If Your Birthday is Saturday, Feb. 15 | The Day of Inventiveness
Listen now to your 2020 Aquarius Astrology Studio
Pre-order the 2020 Pisces Astrology Studio | All Other Signs
Your aspirations for the future are in the spotlight this year. Any tension that arises around career goals is a call to wrap up some particular phase of activity. Perhaps you’ve outgrown a particular milieu or cohort, and it’s time to move on. Trust that as you close one door, another will come into view. Opportunities are on the horizon to engage with a new circle of professional colleagues, or like-minded allies. Take it one step at a time, however, and read the fine print. Strive for maximum clarity in all financial arrangements.
If Your Birthday is Sunday, Feb. 16 | The Day of Animation
Keep your antennae especially tuned to your inner world this year. Subtle rumblings of frustration, or vague fears and anxieties, are a signal of desires you may have shoved into a closet that’s already full. An opportunity to dig into any and all issues around self-worth, or financial security, is at hand. Something from your past holds a great deal of power, and you’re finally ready to unwrap that dynamo. It’s a process that calls for both honesty and gentleness with yourself, in equal measure.
— by Victoria Emory
Astrology Studio for Pisces | A New Reading by Eric Francis
This is a momentous time in collective history, and a turning point in your life. As the year develops, most of the movement — including Pisces’ ruling planet Jupiter, and the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction — will be pointing into Aquarius, the most sensitive and innermost angle of your chart. I will also cover the retrogrades of Venus and Mars, and the forthcoming Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in your friendship sign Capricorn. Mostly, I will help you orient on your profound journey, and offer guidance how to harmonize with the world at this unusual time. Pre-order this reading here.
Your Week Ahead Astrology for Feb. 16-22, 2020
Mercury begins its retrograde journey through Pisces and late Aquarius on Sunday night ET. As with all Mercury retrograde phases, you’ll want to slow down and get used to the new energy. This is a change of tide, which does not happen all at once; sometimes it’s barely noticeable.

Your 2020-21 Aquarius Astrology Studio is now available for instant access. The Astrology Studio is a perfect complement to the Respect annual edition, and a great birthday gift for yourself or the Aquarius you love. You may order it here.
Apart from the spiritual content of the retrograde, be mindful and don’t lock your keys in the house or the car. Maybe keep an extra set hidden outside. Back up your files. With regard to your devices, it may be useful to understand where your documents go, and get to know the settings or preferences menu.
On Tuesday night, just before midnight ET, the Sun enters Pisces. This places an emphasis on the aesthetic and the receptive, two things that we could use more of. Pisces responds well to color, music, beauty and softness. It’s the oft-forgot sweet spot of the zodiac. Read more about this in my article on Neptune in Pisces here.
In other news, Mars has just entered Capricorn, joining the Chiron/Pholus/Salacia pattern. This is high-motivation astrology, yet it is directly involved this week with one of the most important patterns associated with healing that we’ve ever seen. The Moon is also moving through Capricorn during part of this week, highlighting these matters on the most deeply personal and instinctive level.
Combine the motion of Mars through the Chiron pattern with Mercury retrograde conjunct Nessus and a real conversation about sexual history is possible. These are conversations that must be conducted slowly, with feeling, and with a lot of listening — including listening to yourself. Stay away from fault and blame, and remember, any sense of guilt is not a guarantee that you are wrong.
Pisces counsels patience, both with yourself and with others around you — and it’s always worth it.
Subscribe to follow the current Mercury retrograde in your weekly horoscope.
— by Eric Francis
Almanac: The Moon is in Sagittarius. It enters Capricorn on Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 5:37 am EST.
Mars enters Capricorn on Sunday, Feb. 16, at 6:33 am EST.
Mercury stations retrograde in Pisces on Sunday, Feb. 16, at 7:54 pm EST.