By Victoria Emory
We’ve entered the dark, disseminating phase of the lunar cycle, and Friday’s noteworthy Fourth Quarter Moon at the ‘Bending,’ or mid-point between the nodes, is the main event heading into this weekend.
The last week of the lunar month is a time to conclude immediate projects and clear the slate for the new cycle. Because we are half-way between eclipse windows, and heading into the Equinox and start of the astrological year, wrapping up outstanding business is especially valuable now.
Given the karmic implications of the nodes and eclipses, “outstanding business” may involve issues with an origin far preceding recent events. Yet, the present is the point of power, to borrow from Seth, and immediate projects might tie in with long-standing issues or intentions which call for attention in the here and now.
Staying inside to deal with practical matters might be fighting the current on Saturday, but not all important action is on assembly-line time. Sometimes the most useful thing one can do is to unplug from routine and recharge.
Seeking a Vision
Birds molt in the Spring. Like every renewal, it’s a process of release and new growth that requires time. The months where the light dominates are when it takes place, and that dawn is breaking. All actions taken now to ties up loose ends and set the stage for the next chapter are acts of power.
Saturday is interesting in that regard for several reasons. The Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune before dawn, Eastern Time (4:44 am) and after that will be void-of-course all day. Meaning, it makes no more major aspects before entering Capricorn at 9:20 pm.

In itself, a Sagittarius Moon generally inspires an upbeat, energetic mood and with it the desire for some kind of adventure — anything that breaks out of a boring, predictable routine. This restless mood is fed by the many planets in Air signs, especially Mars in Gemini.
Square Neptune, that expansive outlook may take on the need to feed the soul in ways not easily defined. Staying inside to deal with practical matters might be fighting the current on Saturday, but not all important action is on assembly-line time. Sometimes the most useful thing one can do is to unplug from routine and recharge. Time out of doors can be particularly restorative.
Speaking of Neptune, “It’s alright to let yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back,” (thank you, Mick Jagger) might a good mantra heading into next week. By Sunday we’ll be within 3 degrees of Wednesday’s Sun-Neptune conjunction, and will feel that tide come in stronger each day.
With Neptune comes the potential for both inspiration and dissipation; vision and deception. Without some kind of dream or creative ideal, without Spirit – Pneuma – felt in the March winds blowing out the old and in the new – life loses meaning. Yet stress can make lotus-eaters of us all, under Neptune’s influence, as we let time float by and with it, our power.
Neptune creates a permeability that lets in the highest frequencies, as well as static. No receiver picks up a station it isn’t tuned to, however, and you can tell where your dial’s set by how you feel and what thoughts you’re hearing.
Awareness of what calls for healing can be fuel for grounded and innovative accomplishment, on Sunday. Self-care is an essential part of any successful approach to work, which must be a whole person affair.

Back to Earth
On Sunday, the Moon in Capricorn will square Chiron and trine Uranus between 10:42 and 11:09 am Eastern, and move into a harmonious sextile to Venus in Pisces by 8:30 pm.
Awareness of what calls for healing can be fuel for grounded and innovative accomplishment, on Sunday. Self-care is an essential part of any successful approach to work, which must be a whole person affair.
A lot of Air and Water is in play right now. Simply put, a lot of thinking and a lot of feeling. That can become a vicious circle in which thought loops trigger emotions which in turn reinforce them. Especially in Western culture, that tends to be the default setting, and it’s not a recipe for health or sanity. To balance that axis, we need both Spirit and Body.
The Earthy Capricorn Moon – like Saturday’s Sagittarius Moon – is still under Aquarian influence; both ruling planets are in that sign. But together with the trine to Uranus in Taurus, that Earth can be just what’s needed to care for the body as if it is more than a rag tied to the tail of your consciousness.
Capricorn Moons are of course also perfect for getting work done, and Sunday looks good for real steps, however small, toward finishing up important business before the positively swoon-worthy New Moon next weekend.