Weekly Horoscope for Feb. 27 by Eric Francis

Ashokan Reservoir, late winter 2025. Photo by Eric Franis

Pisces New Moon & Stellium — Water Then Fire

Dear Friend and Reader:

Tonight is the Pisces New Moon, with Mercury, Ceres, Saturn and Neptune in the picture.

Then there’s everything happening in Aries — including Venus about to go retrograde on March 1, and the Chiron-Eris conjunction getting hot.

The theme of the next year, which beings now, is planets dancing back and forth between Pisces and Aries. The two signs effectively become one as Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Neptune go back and forth over what is called the Aries Point.

This strange and unusual state of affairs reflects our unusual moment — and offers guidance how to make the most of where we are now. Pisces goes deep, and Aries is the point of expression. Pisces is the collective and Aries is the individual.

And those are the factors that are merging, which is having many interesting and useful effects. I explain in the video above.

With love,

Your faithful astrologer,

Eric signature

Aries Astrology Studio has been released, intro above.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The message of the stars, being delivered by the New Moon in Pisces, is to make friends with your fears. You’ve been getting this message for a while; you might look back on the past year and a half as the time when you drained your personal swamp of anxiety — or at least sat by the bank and considered it. The most important thing to know about your fears is that while some of them are rooted in the conditions of your current environment, most of them are a kind of ancestral hangover. You have a lot of ancestors and it’s not possible to go through them one at a time — though you can surely identify one or two who did a number on you, or elements of whose paranoid and suspicious worldview you somehow absorbed. Once you have a handle on this, you can move onto other spiritual projects aimed at the same basic goal of learning to trust yourself.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — There is tremendous personal enrichment and strength available when you say what you think is the most difficult to express. And at the moment, you may be aware of plenty that falls into this category. The idea here is not to talk a blue streak, but rather to specifically express the feelings, ideas and experiences where you experience some discomfort or hesitation. Doing this, you will be demonstrating something to yourself, which is that you actually can be truthful and the world will not end. You will not melt like the Wicked Witch of the West. You will not suddenly be abandoned. Rather, you will reverse your too-frequent habit of abandoning yourself, and of casting off others.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may be discovering that you are limited mostly by your concept of yourself. No matter how much potential or possibility you actually have, your ideas about your existence are the container that limits the scale of your experience. And thankfully, you are getting a push that is reminding you to expand your concept of your horizons. Adjust your inner map; own up to what you’ve already accomplished and recognize this as a mere hint of your potential. I don’t mean to convince yourself of anything; rather, honor the expansion principle of Jupiter’s final months in your sign and stretch your ideas. Notice the obstacles that have been put in your way, and remove them. Remember the times when you transformed from a small and limited state to something far more exciting, interesting and productive. You might call this honoring your freedom, which does not really exist until you dare to use it.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You have been freed from a false belief or a seeming limit on your potential that has been lurking around for the past year or so. This felt like the fear of consequences, or even of divine retribution. We are trained to avoid anything connected to such a concern — or are drawn hypnotically toward it. Sharing a bit from the wisdom of Tantra, here is something to consider: what you fear will have the greatest repercussions is the thing you want the most. This does not imply that you will take action, only that you use your fear of some outcome as a kind of compass. Sometimes the fear is tangible (if I have sex with this person, my partner will leave me). Sometimes the fear is abstract (if I create this piece of art or writing, terrible things will happen). Sticking to the second example, that’s the kind that is the direct invitation to explore a possibility. (The first is the invitation to have a real conversation with your partner.)

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You can be certain that others are working with a plan and a strategy. It really is that simple. Very little ‘just happens’ in the world, though it can seem that way to the hapless and the naive. You can improve your seeming luck by asking people what their plans and intentions are, and then listening to their response. I don’t suggest a showdown in any form, but rather a basic query or two about some matter of mutual interest. If the other person responds in a calm and reasonable way, you know you’re probably working with a real partner. If the person gets defensive or evades the issue, that’s a sign that there is potentially something else going on. This may not be the time to push the matter, though see how the discussion develops. Relationships are collaborations. Everything you both live through should be on some mutually agreeable terms. It might be; it might not be; and if not, you have to ask yourself if persistent defensiveness or evasion is something you want in your life.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Just like you cannot live well on mass-produced foods, you cannot live on prefabricated ideas about relationships. Sadly, that’s what most of us get: we grow up in environments that pretend to not only set rules nobody understands, but also define needs that don’t necessarily apply to us. This bullshit is stamped out faster than cheap plastic toys from China. And then most people not only ‘believe’ ideas too vague to make sense of, they expect them to come true. I suggest you think of love as nourishment. When you have the instinct to make food for someone, that’s a clue that you love them. I don’t mean take them out to dinner; I mean cooking for someone from ingredients with the intent of imparting some happiness and appreciation for their existence. To love is to nourish and to nourish is to love. Who qualifies for this distinction in your life today?

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — There seems to be so much to do that you don’t know where to start. What about the kitchen? Clean out the fridge, tidy the recycling, go to the grocery store and do a project — something nicer than usual. For instance, a pot of soup, or something special that you like. Then you’ll have your priorities in order and be reminded that one important end reward of all the work you do is having good food to eat. Yes, whatever you do must be rewarding for its own sake, and there is plenty to devote yourself to. If you relax and start with what needs to be done each day, you will get the intuitive guidance you need to focus on one particular activity, assignment or task that will be the most beneficial. Your best approach is to proceed gently and not put yourself under any unnecessary pressure. You will be more effective proceeding from a relaxed and unhurried state of mind.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Mars retrograde has for the past few months put some blinders on your awareness of your potential, and even on what you want. Scorpio is already challenged when it comes to seeing the great and wide possibilities; you tend to get lost in your limitations. However, Mars keeping you in its grip since late last year has at least inspired you to feel your own struggle. You’ve become curious about this thing you cannot see that you keep bumping into. And now the lights are slowly coming back on. This is mostly in the form of what you will allow yourself to feel. And what you feel may be anger. The problem with anger is that it provides a kind of refuge in the experience of being right. That is the temptation; that is the lure. Its most addictive expressions are resentment and guilt. The question is not about whether you want these things. The question is whether or not you can live without them.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If you look back on the past few weeks, you might decide you were driven by an emotional reaction rather than by an idea. And if you can see past that reaction, which was based on momentary confusion that took on a life of its own, you will find the creative gem you seek. It’s subtler than you think, hidden amidst the ordinary — and it may not seem so original. What you have is an invitation to attempt what you may not have full faith in. An idea is not the focus; your willingness to dare is the thing you can experiment with. You are the art you seek to create. You are the lover you seek to embrace. No influence or impact is necessary except for that which you have on yourself; your existence is your experiment. In a world where just about everyone is trying to impress everyone else, this is perhaps a radical notion.

Capricorn Astrology Studio 2024-25 is now available.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Mars has just stationed direct in your opposite sign Cancer. This may seem to describe a relationship situation, but Mars is closely associated with you; so really, it’s about your presence within a relationship. My question is, how have your feelings and desires changed over the past few weeks? Have you found yourself wanting and needing something different than you were a month ago? And where were you two years (one Mars cycle) ago? Meanwhile, it may be your discovery of elements of your past that are shaking you up right now, and I suggest you do something bold — which is to be honest about them with those you hold as your intimates. And if you find that you cannot open up and connect on a level of bona fide sincerity, then it’s time to question whether such is truly an intimate situation, or rather, a hedge against one.

Aquarius Astrology Studio 2025-26 has been released, preview available.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If you don’t like your options then make new ones. This is what creativity is for. Yet the core factor that will guide you is what you think is possible, which is closely related to what you think you deserve. You’re unlikely to see much else; potential is in the eye of the beholder. You might get the process going by noting what you think is “too good” for you. Then see if you can figure out why you think it’s above your pay grade in some way. The chances are your excuse is flimsy — though check carefully for how someone might have told you so. Yet it’s only through turning these cards face up and evaluating them for what they are that you can get a grip. You have a tendency to keep secrets from yourself that does not serve your greater good, nor contribute to your happiness.

Pisces Astrology Studio 2025-26 has been published. Preview below.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You have more than you think and everything you need. Yet you may feel like your presence of mind is being overpowered by forces greater than yourself. I propose that these are really forces within yourself that are not greater than you, but are rather resources that you contain. Of course, this may seem unbelievable or even more challenging than some great thing you have to overcome; yet sooner or later, that too becomes a matter of what you contain within yourself rather than some external resistance. To navigate this territory, keep your awareness focused on your soft, sensitive, true inner voice. This will always be available if you summon it and focus your attention. Yes, there seem to be many thought streams competing for attention. You can safely tune out the ones that in any way threaten or boss you around. Your true voice knows what to do and when to do it.

Visit The Boutique — New from Planet Waves. Excellent products for all 12 signs and rising signs, all subscription options, chart casting service, personal consulting and more. Note, I’ve scrapped most ads around the horoscope to make room for more photos. You will find what you’re looking for, including tons of audio previews, by tapping the banner below.

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