The Dharma — 2020 Spring Reading by Eric Francis


12-sign video reading about work and relationships; We will use the astrological markers of our moment to point and clear the way; Inspired by Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche


Many times I have quoted Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche: “We do indeed live in an age of decadence, but the dharma is not decadent. The dharma is the same as it always has been.” Despite the challenges of our time, you can focus on your purpose, which is related to the World Purpose.

You can step into your calling as one who came to our planet to make a positie difference. This is integral to your healing path, your personal mission and the necessities of the world. In this 12-sign video reading, about work and relationships, we will use the astrological markers of our moment to point the way, and clear the way.

This reading is included in the Backstage Pass.

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