Planet Waves September Monthly Horoscope by Eric Francis

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Dear Friend and Reader:

The Full Moon door opened last night, and is still providing insight and understanding, if subtle and intuitive. The Moon will be in Pisces through Friday morning in most time zones, and the Pisces energy will be strong: the Moon makes a conjunction to Neptune at 4:13 am EDT Friday.

This can be confusing, and may feel like sand slipping through your hands. So take it as easy as you can; there are some things that will just have to wait.

Mercury retrograde has been making itself known, turning simple matters into complex ones and potentially stirring up deeper problems. All of these are prompts for what I call system checks: take steps to solve the whole problem now, don’t just patch it over. Some of those will have to wait until the station-direct on Tuesday, Sept. 15.

Today and tomorrow, Mercury will be in direct contact with centaur Nessus. This may bring up old traumas, though the involvement of Mercury is saying that the conversation must be initiated. Anything lingering up until this point is likely to be the result of past discussions not had, and withholding information from intimate partners. This article from 2014 describes another Mercury retrograde where Nessus was involved.

Venus stations direct Sept. 3 after a six-week retrograde in Leo. That development is covered in many of the signs below. As it stations, Venus is in a log square (90-degree aspect) to Jupiter — that’s about exaggeration of emotional issues. Such will inevitably stand in the way of addressing the deeper material described by the aspect.

I would describe that as the unwillingness to receive love, affection and support. Many people seem inconsolable these days, and you can smell the bitterness and irritation in the air. If we want to build trust and community, we will need a better way.

I’ll have more to say on Friday night’s Planet Waves FM where I will be describing the spiritual implications of overexposure to digital conditions.

Thank you for your business and your trust.

With love,

Eric signature


There is something in your environment that needs your attention, though you may feel you’re too busy working out lingering problems from the past to take action. Yet matters of partnership and collaboration are of the highest priority now.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Maintaining direct communication is not easy if you are preoccupied, or distracted from what is in front of you. There is something in your environment that needs your attention, though you may feel you’re too busy working out lingering problems from the past to take action. Yet matters of partnership and collaboration are of the highest priority now; many other things that seem complicated can wait, and most will work themselves out. Think of how often you’ve been lost in the sauce of what seem like urgent mundane activities, only to lose sight of the creative opportunities you have available — many of which will make a brief appearance and disappear back into the universe. Every cell in your body is calling you toward the future. Yet dwelling on the past serves the purpose of keeping your horizons limited, and therefore not “threatening” you with your own potential. To embrace your creative gifts requires courage. To make changes requires courage, though not as much as you think. And if someone is trying to get your attention, and remind you of who you are and what you have to offer, you might take them up on a conversation and even listen thoughtfully to a proposal or an invitation.

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We are also given the “caterpillar surrendering, melting and turning into a butterfly” model all the time; what you have going on is more like the seed becoming a tree, a little at a time, reaching both toward the sky and toward the Earth simultaneously.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may sense that a radical transformation is waiting for you in the future (April 2024 comes to mind), though it’s happening right now. The present version is the subtle one — the one that is in muted colors and may not be easy to translate into words. What is coming in the spring will be more colorful and maybe a little shocking; things may seem to come together then, with important meetings, gatherings and conferences. Yet the person who will be ready for those physical-world events is developing now. The feeling is of being guided past your safe limits, and beyond the edges of who you thought you were. Spiritual students (including astrology students) are pelted with  ideas about the “death and transformation” style of growth. We’re told that the only way to evolve is through some wrenching process. Yet what is happening now is a reminder that there are other methods and other approaches to growth. We are also given the “caterpillar surrendering, melting and turning into a butterfly” model all the time; what you have going on is more like the seed becoming a tree, a little at a time, reaching both toward the sky and toward the Earth simultaneously. I reckon for you, this is far preferable — if you notice that it’s happening.

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It helps if your mojo is not directed at getting out of the past, so much as going someplace fresh. Take advantage of your bold moment, when your sense of adventure is at its highest. Feel your own potential, and allow yourself to be seduced, lured and attracted by what is in reality your own creative power.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Few people are not invested in matters of family. In some societies, it’s all that matters; the clan or tribe is supreme. Here in the Western world, it’s usually complications that keep us involved — entanglements, unresolved issues, and history replaying itself endlessly. You might think that sooner or later, everyone reaches their limit — though that’s not true. It takes determination to reach escape velocity. And that is not enough: awareness of the tethers, and the ability to use what you’ve learned from life experience, therapy and spiritual training must all come into service. Yet there is something else as well: sincere determination. It helps if your mojo is not directed at getting out of the past, so much as going someplace fresh. Take advantage of your bold moment, when your sense of adventure is at its highest. Feel your own potential, and allow yourself to be seduced, lured and attracted by what is in reality your own creative power. Any approach in this direction will feel like a blend of exciting and daunting — that’s how you know it’s real. To face the future is daring, the more so because so few people are willing to do such a thing, while many pretend. You can do something different — now.

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I suggest you go on a hunt for all that is distinct about you; all that is truly your own. You will see places in the environment — jammed and overwhelmed though it may be — where you will discover there are things nobody else is doing.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The unease you feel may be about how professional aspirations and chaos are co-mingled. If I translate out of the chart symbols, it could feel a little like: If I really do this, if I become known for what I am good at and receive recognition for my accomplishments, what will I unleash? Such is enough to lead many people not to reach upward, and to hide their light under the proverbial bushel. It’s the perfect formula for “I will succeed, but only so much.” There is another influence that is motivating you, and that is the need to stand out and be different. To tap this power requires your willingness to stand out and stand apart; to be known for what is yours alone. If you find this appealing, I suggest you go on a hunt for all that is distinct about you; all that is truly your own. You will see places in the environment — jammed and overwhelmed though it may be — where you will discover there are things nobody else is doing. Face it, the world is not all that original; most people are jumping someone else’s train, rehashing ideas, and doing what is already popular. This leaves you with a lot of room to grow.

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… you can be art, rather than be an artist; be writing rather than be a writer; be the world rather than be a traveler; and every other form of embodied existence. This way of being will make some people jealous and it always has. Being a person of integrity, you do not care.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Venus has been retrograde in your sign for the past six weeks, a somewhat rare event with special meaning now. The message of this aspect is to be who you are, and never to “play a role.” Then, you would be doing this in a world where just about everyone else is playing a role, or worse, pretending they are doing so. Under these conditions, it’s more challenging to be real, because suddenly you’re aware of how many get so far by feigning: the sensation is of vulnerability. Yet to be real at all times — that is, to be the same person with your mother or your cousin or your neighbor as you are with the president, or having a drink with Taylor Swift — is a superpower. And that is integrity. Integrity means you are integrated; that all of your seeming parts relate to all of your other seeming parts. This is a form of strength for which there is no substitute. The result is that you can be art, rather than be an artist; be writing rather than be a writer; be the world rather than be a traveler; and every other form of embodied existence. This way of being will make some people jealous and it always has. Being a person of integrity, you do not care.

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The thing to focus on is beauty rather than wealth. You will know you’re doing the right thing because the effect of your actions is to bring balance and elegance to the world around you.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may be getting the message to turn your attention to your finances, and if you are, run with it. There are two stages to this, one being order and organization with numbers and records, and the other being the motivation to succeed. Yet for you, this cannot have the meekest tinge of greed, by which I mean, money for its own sake. You’re usually far from that mentality, though the fear of being this way can creep up on you. The thing to focus on is beauty rather than wealth. You will know you’re doing the right thing because the effect of your actions is to bring balance and elegance to the world around you. Depending on the circumstances, this requires drive and passion. There are subtle ways to go about it, like keeping a garden, and they certainly count; they will contribute to your positive state of mind. Yet it seems there is something you want to move forward in a bolder and more public way. There’s an interesting parallel between your solar chart and that of Leo, above — you might read that entry and note the ways that it applies to you. The common thread is integrity. Care and caution are required to safely handle power in any form.

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You may be familiar with how, when you step up your energy, you uncover a new layer of concealed issues that you must work through efficiently, or they slow you down. These are likely to relate to family matters… You can draw strength from the discoveries you make, and from tapping into the strength of your bloodline.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mars moving through your sign is pushing you to make your mark on the world. It will also dredge up all the reasons in the past that you have not done so. You may be familiar with how, when you step up your energy, you uncover a new layer of concealed issues that you must work through efficiently, or they slow you down. These are likely to relate to family matters, as Mars is talking to potent, slow-moving elements currently in Capricorn (your 4th solar house): that’s the family part. This is stuff that may be about your grandparents, though really it will go back to your “tribal” history (your nationality, your family’s immigration story, and related matters). You can draw strength from the discoveries you make, and from tapping into the strength of your bloodline. Overall, this is a time to connect to your ancestors. Dust off their photos. Say their names. Remember who they are, and tap into the ones who loved you the most. You can even visit their graves and pay homage to their lives any way you can. These slow-moving aspects are not going anywhere any time soon; you will be living with them for a long time. Consider them an oil well, or a vein of gold.

Venus about to station direct in your 10th house of reputation and leadership will release information about your true goals, and this process will be at its peak for about two weeks. There is something waiting for you to discover — a missing file, a secret you’re keeping from yourself about what you really want, and a realization about who you are.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — At the moment, writing is your best therapy. It’s your most effective way of processing the past, of addressing your anxieties, and of figuring out what you really want from life. This would be deeply personal writing, for example, in a notebook or diary — nothing that you broadcast or advertise to others. You may be familiar with the Morning Pages exercise from The Artist’s Way — that is the kind of thing I’m talking about. You would be writing to clear your mind and get closer to your deeper thoughts. You would be writing to get a look at your own process, and to get the different facets of your mind into some state of unity. Venus about to station direct in your 10th house of reputation and leadership will release information about your true goals, and this process will be at its peak for about two weeks. There is something waiting for you to discover — a missing file, a secret you’re keeping from yourself about what you really want, and a realization about who you are. Please remember, this is a private exploration. Your friends or the public, in any form, have no role in your self-discovery and self-therapy.

Current aspects describe your dedication to being a craftsman and an artist. You’ve set yourself on a path where you master your skills, one bit at a time, on a daily basis. You are indeed working toward something, a breakthrough that you can sense but you cannot understand.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The only way to learn is to do. The only way to learn something new is to do something new — or to amplify your mindfulness when you’re engaged in your work. Current aspects describe your dedication to being a craftsman and an artist. You’ve set yourself on a path where you master your skills, one bit at a time, on a daily basis. You are indeed working toward something, a breakthrough that you can sense but you cannot understand. It’s a real thing, though you will need the patience of a true master. There is no rushing the process. Learning and the development of talent often call for repeating the development of certain skills, re-learning, making corrections and uncovering the places where you’ve skipped steps. You are doing all of this for something, though at the moment, it must be for its own sake. Business planning is important, though it’s a thing slightly set apart from developing your core talents. This is a good time to consider the details of your potential approaches to taking your work to a wider world, but please do not conflate the two. To succeed in business, it’s necessary to work with those who have already done so; your personal talents, though, are 100% an inner commitment.

Do whatever you do in a beautiful way. Experience and express the beauty of your choices — whatever you’re up to, bring in the aesthetic factor; the element of balance and the love for truth.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) – Whatever you think you may be concerned with, the bottom line is a spiritual question. And what exactly is that? Something related to the essence of your being. We could say that your higher self is trying to get your attention, and remind you that it’s your actual self. Make contact with your higher calling and realize it’s your one and only calling; so too is your higher knowledge what you actually know. Remote possibilities are right in your immediate vicinity. Under current circumstances, aspiration means the world reaching toward you. All of this is one thought, which reveals how much is contained in the present moment and in your present state of being. Let this One Thought guide your action. You seem ready to do something; ready to take on a challenge, a fight or a struggle. Please, let it not be against yourself. Do whatever you do in a beautiful way. Experience and express the beauty of your choices — whatever you’re up to, bring in the aesthetic factor; the element of balance and the love for truth. And remember, as someone once wrote long ago, “We are equal beings and the universe is our relationships with one another.”

One distinct thing that’s happening for you now — and is at maximum focus, ever briefly — is the alignment between your sense of becoming, and the consistent person you actually are in the center of the digital cyclone. This is not an identity; it’s a focal point of your consciousness.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Are you at a turning point? Or are you the still point in a turning world? It looks more like the ground is moving beneath you, and that is the source of your shifting viewpoint and sense of perspective. Yet the effect is similar, because you’re having to adapt to the new alignment between yourself and the rest of existence. One distinct thing that’s happening for you now — and is at maximum focus, ever briefly — is the alignment between your sense of becoming, and the consistent person you actually are in the center of the digital cyclone. This is not an identity; it’s a focal point of your consciousness. It’s not a name or a brand or anything like that. It’s a locus of your actual being that is accessible through thoughts and moreover through language. In these very days, you have special access to this essential quality of yourself, as if you’re moving into alignment with a radio signal and then also tuning to its exact frequency. Gradually that will become less available; a bit more difficult to find — though once you know about it, you can find your way back. The important thing is that you use this channel, in particular, to translate what seems impossible into language that you understand.

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And finally, you are being called to materialize what may have only been a dream in past times. I am talking about the long influence of Neptune in your sign, an energy which is extraordinarily difficult to manifest or manage.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — This is a sober time in your life. This year in particular stands in strong contrast to many past years, because Saturn is in your sign and is now the dominant energy in your personal world. This is the “get a grip” quality you are likely to be feeling. There are other ways this is coming across. One is the message to simplify and clear space in your mind and your physical environment. Another is to mature into yet another stage and catch up with yourself. And finally, you are being called to materialize what may have only been a dream in past times. I am talking about the long influence of Neptune in your sign, an energy which is extraordinarily difficult to manifest or manage. It sends messages that may only seem irrelevant or like pure fantasy. Yet with the addition of Saturn, and its sorting out process plus its materializing property, you have a new ability to make substantial that which has previously only been a projection on fog. One suggestion: at this time, rely on others as little as possible. They are unlikely to be able to help much, except for specific tasks — if they prove trustworthy. If you want somebody you can trust, trust yourself.

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