TUNE IN 2022 Extended Readings by Eric Francis


Includes three four presentations; 80 minutes of audio for each sign purchased, plus many additional resources.


This is the 23rd annual edition of Planet Waves. My annual readings are crafted with the care of the very best personal nonfiction writing, with the ethics and the training of competent, responsible therapy, and the alive, fresh immediacy of journalism. They are carefully researched, edited and fact-checked. I take full responsibility for my work.

I am not writing for “true believers” in astrology. I am writing for some who value astrology, and for those who will be engaged by the quality of the work. I am writing for thinkers, for healers, and for spiritual seekers.

Moreover, you get much of the value of a personal reading. Not all — but most. You learn a lot about current astrology and how it influences you, in clear, concise language. Most significantly, you get something respectful of your intelligence and your individuality.

Your readings will appear under READINGS in MY ACCOUNT

A hybrid of audio and video, these are professional astrology presentations by sign and rising sign that will help you get a sense of where you are, what you want, and where you are going. I use astrology not to get easy answers, but rather to ask the right questions.

This series of 12 readings serve your Sun, Moon and rising signs. They are accompanied by four videos that show and tell the astrology of the fixed, cardinal and mutable signs, so that you have a clear visual of what is happening.

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