“Eric, you and your team should win a Pulitzer for this brilliant work. I hope the story you just broke has legs like crazy…”
One Year of Covid19 News and Planet Waves FM Coverage
Dear Friend and Reader:
For the past year, our nonprofit organization Chiron Return has published a daily news blog and a weekly radio program largely devoted to the Covid issue. While I did not wake up on January 1 thinking I would be taking a crash course in virology, in fact in late 2019 I was planning to resume my prior work in the Health Professions field. Then came Covid.

When the community faces a disaster, I’ve noticed that I have a way of rising to the occasion.
By March 3, when I realized the Covid story was not going away, I pulled together a team to investigate the issue. The story seemed daunting. It seemed like there was no way to get to the bottom of it. But I had a hunch that the story was in the test.
And again and again, the issues kept coming back to this thing called the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Then some documents came into my hands, I started studying the history, and I was incredibly fortunate to meet Celia Farber, who did the PCR story in the 1990s for SPIN, as the device was used then as it is now to perpetuate scientific fraud.
The rest is not quite history, but here is what our readers and listeners have had to say about our work on Planet Waves FM and Covid19 News. We are reader and listener supported. If I were someone who discovered this work, I would be very excited and want to do my part to make it happen. In that spirit, please make a donation today. Thank you for your trust and your generosity.
With love,
“Eric, you and your team should win a Pulitzer for this brilliant work. I hope the story you just broke has legs like crazy and that Bustin is busted, along with the rest of the scammers perpetrating the crime against humanity that is Christian Drosten’s PCR test.”
— Susan C Roberts
“It is an essential source for me — of information and sanity.”
— Briellen McAlpine
“The beginning of the pandemic were scary times. I liked how you got a list together of important things to make sure we did. Not knowing what was coming up, and with all the confusion gave a sort of structure that had seemed to vanish. I’ve been following PW for many years and am happy about that. The investigation that you and your staff do is a valuable resource to keep grounded. Honest reporting has so much value. Thanks to you and your staff for your integrity.”
— Carolyn Duncan
“Planet Waves is one of the first places I go to learn what is actually happening in the Covid world. Eric Francis Coppolino’s incredible investigative work helps me to know I am not going coo coo bananas. I feel very grateful for Planet Waves’ courage in reporting what is happening. Thank you, thank you.”
— Natalie Levin
“PW/PWFM offers consistently cohesive information presented in a calm and methodical manner, and always counterbalanced with inspiring creative content. This enables the listener to stay afloat throughout these deeply concerning times. Having been with PW for many years now, I have utter faith, trust and respect for Eric and his team, and although the truth can often make us fret, Planet Waves remains a beacon of hope and guidance even in the darkest and most trying moments.”
— Karen Barnes
“Eric, thanks for compiling the COVID news and commentary. I hadn’t noticed it for a while but have found it again and it is like a lighthouse in a sea of nonsense. I have been following Tom Cowan et al, but good information is scattered all over the place, and hard to pin down.”
— Zachary Elias Smith
“You already know my opinion but I will state it publicly, PW is keeping me sane and stable in times when I could have felt the opposite. I am endlessly stunned by the amount of excellent work that you and your team have accomplished since April 2020. Thank you.”
— Debra Samuels
“Great job Eric, I’m so glad someone is covering the rest of the covid story. I am thinking someday we will all have to live in a small band of un altered humans on the outskirts of humanity.”
— Kel Dip
“Thank you Eric for Planet Waves and your posts here. I trust your research and your honest sensible approach, and have shared PW with friends. There are very few places to find Covid info that I go to for the truth.”
“I commend your dedication and focus to bringing light to this matter. You have the patience of a Saint. I know it takes alot of work and research to do what you have accomplished. You also have taken the time to respond to opposing opinions. Bravo!”
— Shiela Cody
“I visit almost daily. This is where I go to read the truth.”
— Susan Dollenmaier
“Working with the team has been of great benefit to me personally. It’s kept my understanding sharp, it’s been exciting, it’s given me a sense of community in a hostile and stupid world. It’s helped my confidence in myself.”
— Ro Dann
You and your team are doing an incredible service for humanity. Speaking truth in a time of great deception is never easy but you just keep doing it. Thank you!!!
— Lisa
“Excellent coverage.”
— Tracy Jane Green
You and your team helped me to open my eyes and start taking responsibility for what I’m consenting to. Without your confrontation to face the inertia and passivity in addressing my own health, I would not have read as many books on virology, immunity and vaccines. I also began addressing existing health concerns I’ve avoided.
— Aiko Takemura
“I definitely appreciate your efforts to bring us intelligent and accurate information.”
— Becky Webb
“Eric’s keen sense, trained eye, great team, wide view, non-patri owned independent thinking, real fact checking, honesty + humor make PW an excellent go to for perspective. And Lanvi’s art is also a precious phenomena.
— Davida Luminabes
“I am enormously grateful for your even handed deep research. You have full resonance with integrity and truth.”
— Marcia Glas-Hochstettler
I echo everyone’s feelings, thoughts and observations. PW has been an invaluable, tireless source of facts & perspective from your relentless commitment to integrity & truth. I’ve appreciated feeling less crazy, less confused and especially less isolated. I find this community as a whole to be wise, generous and brave. I’m enormously grateful.
— Jody Lotito Levine
I remember vividly when this shit show all started and you were advising people to seek out good basic immunity protocols and look after themselves. Then as time went on, you and the team followed the science and the alleged science….I would listen to PWFM Saturday mornings and then go and check out the references on the PW site. The secondary sources were very helpful. The astrology felt to me like psychospiritual navigation of what was being revealed through the research. I am so grateful as I feel I have a good handle on the illusions, delusions and the actual research. It has helped enormously personally and to find paths through in work and society. Love to you and the team.
— Rebekah O’Rourke
“It is an essential source for me – of information and sanity!”
— Briellen McAlpine
“Planet Waves absolutely saved my sanity. And helped retain/ retrain my emotional intelligence. I’ve lived through a tough year under an eviction threat while going through the motions of sheltering in place, following the obtuse directives of a government increasingly under the control of A.I. Planet Waves provided an alternative, a fear free way of seeing, thinking. Thank you dear Eric and company. I love sound tracks, the inspired music comentary, the art work and Tantric corner is my favourite!”
— Marion Lewis
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