the money on work-related matters, but was it really about the cash? You of all people know the need for doing what needs to be done, for the sake of it being done well. If you didn’t get any downtime during the holidays, you’re not alone (who really does?). However, you might consider a long weekend away, or retreating to some secret place for a day or two, and recollecting yourself. Simply put, you need recreation, and to take a break from how competitive the world, and your world, have become. You can of course persist in activity related to work or service and not pause; however, be aware that this will have an effect. If you find your worst fears getting the best of you, that’s a message that you need a retreat — at a minimum, into yourself.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may have been wandering in a fog of anxiety for the past month or two, though it’s possible you won’t recognize it until it suddenly pauses. The leaf blower metaphor works here: the drone of some kind of motor outside your window that blends into the background — and then when it stops you both feel relieved and realize how annoying it was. You may awaken to the possibility that your anxiety is social: worries about how you are perceived, how you present yourself, and who your friends really are. Of the first, you can never really tell. Of the second, you cannot be anyone other than yourself and be happy — yet it requires courage and practice to settle into yourself. Of the third, that’s the most important question in your life at this time. You need dependable emotional bonds with others, perhaps more so than you may admit.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — It will help if you have time alone with your thoughts and your feelings sometime over the next few days. By this I mean actual time and space — an afternoon into an overnight, at minimum; a couple of days ideally. You are ready to get in touch with layers of emotion that have eluded you, and have seemed overly complex. All you need to do is feel; you don’t need to explain, decode, or decipher yourself. Understanding would be helpful, though that word really means “to stand among.” It’s not about being convinced of anything. So stand among your thoughts and your emotions, and make friends with yourself. You are embarking on what will be one of the most unusual years of your life, and you will need to be your own best companion — and your own wisest advisor. So focus your inner connection.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — It’s essential that you steer clear of power struggles with family and employers over the next few days, because you’re likely to come out on the losing end. It may feel satisfying if push comes to shove and you finally get to have a showdown. But Mars is retrograde, and due to that, the term “self-inflicted” comes to mind. Your energy would be better invested in understanding the nature of your inner emotional conflict and the ways that certain family members turned you against yourself when you were much younger. What usually happens is that conflicted emotions — such as resentment and guilt — become too much to bear, and we then project them outward, supposedly to get rid of them. But that only expands and magnifies the situation, and clouds the true source of your feelings.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Spend your money like you’re moving chess pieces — strategically. If you don’t do that, you might slip and run out of control and invest (or better said, disburse) in things that you don’t need. The current opposition of Mars and Pluto contains some drive and motivation, but it’s easily misplaced or misdirected. Underneath any family drama that may exist is a spiritual question, and this is entirely personal. Nobody else is involved. There is also a matter of your communication style. We live in the age of power, and a therapist once told me that an ultimatum is the most honest form of communication. Even if that’s true, you might wait a few weeks and understand the part of this situation that is entirely your own. Assigning responsibility for your feelings or beliefs to others does not work — for anyone.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The recent very unusual New Moon in your birth sign suggests that you will want to take your usual reserved approach to your life situations rather than your unusual wild approach where you let it all hang loose. We are all feeling rather boxed into the grid of the digital environment with all of its apps and frames and passwords and triple authentication. It’s natural to want to do something outrageous, even if only a little. However, you want to be aware of the law of unintended consequences. Recognize that big effects can have seemingly small causes. So pay attention to what you’re doing and make sure you understand the known consequences of every action that you take. Then from there, consider the ones you may not be aware of, and pay close attention. The chances are you still have time to make a change of course.
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Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — This is not a good time to go blow-for-blow in any interpersonal confrontation. There will be effects that you did not predict and could not have foreseen. Rather, take the approach of de-escalating any situation. This will require you to suspend the pretense of “being right,” or in any way intractable in your position. And from the look of the planetary setup right now — Mars retrograding in your relationship house with Pluto in your sign — that could easily be your preference. You are still getting accustomed to Pluto in your birth sign, which represents a whole new phase of your existence — and an important one. Your power and influence have increased. And in all sincerity, it’s unlikely that you have any idea to what degree, much less how to handle yourself under these conditions. Experiment in small ways, and test the energy.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You will be happier if you keep your priorities focused on work rather than on your social life. Those people may be your friends, but they are different from you, and it’s about time you understand that. Different does not mean better or worse; it’s about another emphasis, and one that is not especially oriented on being productive, creative and responsible to yourself. That’s the ultimate responsibility, right? I would describe that as keeping your promises to yourself, and attending to the necessities of the day. Society is in a stressed-out state right now, and as David Byrne said, this ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco, this ain’t no foolin’ around. You’re not missing much anyway. Most of what we call social these days is yet another bonfire of the vanities. Your humility has always served you, and it will serve you well now.
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