Scorpio Astrology Studio 2021-22 — Instant Acess
$55.00 $33.00
75-minute audio and visual astrology reading; Access to last year’s recordings; Chart presentations; Included for Backstage Pass members
In this 75-minute astrology reading, I unravel the secrets of your sign and help guide you through this strange new time we are living in. This reading is like an extended, personal meditation on your life. Also included are last year’s reading so you can review the past 12 months and check his accuracy, plus the charts used, for those who want to research further.
Any good astrology in our time must include stress counseling, and I will do some of that. Yet as for the signs and planets, and what they are doing: Scorpio has been working from behind the scenes, or by proxy: much of what’s happened in the world has involved the Scorpionic planet Pluto, making its way through Capricorn. What is the parallel dimension in your own life? What is changing behind recognition?
In what ways are your old thought forms being challenged, or demolished, to make room for a new approach to your existence? In my usual plain-talk version of astrology, I will introduce Pluto entering Aquarius in 2023, and cover the forthcoming Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces.
This reading is included in the Backstage Pass.
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