The Day of the Aloof Icon: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Friday, Jan. 24 The Day of the Aloof Icon | Order the Aquarius Astrology Studio | All Other Signs A New Moon on your birthday reminds you that you are the one in charge of your life, and choosing your direction. Others may try to pull you one way or another, … Read more

The Day of the Vortex: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Wednesday, Jan. 22 The Day of the Vortex: | Pre-order the Aquarius Astrology Studio | All Other Signs Activity in Capricorn, your solar 12th house, places a focus on your spiritual path and intuition for the year ahead. Pay attention to your sensations and any patterns you notice. Keep a dream … Read more

The Day of the Freewheeler: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Monday, Jan. 20 The Day of the Freewheeler | Pre-order the Aquarius Astrology Studio | All Other Signs Your chart describes possible opportunities opening up in the social realm. Not so much the cool blue networks of the internet, but real meetings with flesh-and-blood humans. Venturing out into unusual or different … Read more

The Day of the Heavyweight: Birthdays and Planet News

If Your Birthday is Friday, Jan. 17 The Day of the Heavyweight | Order the 2020 Capricorn Astrology Studio | Pre-order the Aquarius Astrology Studio | All Other Signs Your birthday chart describes a need to resolve friction between your professional standing and evolving identity. Worldly aspirations, ideals and your approach to security all factor … Read more