Dear Friend and Reader:
Saturday’s Libra Full Moon is an invitation to actualize your dreams and creative plans. The Moon-Sun axis is square the centaur planet Orius, which is about what you do with what you’ve got. As a Full Moon apart from any aspects, this is the first of the astrological year, with the Sun in Aries. Full Moons can be tense and stressful, though they also advance the story. They help us out of deadlocked situations, and can provoke a useful confrontation.
This Full Moon is making all kinds of aspects: the Moon is opposite a Sun that is making conjunctions to both Eris and Pallas, two wildly different influences. My early research into Orius (discovered in 2009) was revealing. Notably, this centaur makes very few appearances in mythology, and none that stand out as thematic (he is killed by Heracles, like just about all the rest of them). Orious shows up in fictional form in The Chronicles of Narnia.

From its Wiki: “Orius was a brave and noble Centaur who lived during and after the Long Winter, and was the General of Aslan’s Army against the evil White Witch during the Winter Revolution. He was a fierce warrior and a loyal follower of Aslan.”
However, it is more visible as a planet in astrology, and it has some exciting connections. And it seems to show up more in the charts of prominent men than women.
That said, we see the feminine influence in this chart coming from the opposition of Orius in Capricorn to Iris in Cancer. She is sometimes called the “female Mercury” and is the goddess of rainbows (Arc Iris). Here is an article about asteroid Iris that looks like fun but which I have not had a chance to verify.
As for Orious: this centaur turned up as a prominent influence in the charts of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs (who both have it conjunct Eris and the Moon). These are the two people who first transformed the world with the digital revolution, then turned the world into a gigantic robot — though there is no debating the point that they are or were both overachievers.
They both have the same triple conjunction in their natal charts: Moon conjunct Orius conjunct Eris. It is remarkable beyond the limits of astrology to understand how something this outrageous works. Both Gates AND Jobs, with the Moon in the pattern? What about everyone else born with the Moon picking up this conjunction? Orius conjunct Eris (exact between 1954 and 1955) does not repeat until 2068, this time in Taurus, with a whole different flavor; for that we may be grateful.

Artists, Activists, Iconoclasts
Orius also shows up boldly in the charts of Pablo Picasso, James Dean, French surrealist poet Arthur Rimbaud, American rock star and surrealist poet Jim Morrison (who said he was the reincarnation of Rimbaud), Edward Snowden and Julian Assange.
In many ways, all their lives have defined eras of history, taking their professional lives to the level of profound cultural contribution.

Similarly, Orius shows up as influential in the life of Malcolm X, and one of my very favorite Supreme Court decisions, the one that makes it difficult for public figures to sue newspapers for libel, The New York Times Co. v. Sullivan. But now that there is no such thing as defamation, we don’t have to worry about that.
Orius seems to have an affinity for top-notch iconoclastic art, social justice and activists who don’t take any bullshit. It also turned up in the chart of Nelson Mandela, the first black president of South Africa, who reunified the country after many decades under the Apartheid regime. When he was freed from prison after 27 years, he did not show the least trace of bitterness.
I think of Orius as the centaur of making the most of your resources. We could use some of that right now — particularly as we seem to have so much, and do so little with it.

The Sun Has Been Busy This Week
The late Aries Sun has been busy this week, first making a conjunction to law-and-order, daddy-pleasing Pallas Athene, then to anarchist, self-righteous bitch Eris. You could not have two conjunctions of the Sun with wilder contrast between them. Prior to that, the Sun was conjunct Chiron.
This series of conjunctions has partly been responsible for the somewhat wild ride of the past week or so, though we have not seen the end of it: the energy continues to peak with the Full Moon, which re-activates the whole Aries stellium.
Pisces, the most visionary sign, has been in the news: by now, everyone has heard of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction that happened there this past week and will not happen again in Pisces until 2188. Venus, exalted in Pisces, was there for the fun.
However, Venus is about to make a conjunction to centaur Nessus: beware of regrets, and don’t take them so seriously.
As of late Thursday, Mars has entered Pisces, and will be energizing all that is already there — turning thoughts into actions, and desire into results.

Remember this Simple Message
Mercury will be doing some of the same thing, as it works its way toward a conjunction with Uranus in Taurus. While that is exact Monday, it will be alive and well all through the weekend, and bring out some of the more interesting possibilities of Uranus in its present sign.
We might remember a message that relates to the topic of values: that which really matters. I mentioned Nelson Mandela above. A quote long attributed to him was written by Marianne Williamson. She does have an interesting Orius, though to read it, I would need to explain about six asteroids — her birthday is coming up, so perhaps then.
But may we remember:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.
“There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
A new horoscope is below — my intended return to the weekly.

Planet Waves Weekly for April 15, 2022 for the Libra Full Moon
If you feel the impetus to take some radical steps, let your questions work themselves out, including how to finance your decision.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Many forces are urging you to shift the trajectory of your life in some bold way, but do you have the confidence? When you’re pushed or compelled to make a decision by forces outside your control, that does not matter.
And it may not matter now; if you feel the impetus to take some radical steps, let your questions work themselves out, including how to finance your decision. It’s essential that you move from your body core and not from your head, your feet or based on visual cues.
Imagine there is a line running vertically through your body, tighten it till you’re straight and tall, and then move with your hips and shoulders in alignment. I mean this metaphorically, though it will help to move this way physically too, focusing on your breath when you do.
This looks like an idea that comes to you all at once, which leads you to re-evaluate everything. There is no point wondering who you are when you can actually discover yourself in one burst.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Amidst many other spectacular planetary movements, Mercury is about to form a conjunction to Uranus in your birth sign.
This looks like an idea that comes to you all at once, which leads you to re-evaluate everything. There is no point wondering who you are when you can actually discover yourself in one burst. You invest way too much trying to resolve the mystery of what people think of you, and whether they accept you.
Pondering this issue is nothing more than a distraction; it’s your mind going into its typical unstoppable overdrive. There is some magic in not caring what others may think, believe or want. There is real freedom when you let go of your beliefs about their expectations and just see what happens. Something definitely will.

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Take a while and observe what’s going on both within you and around you. Let the Full Moon play out, and also the conjunction involving your ruling planet Mercury in the most sensitive area of your chart.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — A diversity of factors is contributing to the sense that you’re under some unusual pressure. Yet this does not translate to needing to take action or change your ways.
Take a while and observe what’s going on both within you and around you. Let the Full Moon play out, and also the conjunction involving your ruling planet Mercury and Uranus in the most sensitive area of your chart. Whatever “the worst” is, it’s unlikely to be true.
And as for the best, it’s likely to come in the form of an idea that was right in front of you all along but which suddenly pops into your awareness. When you act on it, think of it more as an experiment rather than an intentionally life-altering decision. It might be both, though experiments by definition are about exploring.
The Sun has been making a streak across planets closeted in Aries, which has been chaotic, and is not necessarily giving you the results that you want. However, you are making an impression on people, you are visible, and you are being noticed.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You may not feel like you have much control over your professional life or image at the moment, and maybe that’s just fine.
The Sun has been making a streak across planets closeted in Aries, which has been chaotic, and is not necessarily giving you the results that you want. However, you are making an impression on people, you are visible, and you are being noticed.
Whatever that might translate to, work with it when you find out that your reputation has preceded you in any way. Don’t be spooked by the fact that people can have such wildly diverging ideas of who you are. On some level, they are all right and they are all wrong: each contains a piece of something potentially valid, and each is a story. Work with what you have.
Work to create something tangible that is built to last. You probably have a good idea what you want to be doing. You may even get a better idea over the weekend.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Sun is about to cross the all-powerful 10th house angle of your chart — where reputations are gained and lost, and where we think that image is everything.
Go for substance. Work to create something tangible that is built to last. You probably have a good idea what you want to be doing. You may even get a better idea over the weekend. The thing to tune into is that you are an entirely distinct person on a mission unlike anything that anyone around you has.
So don’t allow yourself to be treated like you’re an out-of-the-box blog software from 2004. What you are doing is new and I dare say unique. To you who prefers a slightly formal approach, do not be afraid to be seen as different and even as a little wild.
Some are appealing, yet none may actually be your true preference. You are entitled to your own views, your own desires and to make your own decisions. It seems like you’re thinking long-range when others are saying that you have to work only with what you have right now.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Your surroundings and many people in them are presenting you with a vast diversity of options for what to say, do and think. Some are appealing, yet none may actually be your true preference.
You are entitled to your own views, your own desires and to make your own decisions. It seems like you’re thinking long-range when others are saying that you have to work only with what you have right now. You know that far more is possible than even the more enlightened people around you may think or believe.
So this is a fine time to live your life your way. People will eventually catch up with you, though more likely, you’ll be meeting some interesting new collaborators as you leave the realm of the familiar and dive into the unknown.
I would caution you about one thing, however, which is any sense of regret that may creep up on you. This is associated with your ruling planet Venus forming a conjunction to Nessus, the centaur planet that addresses the entire matter of consequences.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may not know exactly what you’re feeling or even how you feel; this is often a mystery. Yet don’t let that slow you down. You have abundant energy at the moment, and that is coming from a deep place. Y
ou can count on it; it’s not an illusion that your batteries seem charged and your gas tank says full. I would caution you about one thing, however, which is any sense of regret that may creep up on you.
This is associated with your ruling planet Venus forming a conjunction to Nessus, the centaur planet that addresses the entire matter of consequences. Don’t let this wrack your mind. If you’ve been hurt, do what you can to heal. If you’ve hurt someone, make amends and take responsibility. That goes a long way these days. Yet neither may be true — so check carefully and let the feeling pass.
That would be water: feelings, your imagination, and your ability to be a receiver of telepathic and empathic information. There is an impressive collection of planets here, and they are urging you to have fun.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Mars has moved into your water sign Pisces, so you are likely to be feeling right in your element. That would be water: feelings, your imagination, and your ability to be a receiver of telepathic and empathic information.
There is an impressive collection of planets here, and they are urging you to have fun, though you must be sensitive to the needs of a close partner or loved one. Mostly this means hearing them out, and allowing them to speak for themselves.
If you pay attention and actually listen, you will go a long way toward gaining their trust and reassuring them that you care. In our time, listening, trusting and caring are radical acts. The world has grown cold, so set your temperature to warm, open your heart and do anything you want.
Ultimately the basis of your security is never material. It is always spiritual, though this idea can have a way of getting drowned out, hidden from view or canceled.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If the astrology of the past week — which has been long in coming — has served its purpose, you ought to be feeling a lot more at home on the planet. Ultimately, the basis of your security is never material.
It is always spiritual, though this idea can have a way of getting drowned out, hidden from view or canceled. As far as the wider world is concerned, for most people, there is no such thing as a source of influence not connected to someone’s bank account.
Power is too often counted as that which is behind a gun. None of this is true in the real sense of what makes a difference to you, or to the world, in the long-run. Let yourself feel how good it is to be alive at this time, particularly amidst how crazy things seem to be.
It’s the place where you create, and where you conduct commerce; where you explore concepts, and also put them to work. Mars is adding some motivation and enough power to accelerate your plans.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You have so many good ideas, yet you so rarely put them into action. Now Mars has joined the collection of planets in Pisces, which is an angle of your horoscope where you both think and take action.
It’s the place where you create, and where you conduct commerce; where you explore concepts, and also put them to work. Mars is adding some motivation and enough power to accelerate your plans. While you will still have some fear that you need to resolve, that doesn’t need to stop you from doing or deciding anything.
The more you act rather than ponder, the more you will notice that your work and your effort have value and impact, in your own life and especially in the lives of others who are counting on you. Resolve to make a difference and you surely will.

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First, you want to know the absolute truth about what the numbers add up to. It’s unlikely to be as bad as you may fear. Yet there’s something far more important, which is your need to understand your priorities, and connect them to your deepest values.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Mars has finally made its way into Pisces, where it will stop irritating you and start motivating you to get your financial affairs in order.
First, you want to know the absolute truth about what the numbers add up to. It’s unlikely to be as bad as you may fear. Yet there’s something far more important, which is your need to understand your priorities, and connect them to your deepest values.
That is to say, make up your agenda based upon what actually matters to you, and very likely has for a long, long time. We are now in the moment where there is no time to waste. There is no time for random anger, judgment or conflict. You are an Aquarius, potentially one of the most humanitarian signs (that rarely lives up to its potential). Make it so.
As my favorite horoscope writer Sally Brompton said this week, give your dreams a name. Yet while Mars in your sign might always move you in this direction, the rare connection of Jupiter and Neptune is saying that the higher you set your intentions and ambitions, the more likely you are to get a result.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — After a week of spectacular activity in your birth sign, Mars has entered the mix, coming with the message: get real. Real means taking action on what you know is possible.
As my favorite horoscope writer Sally Brompton said this week, give your dreams a name. Yet while Mars in your sign might always move you in this direction, the rare connection of Jupiter and Neptune is saying that the higher you set your intentions and ambitions, the more likely you are to get a result.
You have waited a long time for this moment; recognize that it has actually arrived, and that you have arrived in full possession of your resources and your soul. Pisces is blessed with the ability to explore the whole ocean, though tropical fish seem happy enough living in an aquarium. The choice is yours.