Ultimately, it’s not my training or experience but rather, the person I am that gives me the ability to understand you and assist you. Understanding is the thing lacking in the world right now: the thing many think we can do without. It’s the very best quality that I have to offer.
We live in times when it often seems like nobody knows everything, and some days when nobody knows anything.
Well, I know a few things, I’ve spent my life gaining experience and learning from it, and I am not afraid to share. I’ve been to the rodeo, the circus, and I have the gift of approaching existence with that rarefied thing called beginner’s mind. That helps me make the most of what I know, and serve as a consultant under many different conditions.

Decades of working with people through the difficult, the painful, the ordinary and the amazing and the ordinary has taught me a little about humanity and the ways of the world. My role as a consultant in any context is to help you see your options make an informed decision.
Here are a few assets that I am working with:
International experience. My experience living and working working throughout much of the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe as an astrologer, therapist and accredited investigative reporter provide me with a unique foundation of skills to serve as your consultant. International experience is important because living abroad provides worldliness, and familiarity with other cultures so we can see our own culture for what it is — an essential consulting skill.
Knowledge is power. As an investigator, I am prepared to unravel any mystery. I am also networked with reliable, trusted sources and research parters, and can get to accurate information and helpful contacts efficiently — in nearly any field of life. There are few subjects where I lack some direct experience (at least researching and writing about them from primary sources), and I have a knack for finding and reaching people who have the information I need.
International experience is important because living abroad provides worldliness, and familiarity with other cultures so we can see our own culture for what it is — an essential consulting skill.
I have had fantastic teachers. I tend to go right to the source when seeking out teachers, or they find me. I have been blessed with the most excellent astrology teachers a person could want — including Robert Hand, Robert Schmidt, Melanie Reinhart, Barbara Hand Clow, and lesser-known names such as Laurie Burnett (uncredited coauthor of Pluto: Evolutionary Journey of the Soul), classical astrology scholar David Arner, and bookseller and publisher David Roell.
My teachers as an investigator have been equally talented (many of them attorneys), and my therapy training in part includes direct work with Ron Kurtz, the founder of Hakomi Therapy, Betty Dodson, author of Sex for One, and Joseph Trusso, the founder of Holistic Therapy. It is my great pleasure to pass forward what I have devoted my life to learning.

What The World Needs Now is Understanding
Ultimately, it’s not my training or experience but rather, the person I am that give me the ability to understand you and assist you. Understanding is the thing lacking in the world right now: the thing many think we can do without. And lack of understanding is the main reason that, in my experience, consulting often fails. It is the very best quality that I have to offer.
Another is my objectivity. I have the ability to set all prejudice aside, look at something for a while and figure out what it actually is. I can size up a situation and get a sense of who is who, and help you address the actual reality that is confronting you or adventure you are embarking on.
This commitment to reality usually gets a better outcome than guess work, hope and ungrounded expectations.
As part of this work, I use astrology as one of my tools and I can certainly do astrological readings and counseling on any topic. However, astrology is just one resource among many that I have available. For more information, please contact me directly. I have extensive and diverse experience in all of the following:
General Astrological Counseling
My work is growth-oriented, and centered on the client (rather than an interpretation of the chart). The goal of our working together is to help you see your options and make decisions. I have faith in human potential — particularly that of the individual to grow and attain personhood. I have been inspired, educated and informed by both classical and modern astrology, as well as a diversity of therapy models: Gestalt, Holistic, Hakomi, tantric practice and A Course in Miracles. I have options to fit every budget.
Here is an overview of my astrology consulting. This is about my Chart Key reading, my most affordable, efficient form of a reading. I also handle specific, special projects:
Working with the Charts of Established Businesses; Planning Corporate and LLC Births, and Timing Home Sales for Value and Speed
This is called Electional Astrology and it is one of my specialities — but there is more to this than astrology. The details count for a lot. I can help you choose what day to found your corporation, LLC or legal partnership. I can help you figure out when to put your home on the market for the best price and smoothest transition. (I can also do the timing of weddings, especially if a catering or reception hall is not involved.)
This is work that requires creativity and a sense of what is possible. I will take you through a talent inventory process, track your CV against your astrology, as well as reading your chart for your highest potential.
Later-Life Career Change Consulting
This is one of my favorite areas to serve as a consultant, especially as an astrologer: assisting people finding more creative and satisfying professional endeavors, whether in the arts, starting a business, or changing fields after they are long established in another. This is work that requires creativity and a sense of what is possible. I will take you through a talent inventory process, track your CV against your astrology, as well as reading your chart for your highest potential.
Navigating (and Avoiding) Complicated Legal Situations
Litigation is one of the most grievous things that can happen to a person, whichever side you’re on. Astrologers are often called into service during litigation. Though I am not an attorney, I have worked on many legal cases (state and federal, criminal and civil), and have served many clients going through complex situations. It seems some people can help with the emotional aspect of things, and some with the legal facets; I can do both. My skill set litigation (and especially avoiding it), wills and trusts, divorces, and intellectual property disputes. I can help you evaluate if your attorney is the right person for the job. I am an excellent strategist and can help you make the most of your situation and the professional representation that you have.
Media Relations / Public Relations
My speciality is training you to be interviewed in the newspaper, for the internet or on television. There is a fine line between getting it right and wrong, and you cannot unring the bell. Better to get coaching and training in advance. I can handle any topic, no matter how technical or controversial.
Medical Situations
With these, I can teach you to manage cases where integrative care is involved. I can help you ask your doctor the right questions, get second and third opinions, and make choices that work for you or a loved one. Most people have little clue how to stand up to doctors. I will impart that skill to you, and help you track the meaning of what they say.
Political Consulting
My skillset and long experience include political campaign development, candidate development, creative consulting for campaigns, and campaign and speech writing. I can, but I would rather not — unless you are (or work for) a very, very good candidate. You are welcome to inquire.
Crisis Public Relations
There are times when well-known people or even those with a low profile find themselves in the news or getting roasted in social media. This can require using a diversity of strategies, from media training to oppo-research to addressing the matter spiritually and legally. Explain your situation to me and we can discuss whether I’m in a good position to help you.