The Awa – Introduction to The Awakening. Check for corrected versions.
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The Awakening for Cancer – PDF
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It’s All in the Houses – PDF
Somewhere In Between
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Somewhere In Between for Cancer – PDF
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Eye of the Centaur
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Bless you and thank you for these wonders, dear Eric. As mind blowing as ever. I love the way you speak about insecurity and sabotage; it resonated with me deeply and was so helpful, as insecurity has been an issue for me all my life. Uplifting and inspiring about the career aspect, too. This is something I’ve been struggling with for a long time now – here’s hoping that these extraordinary aspects you describe will finally get me out of my rut! Much love and thanks to you, Eric xxxxxx
Oh, and I just remembered the wonderful part about Sedna in Gemini. I am indeed very sensitive to the effects of technology and I try to shield myself from it in various ways, including creating the sanctuary you talk about. I recently stopped going on Facebook, and have found this very liberating. And I love the way you explain Greek mythology (such as Chaos); I find it fascinating.