Dear Friend and Reader:
Why is a New Yorker with cerebral palsy my nomination for the face of the United States Pluto return? And what is that transit? Meet Julie Maury. In my view, she is the Paul Revere of the New American Revolution. Her “midnight ride” was aboard an electric wheel chair Monday in Foley Square Park.
Until recently, we all agreed that society needed to make accommodations for people with disabilities. We all agreed that there should be ramps and wheelchair-friendly bathrooms and doors. That’s because someone with cerebral palsy is a person too. We didn’t used to think so, as a society; it was just too darned bad if you couldn’t walk up one step and get into the store, or fit your wheel chair in the bathroom stall.
Society slowly changed. Now we all understand why we must protect the rights of those whose bodies are not up to the task of the old-style urban environment. Maybe only 1 in 100 bus riders needed wheelchair access: I don’t know anyone who would say they should not have it.
In her presentation, Julie says that everyone she knows, with or without cerebral palsy, has had an adverse reaction to the injection. But they still have to take it in order to enter a restaurant and many other public accommodations in New York City: in order to eat. No exceptions are being granted. Doctors are having their licenses threatened for advocating on behalf of their patients.
All In, No Exceptions: In What Nation?
We are now all being told we have to agree that everyone should get the “covid vaccine” even if they know they have toxic reactions to these injections. For many, many people, vaccines of all kinds are officially medically contra-indicated, such as if you have a vaccine-injured sibling, or have had an adverse reaction in the past.

By some dark miracle of transformation, American society (at least according to the commercial media) seems to agree that all the teachers and nurses and doctors and other hospital workers who don’t get the shot should be fired; that is what the almighty 2nd Circuit appellate panel said this week, throwing out the injunctions of lesser judges.
There is going to be a massive wave of new, needless unemployment this week.
Somehow we are being told — and largely believe — that nurses who worked 18 hours a day and survived the virus crisis in the spring of 2020 need to be injected with a “vaccine” that they — in their medical expertise — do not want, do not need, and believe is harmful, or potentially so.
In her presentation, Julie says that everyone she knows, with or without cerebral palsy, has had an adverse reaction to the injection. But they still have to take it in order to enter a restaurant and many other public accommodations in New York City: in order to eat. No exceptions are being granted. Doctors are having their licenses threatened for doing advocating for their patients.
As a native and current New Yorker, and able-bodied person, it was a real head trip driving down to the city Monday knowing I was not entitled to eat lunch in a restaurant. I never, ever would have imagined such a day would come. I brought my own food (which as a celiac person I am at least accustomed to).
The 2nd house is about values, in this case, the values of our nation. With Cap on the 2nd, Americans are traditionalists, rather than radicals (this is an unexpected quality of the Sagittarius rising chart).
Pluto in Capricorn: Our National Values
The United States is now having its Pluto return. This is the return of Pluto to its natal position, regardless of which U.S. chart — it’s true in the commonly used Sibley chart, and for all July 4 charts, and for the Scorpionic America chart (cast for the Articles of Confederation in November 1777).

Most things don’t go through their Pluto return, which happens at around age 248. While the U.S. turns 248 in 2024, the Pluto return is fully engaged now and has a series of exact contacts starting in 2022. (I believe the year discrepancy is due to precessional movement — another topic entirely.)
I prefer the mainstream U.S. chart for most purposes, called the Sibley Chart (July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, 5:10 pm LMT). In the Sibley chart, Pluto is in the United States’ 2nd house. I know it looks like it’s a degree or so back in the 1st house, but that’s not how you read a chart; what is very close to the cusp counts as the next house — and also Pluto is in the 2nd sign from the Sagittarius ascendant (that is called whole sign houses).
The 2nd house is about values, in this case, the values of our nation. With Cap on the 2nd, Americans are traditionalists, rather than radicals (this is an unexpected quality of the Sagittarius rising chart). Pluto in this house and sign drives a kind of autonomy and independence, though it can also push authoritarian values on the population. Recall that Pluto was discovered right before the rise of fascism in Europe in 1930.
We are about to witness doctors, nurses, lab workers, teachers, custodians and principals who have served society their whole careers be thrown to the street for refusing to take an experimental medical procedure. How bad is this virus if they all survived it, and are now going to be cut off from food and shelter for not getting the thing that’s supposed to prevent it?
The Demolition of our Traditions
We are now all eyewitnesses to the demolition of our hard-won American values and traditions, and the rise of such tyranny as would prevent Julie Maury from eating food wherever she can afford to.

We are about to witness doctors, nurses, lab workers, teachers, custodians and principals who have served society their whole careers be thrown to the street for refusing to accept what is legally and in fact an experimental medical procedure. How bad is this virus if they all survived it, and are now going to be cut off from food and shelter for not getting the thing that’s supposed to prevent it?
Our national values now say that slavery is over, and that people of color are entitled to the same rights as caucasian people. However, a disproportionate number of black people have not had the injection as compared to white people — that is inherently discrimination; it’s a kind of side-door to keep people of color out of establishments.
This is going to continue until we have an apartheid society, or until we wake up.
Pluto in Capricorn is a calling to get real about what really matters. This is not going to be easy in a society where people have been terrorized not only into giving up their basic liberty — the main idea of the United States of America — but also into giving up the liberty of others.
The Possible Rebirth of our Society
Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth. We are now seeing demolition of, and assault on, our basic, previously agreed-upon cultural values. It is up to us what we do with our Pluto return, and one option is to create a world where people are free, where we understand community responsibility, and where we understand the need to stand up to authority.

This really is the core issue, in my view — Pluto in Capricorn is a calling to get real about what really matters. This is not going to be easy in a society where people have been terrorized not only into giving up their basic liberty — the main idea of the United States of America — but also into giving up the liberty of others.
One of the strangest things about this crisis is how little facts, data and contrary opinions matter.
There is much else going in this chart, including the Chiron return of the U.S., the Neptune opposition and Jupiter and Saturn conjunct the Moon. I will cover these events with future entries in this series. The Pluto return and associated transits are now the front-and-center astrological event for Americans, and for all who come along for the ride on the American tour — the notion of a modern society: Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand and all else who used to use the words “free world” so casually.
The sad news is that we no longer live in a “free world,” though the good news is that there are many people waking up and figuring this out.

What do people know about this thing they are taking? I asked a few…
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