Planet Waves Astrology Pass with Chart Key Reading (formerly Backstage Pass)
From: $77.00 / month
Includes everything in Astrology Pass Membership plus a personalized Chart Key Reading at half the price
Planet Waves Astrology Pass with Chart Key Reading includes everything in the Astrology Pass plus a Chart key Reading for half the price.
The Chart Key Reading is a short audio introduction to your natal chart that I will pre-record to provide you with ideas on what to explore while looking at your chart. With this subscription you will receive a customer chart key reading for every year your subscription is active.
This membership also gets you a copy of my 45-page monograph, ASTROLOGY REVEALED. This is a solid draft of my first astrology book, which distills many of my methods and approaches. You will get a great idea of all I have learned over the years, both from practice and from some of the best astrologers in the world, who have been my mentors.
Note: For international orders, we must charge $10 shipping for the diary, pen and astrology set, which only covers part of the cost. Thank you for understanding. Please email if you are an international customer who wants the diary, pen and chart set.