If Your Birthday is Tuesday, Feb. 18 | The Day of the Complete Picture
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Your birthday chart describes a tremendous amount of activity occurring just below your everyday level of awareness. Old emotional histories or secrets from the past are highlighted, and your attitude makes all the difference in how that impacts your experience. The more willing you are to take responsibility for what you really feel — what’s been swept under the carpet — the more you’ll be able to tap the profound energy and inspiration available to you this year. Think of it as if you’re clearing out the closet before moving house. You might be excited to find something you need but you thought was lost — like the key to your new front door.
— by Victoria Emory
Astrology Studio for Pisces | A New Reading by Eric Francis
This is a momentous time in collective history, and a turning point in your life. As the year develops, most of the movement — including Pisces’ ruling planet Jupiter, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — will be pointing into Aquarius, the most sensitive and innermost angle of your chart. I will also cover the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, and the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your friendship sign Capricorn. Mostly, I will help you orient on your profound journey, and offer guidance how to harmonize with the world at this unusual time. Pre-order this reading here.
Written in the Planets for Feb. 18, 2020
The Sun enters Pisces, the last of the 12 signs, at 11:57 pm EST tonight. It will join newly retrograde Mercury, as well as Neptune in Pisces, and the centaur Nessus.
Until the Sun’s sign change, it will be what is called void of course – not making any aspects to major planets until entering Pisces. This is like a window opening into another reality. Unusual things can happen under Sun voids, as if certain possibilities are a little closer.
Therefore, use this opportunity to stretch your limits, even if only a little. If you’re inclined to think something is impossible, consider that it may not be.
We are still in Mercury’s storm phase (the few days clustered around the actual retrograde beginning). This can be confusing and calls for some reorientation, a little like when the clocks change in the spring and fall.
Take it slow, whether you’re making decisions, working out a problem, working on a creative project or communicating with someone. If you feel a misunderstanding in progress, get off of the internet and go to the phone.
In general, be aware of problems that may not be real. Most of Mercury retrograde is a figment of the mind. Something you think is lost or broken might not be. Before you try to “fix” it, use your awareness, and go beyond appearances. When in doubt, use the tool known as pure logic – especially where technical issues are concerned.
— by Eric Francis
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Almanac: The Moon enters Capricorn today at 5:37 am EST.
The Sun enters Pisces tonight at 11:57 pm EST.
On its way across the sign of Capricorn over the next couple days, the Moon will be occulting (that is, moving between these planets and the Earth) Mars, Jupiter and Pluto.