Virgo Full Moon: Remember the Holistic Principle
Dear Friend and Reader:
Overnight Thursday to Friday, or early Friday morning (afternoon in Oz) is the Virgo Full Moon. This is the last Moon-Sun opposition of the astrological year, taking place very late in the two signs involved, Pisces and Virgo. The exact time is Friday at 3:17 am EDT.
The Sun enters Aries at 11:33 am EDT on Sunday, so this event is the lead-in to the vernal equinox — the turnover of the astrological year. What is called “sidereal time,” a representation of the year as a 24-hour clock, strikes midnight on the equinox.

Only old astrologers know about this; for the young ones, it happens behind the scenes of a computer program.
Virgo and Pisces is the axis that represents holistic themes. Virgo, friend to master healer Chiron, is the sign of both integration and of healing. Virgo is the sign of Earth as Gaia, the living entity that sustains all life, and of which all life is part.
The old astrology books tell us that Virgo (among other things) is associated with the places where grain and dairy are produced and stored.
Interestingly, from the writing of William Lilly, we know that Virgo also represents books, studies and libraries. Lilly said that people born under this sign possess a “witty discreet soul, judicious and excellently well spoken, studious and given to History, whether Man or Woman; it produceth a care [and] understanding.” These are the perfect qualities for someone who is going to be out front assisting the human family in any way.
I associate Virgo with Ceres, who is an early representation of the Virgin Mary. Virgo also describes the threefold goddess. Ceres is about the emotional bonds between mother and child, as well as the feeding of the world with grain. (Ceres is the root of the world ‘cereal‘, and related to an older word which means to grow.)
Above all else, Virgo is a human sign, one of the few in the zodiac that is described by a person (the others are Gemini and Aquarius). Virgo speaks to the human realm and the needs and behaviors of people. It is not about things. Virgo is about us — all of us, and our service to humanity.
“Holistic” is a new word, first seen in 1926. It is based on the Greek root holos, which means whole. Even more recently, the term “holistic medicine” is first documented in 1960.

A New Word, An Old Concept
Virgo is the sign of the healing arts, though in our time, it’s more about alternative approaches to care, as well as what is called complementary care: an integrative approach, using a diversity of methods in combination, presumably one supporting another.

“Holistic” is a new word, first seen in 1926. It is based on the Greek root holos, which means whole. Even more recently, the term “holistic medicine” is first documented in 1960. But it’s not a new concept.
I consider its originator to be Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), the inventor of homeopathy. Hahnemann had a streak of planets across the Virgo-Pisces axis, including Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus.
As an inventor, it makes sense that Hahnemann also had strong Aries, including the Moon, Mercury and the Sun. He was a fresh thinker and a true pioneer.
Central to his life story is that he quit traditional medicine because it demanded that he poison his patients with drugs that did not work. This was obvious even in the 18th century.
My favorite example of the holistic principle will be familiar to anyone who has ever kept fish. When the fish are not well, you don’t take one out and cut it apart. Rather, you test the water and start by looking for imbalances and making corrections there: to salinity, pH, ammonia, nitrates and seemingly obvious things like temperature. You investigate and treat the ground or the terrain. You investigate and treat the environment as one whole entity.
This very concept has surfaced many times the past few hundred years, and where humans are concerned, especially since the 1960s. Yet it is persistently ignored in favor of ideas and approaches that do not work as well, and are demonstrably harmful.
Homeopathy taps into a pre-existing vital force that actually does the healing. You might say that homeopathy’s role is to assist the patient, while doing no harm.

Treating the Whole Being
The essence of homeopathy is that one treats the whole being, by activating the vital force. At the same time, the goal is to prescribe a cure that does no harm. This is true holistic medicine.
Hahnemann wrote a book called The Organon, which includes this idea: “The highest ideal of cure is the rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of health; that is, the lifting and annihilation of the disease in its entire extent in the shortest, most reliable, and least disadvantageous way, according to clearly realizable principles.”
Homeopathy taps into a pre-existing vital force that actually does the healing. You might say that homeopathy’s role is to assist the patient, while doing no harm. In other words, the prevention of the cure of a common disease should not injure and kill more than a million people; it should harm nobody at all.
This is crucial to the concept of homeopathy, which is extremely cautious about suppressing symptoms. As we all know and as most of us accept, the very basis of allopathic medicine is suppression. In addition to the related issue of chemical contamination, suppression is the source of most of our medical problems.
As Hahnemann wrote, “Every effective drug provokes in the human body a sort of disease of its own, and the stronger the drug, the more characteristic, and the more marked and more violent the disease.”
In my own life, I witnessed a yoga teacher, my holistic therapist, two Chinese doctors, and many other practitioners throwing away all they claimed to espouse and live for, committing their lives to fear, masks and Western medicine.

Side Effects are Not on the Side — They Are Central
Today, we take for granted that drugs have “side effects.” Often, they include things like depression drugs causing depression and suicide, stroke drugs causing strokes, pregnancy drugs causing birth defects, and enough other examples to fill an encyclopedia.
Many people have figured this out, and have sworn off the use of conventional medicine because it is so harmful.
One of the strangest things about society’s response to a claimed new disease was the extent to which people previously committed their lives and life work to holistic principles abandoned them on the spot. I was confident that there would be significant response in favor of using well-known and time-tested holistic preventive and cures for what appeared to be an ordinary respiratory condition.
Instead, we witnessed an all-out attack on people proposing “home remedies” as being negligent and even deadly. In my own life, I witnessed a yoga teacher, my holistic therapist, two Chinese doctors, and many other practitioners throwing away all they claimed to espouse and live for, committing their lives to fear, masks and Western medicine.
Of four arrests for not wearing “masks” that I know of in New York State, two were at a place called Mother Earth’s Storehouse, a “health food” store located a few miles from my home. The owner filed criminal charges against an infirm elderly couple contrary to the governor’s own explicit medical exemption. Why then have all of those Mother Earth customers been doubling our grocery bills voluntarily, to eat higher quality foods, and to use herbal supplements?
Throughout the region where I live, many other “health food” stores were among the most tyrannical at enforcing mask mandates, defeating the entire theory of their existence and demonstrating that their notion of self-care is a bunch of hype.
In 2021, Americans filled 4.7 billion prescriptions. The whole country is one giant overdose. That’s 14 prescriptions each for every man, woman and child — on average! I wish I was kidding.

A War on the Holistic Principle
We did, in fact, witness a war on the holistic principle the past few years — and it continues. But that is nothing new: The American Medical Association (AMA), under the influence of the Rockefellers, long ago tried to wipe out homeopathy, herbalism, chiropractic and every other form of natural medicine.
For a long time, a doctor could get thrown out of the AMA merely for playing golf with a chiropractor. They entirely coopted osteopathic medicine, turning a once-brilliant and human-centered approach into yet another prescription factory.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that medical errors kill up to 100,000 Americans a year, many of them from “medication.” Overdoses of opioid drugs alone killed 50,000 people in 2019 in the United States — and that was just 70% of all overdoses.
In 2021, Americans filled 4.7 billion prescriptions. The whole country is one giant overdose. That’s 14 prescriptions each for every man, woman and child — on average! I wish I was kidding. And there are good few people who take no prescription drugs at all, so many are filling far more prescriptions a year.
Why do we need all these pills if they work so well?
The CDC reports that 25,000 Americans have died from various covid shots — more than double than were killed in the previous 30 years (about 9,000 reported up until that time for all other vaccine products). CDC data shows that deaths among millennials, defined as people age 20 to 44, have nearly doubled since the vaccine mandates went into place. Why would anyone think this is a good thing?
Healing is a process afforded you by your Creator and is above and beyond the control of man. Your chiropractor does everything possible to help [the] Innate heal — but he cannot heal nor can anyone else produce healing for you.

This is What Dr. Hahnemann Warned About
This is what Samuel Hahnemann was talking about when he said every drug causes a disease worse than the original one. Yet none of it is necessary, and it’s all caused by treating the symptoms rather than the whole being, when there is a need for healing.
Why do we do this? Why does anyone believe that this is a good thing, or ignore the problems that are so plain to see?
I really don’t understand. But we have options, at least for the moment. Yes, they take knowledge, understanding, experience and a measure of trust. Caring for the whole being means doing exactly that. There is also an element of faith, which involves the body’s ability to heal.
Think of it this way. The most masterful surgeon can take apart a patient’s heart and put it back together. Yet it is the body’s ability to heal that actually completes the work and restores the patient to a state of health and balance. Medicine, even at its best, only goes so far: the vital force does the rest. And that is what is tapped when holistic healing is used.
D.D. Palmer (1845-1913), the inventor of chiropractic medicine, had his own term for the vital force. He called it the Innate. Palmer wrote: “Healing is a process afforded you by your Creator and is above and beyond the control of man. Your chiropractor does everything possible to help Innate heal — but he cannot heal nor can anyone else produce healing for you. When the right adjustment is made, Innate goes to work. You feel the results when dis-ease turns to ease.”
We sure could use some of that. We sure could benefit from remembering the holistic principle.
With love,
I agree, Eric. And that’s a helluva lot of prescriptions. I had no idea. I haven’t taken a prescription drug in decades.
Good article. Nice photography.
Thanks Steve! I’ll make sure Eric sees your comment.
Excellent article, Eric – lovely descriptions of innate healing. And as usual Lanvi’s photographs are pure bliss!
Thank you, Susan
This is a beautiful piece, Thank you for returning to balance.
Thanks, Donna!
I am feeling affirmed, and supported as I read this. Thank you Eric for continuing to speak calmly to my innate wisdom, and encouraging me to trust my wise and wonderful body – and my less than popular choices of late.
Thank you, Jennifer.
Excellent article. It helped me recenter in the core of what I know to be true for me. I felt disappointed in myself and in some of my support systems in being swayed by fear and an approach that has never made any sense to me. Your words helped me get some of my power back and hopefully will guide me well into the future. Thank you Eric.