If Your Birthday is Wednesday, Jan. 22
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Activity in Capricorn, your solar 12th house, places a focus on your spiritual path and intuition for the year ahead. Pay attention to your sensations and any patterns you notice. Keep a dream diary, and observe how your dreams make you feel as well as their actual content. Remember that this is ultimately about working with your internal compass to steer in the best possible direction. You may safely trust yourself.
— by Amy Elliott
Written in the Planets for Wednesday, Jan. 22
Before we get to the Aquarius New Moon (which is on Friday), the Moon makes contact with all the objects hanging out in Capricorn. It starts with Pallas Athene, Pholus, Quaoar, the South Node, Jupiter, and then finally Pluto, Saturn, Ceres and Chariklo.
Remember the Jan. 10 eclipse and Jan. 12 Saturn-Pluto square? (It feels like a month ago, but it was a little over a week.) All of that territory is getting activated today and tomorrow.
What is this about? It will feel different for everyone, though pay attention to the way that your concept of family may rule your life. Getting some independence is easier said than done, then the phone rings and it’s (pick a relative) who wants to (pick an activity) and then you get there and remember why you don’t want to do that (because they drive you crazy or make you feel inferior or induce you to hate yourself or whatevs).
Notice how your family constellation manifests in your office, circle of friends or intimate relationships (boss as uncle, receptionist as little sister, janitor as your oddball cousin, that kind of thing).
Commune with your favorite ancestor. Tap into some of their old-fashioned wisdom and/or hand back a few issues you would rather not have. Or maybe ask for guidance.
— by Eric Francis Coppolino
Almanac: The Moon is in Capricorn. It enters Aquarius on Friday, Jan. 24, at 8:20 am EST.