One email from my Governor included a chart for hospitalization rates in my state. He says hospitals are why we have to shut down, mask up, stay apart, stay home, flatten the curve and sacrifice livelihoods.
By ERIC F. COPPOLINO | Covid19 News
I had a reality check moment last night when I got my daily press emails from the Executive Chamber of New York State, that is, from Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office. It was my second shock of the week from the government of the state where I live, here in the midst of what we are told every minute is a global pandemic.

If I flip on the local Spectrum News channel, it looks like the Vietnam War is being fought on the city streets. CNN and other cable channels keep repeating the phrase “dark winter.” Twitter can now ban anyone who “claims the pandemic is not real or serious.”
Bear in mind that people who “question Covid” are routinely called fruitcakes, conspiracy theorists, science denialists, sociopaths, and Trump supporters by many — even as cities continue to lock down and commit economic homicide, and the truth continues to surface.
New York is supposed to be one of the hardest hit places in the world, in what is by far the hardest hit nation. So it must be pretty bad here if they just closed all the restaurants again and are telling people not to gather for the holidays. But here’s the thing — I live here, and have covered state government my whole career — particularly the Department of Health.
One email from my Governor last night included a chart for hospitalization rates in my state. I’ve been lectured by the Virology Department on how this is one of the very most important statistics in a pandemic (along with known cases and deaths). It’s why we have to shut down, mask up, stay apart, flatten the curve and save grandma. It’s why millions of vaccines are being administered in these very days. We talk about “saving lives” from Covid, though there is not so much discussion of vaccine injury, or the devastating effects of shutting the economy.
And if we’re truly concerned about sick people, it’s strange how little we talk about how to take care of them — or how to prevent getting sick. There are many established ways. We might theorize that there are not so many people who need taking care of. But that would be need to be backed by data.
There are no such overflow plans now, which makes sense given all the available hospital beds. But having dinner in a restaurant is made to seem only slightly less dangerous than doing so during a mass shooting.
One-Third of Hospital Beds are Available
According to Gov. Cuomo’s office, 28% of hospital beds are available in New York State. This ranges from 26% in New York City to nearly half in some outlying regions.

From what I know from my friends who are nurses, that’s not a crisis, it’s a vacation compared to when gurneys with patients are lined up in the corridors (as I’ve heard many times in prior years, without a “pandemic”).
The Governor’s chart also tells me that 3 in 10,000 New Yorkers total are in the hospital. That might sound like a lot, except for all the empty beds.
Back in the spring, the sprawling Javits Convention Center was converted into a field hospital that was not needed. USNS Comfort, a Navy hospital ship, was assigned to New York Harbor but sent back to its home port unused.
State University dormitories were ready for deployment to handle the countless sick and dying we were told were soon to arrive. That never happened either.
There are no such overflow plans now, which makes sense given all the hospital beds that are available. But having dinner in a restaurant is still made to seem only slightly less dangerous than doing so during a mass shooting.
“It erodes popular faith in democracy when public officials insist that their arbitrary policies are ‘science based’ and yet cannot produce a single study to support sweeping mandates. This letter illustrates the hazard of abandoning due process.”
Sorry, No Science: Mask Letter from NYS Health Department
My previous shock this week came from the New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH). A video podcaster from the Binghamton area named William Huston sent a records request to the agency asking for its documents proving that masks work to stop disease, and that they are safe for people to wear.

Earlier in the year, on recommendation of the health department, Gov. Cuomo ordered 19.5 million New Yorkers to breathe through plastic and cloth, because it’s scientifically proven that this saves lives. Can they show how they made that conclusion?
Rosemarie Hewig, the records access officer, replied, “Please be advised that after connecting a diligent search, no records responsive to your search have been located.”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was shown the letter and replied, “It erodes popular faith in democracy when public officials insist that their arbitrary policies are ‘science based’ and yet cannot produce a single study to support sweeping mandates. This letter illustrates the hazard of abandoning due process.”
Say what you want about how “masks work,” but New York State has not a shred of scientific evidence that they do. This puts masking on the level of wearing your lucky underwear — on your face. You might say “someone has a study somewhere.” But that is not how public policy is supposed to be made. We have been conned into thinking this is one of the only things we can do to save ourselves, and there is no basis to the claim. What about all ways we can take care of ourselves that are being suppressed and censored because they compete with the vaccine industry?
The widely discredited test (which cannot diagnose an infection or find live virus) has been a source of controversy since the 1990s and fell flat in 2006 when it returned 100% false positives for a presumed outbreak.

The PCR Test: 90% False Positives? Or is it 100%?
How Exactly Could it be Worse?
One last thought, related to New York and the world. The “test” for covid is called the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). It’s an amplification test that doubles the amount of material in the sample with each cycle. It makes the thing it’s looking for, like a drug sniffing police dog who can make cocaine. If a nose swab produces just two molecules of something, after 45 heating and cooling cycles there will be 35 trillion molecules. (That is, 2 becomes 35,000,000,0000,0000 by PCR magic. This takes place in a quarter of a drop of water.)
The widely discredited test (which cannot diagnose an infection or find live virus) has been a source of controversy since the 1990s and fell flat in 2006 when it returned 100% false positives for a presumed outbreak, disrupting life at the Dartmouth Medical School. (Planet Waves has verified this incident directly, using a diversity of sources.)
In August — without ever mentioning it had previously reported the Dartmouth incident — The New York Times reported that the test could be getting 90% false positives: people told they “have covid” but who are not infected or contagious and will not get sick. We learned in that article that New York is running a “cycle threshold” of 40 amplifications, and many places go higher — up to 45, following a directive by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The higher the number, the less material was in the patient sample.
“I’m shocked that people would think that 40 could represent a positive,” said Juliet Morrison, a virologist at the University of California, when asked for comment by the Times.
“I’m really shocked that it could be that high — the proportion of people with high C.T. value results,” said Dr. Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute. “Boy, does it really change the way we need to be thinking about testing.”
“In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Mass., New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The Times found.”
‘All You Get are Dead Nucleotides’
Earlier in the summer, the venerated Anthony Fauci, virus czar for the federal government, said in an interview that above Ct 35, “all you get are dead nucleotides,” meaning non-viable, medically irrelevant genetic fragments that anyone without an infection might have.
“With a cutoff of 35,” the Times reported, “about 43 percent of those tests would no longer qualify as positive. About 63 percent would no longer be judged positive if the cycles were limited to 30.”

“In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The Times found.”
Maybe this is why based on a peer-reviewed study of 9.5 million people recently published in Nature, there is no asymptomatic spread.
That also means that 90% of reported “covid deaths” as diagnosed by the PCR would be revealed as the result of something else, something we keep hearing, but that the spin machine keeps shutting down.
According to data I received from the Governor last night, 9,919 people tested positive the prior day, which could actually be 6,000 or 3,000 or even just 900 depending on how you set up the machine — and the rest are dead nucleotides. “Reducing the spread” would not be obtained from wearing masks but from adjusting the PCR to something reasonable and realistic (many scientists say it should be set much lower than Ct 30, which is itself very high).
It’s long past time to start asking questions. They have already all been answered. It’s time to see the agenda that’s operating beyond all of this mania. It’s not about stress on the health care system, or a virus that could go away with the turn of a dial.
The Reality Check
With the turn of a dial and no medical consequences, the state’s positivity rate would drop overnight from about 5% to about one-half percent in that case, and we could open up restaurants, theaters, and Christmas dinner with no fear at all.
Those are the numbers, from top sources in the nation.

Raise your hand and apply logic and you can be called a sick, uncaring denialist who voted for Trump and who has no respect for science. Questioners are the held as the alleged villains in this horror movie we’re living through.
It would seem to be just that: a vast, elaborate production that people think is real, for which they are ready to willingly surrender their lives and their liberties.
It’s long past time to start asking questions. They have already all been answered. It’s time to see the agenda that’s operating beyond all of this mania. It’s not about stress on the health care system, or a virus that could go away with the turn of a dial.
Can anyone pause the panic long enough to ask what’s going on? We had better, before we have nothing left.
It’s hard to admit you were wrong, or that you were deceived. It’s easy to cruise along on panic and adrenaline “and trusting the experts.” There are people who have barely left the house since March, and others who are getting so sick from masking all day they have to take a leave of absence from work.
Reality check: There is nothing left about them to trust. A test that can get 100% false positives and probably gets 90% false positives is fraud. We are being lied to and we know it. And it’s time to come out of denial and figure out why. And if there have been any excess deaths as a result of any of this scientific fraud, we have a right to know exactly whom, how and why that happened. Andrew Cuomo has a lot of explaining to do.
This is from Melja in Las Vegas
What do you make of this? We are forced to wear these masks since June, and I think they are making everyone sick. (Including me) Ive been sick on and off since going back to work in these white Jiangxi Wuhan masks since June. I’ve had migraines, excessive phlegm, dry cough, runny nose, dry eyes, cognitive confusion, loss of smell; 2 weeks ago I had shingles on my leg that lead to Tmj and tinnitus and nerve pain.
We are encouraged to test for covid; they even implemented a “covid hub“ which pays you for 14 days then that’s it. If you get sick again they have already paid you. They are not liable. It’s to protect them, obviously. We even had to sign an arbitration in the beginning of 2020 before we knew we were shutting down. They can fuck off with their bullshit tests arbitration and hubs. I would never test, there’s no point! But I’m curious as to wtf is making me sick for 6 months. I took a leave of absence through my insurance benefit, which I’m approved and paid up to 8 weeks paid if I need it, which I’m realizing I do. Why would anyone opt in for that bull shit covid hub? Everyone thinks I’m crazy to think that there is a whole team of billionaires in on this sickness. The new age worm virus in humans. “We pray for peace and love and then prepare for war”. This is no different. Only this is a blind war. Masked and distanced. Isolated and separated and locked down .. and willingly. I am so fucking angry.
The Wynn looks like TSA. Security checks at every entrance, armed guards, metal detectors. There’s active shooter meetings that we are trained on… so you know it’s only a matter of time.
[caption id="attachment_30502" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]
Photo by Melja[/caption]
Thank you always Eric for your logic and sanity. And for having your own private venue (not so sure about WordPress anymore after another friend deplatformed). I have a small circle of friends with whom I can speak plainly to about all of the “smoke and mirrors” re this CRAP. Have you ever read about Agenda 2021 ? Humans are living within its playbook. Nuff said.
I have been listening to interviews with Dr. Shiva (vashiva.com) as of late. Brilliant man. He said in one interview, a Dr. Rabino (sp) in New York has seen a 50% increase in dental diseases because of wearing a mask. Some germs love the heat.
Cuomo appears to be getting “off” on SPREADING FEAR PORN. Now THAT is a PERVERSION.
My job is growing perennials liners to be exact.
As you can infer I work in greenhouses.
For the past 10 years I’ve been working with biological predators to combat agriculture pests…
I’m fortunate enough to work in greenhouses where there can be eight benches in prop as well as holding houses that have at least 12 different varieties on each bench talk about diversity!
The biological predatory program is successfull.
In the state of Pennsylvania I was considered an essential worker yet I saw no monetary compensation..
Wearing a mask in my environment and the job that I do is completely disastrous especially in the summer and I find it equally hard in winter.
And what is very alarming to me is that we seem to have lost all science any real science money flows many places but not the places it needs to go I’ve known this for quite some time but now it’s getting downright evil
And figures they would lump the covid stimulus with the government budget and the pork within it leads me to believe that I think we’re dealing with a great evil
I wish anyone can show me different but if you really look at what you can actually find if you dig deep enough my only recourse is to actually know something very evil is a foot..
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