Astrology Public Radio in affiliation with the Pacifica Radio Network (which carries Democracy Now!). Planet Waves FM is a project of Chiron Return, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. We are 100% listener supported. Your contribution — large or small — helps make this program happen. We run on a little money and a lot of love. Thank you for your generosity; please send a friend and stay in touch! New program most Friday evenings.
Friday, Jan. 15 | The United States Pluto Return
Mobile device | Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM | Live Music Stream by Vision Quest – Fabulous!
Note to listeners: Planet Waves FM is looking for a web assistant, with proficiency in basic HTML, Java, CSS and WordPress. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please write to me at
Tonight’s Planet Waves FM looks at the inauguration and the Pluto Return of the United States. More notes and resources in the morning. It looks like we will be doing the live edition of Planet Waves TV on our YouTube channel, which has a shortcut — just enter PlanetWaves.TV and that redirects to our area in the Borg.
Here is the edition of Planet Waves FM featuring the conversation with Steve Bergstein about COINTELPRO. Here is a short history of the project; I do not know the authors though the account is detailed and comprehensive.
If you are interested in the discussion I’ve referenced several times — the one with psychologists discussing why people fall for false flag events, and still trust the government, please listen to the second short audio on this link. This is a psychological analysis of the impact of the events of Sept. 11, 2001.
I am attaching what is considered the most important and groundbreaking speech in the life of Dr. King, which was at Riverside Church on April 4 1967 when he spoke out against the Vietnam War.
Preview of New Documentary on the PCR ‘Test’ Explains Why 93% are False Positives
And when you have 7% “accurate” positives, you have absolutely nothing. Note that the PCR cannot detect live virus, it cannot detect infection, it cannot detect infectivity and it cannot tell a person whether they are going to get sick. More information and links at this Planet Waves fact sheet.