Taurus Astrology Studio 2023-24


80-minute audio reading in three sessions with chart and original music; access to last year’s readings and bonus readings. This product is included for all Backstage Pass and Galaxy Pass members.

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This reading is an extended, personal meditation on your life. I also include access to last year’s reading so you can review the past 12 months and check my accuracy. And I include the charts I was working with, in case you want to research further.

Jupiter arrives in your sign during this birthday season; a once-in-twelve-year window of opportunity that marks a new cycle of growth and discovery. This reading will focus on how to work with this year-long transit for maximum benefit, which means within the context of other major planetary activity on tap this year.

This includes your ruling planet Venus retrograde in the foundation angle of your solar chart, Mercury retrograde in your sign as Taurus season begins, Saturn in your eleventh house of long-term goals and groups with shared values — and of course the generational impact of Pluto in Aquarius at the top of your chart – the career and public profile angle.

Uranus has been making its presence known for several years by now, leading your life in unexpected directions. I will also be covering the remaining eclipse cycles in your sign and its opposite. Eclipses are like making your way through a narrow passage at a high speed. Every decision counts.

This reading is included in the Backstage Pass.

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