Bundle Four — Classes with Eric Francis


You can order three classes for a significant discount on the total cost. A must-have bundle for astrology enthusiasts, whether just beginning your studies or already in deep.

You’ll receive access to the full class recordings and all the materials used. It’s an extensive collection of resources.


Astrology Revealed took place on Saturday, March 16, 2019.
What exactly do you do with your natal chart? Well, it’s more like, what can you do? How do you make it your own creation? Eric introduces tools and techniques that he’s developed, from personal study and experience with clients, which will help you put your chart to work for you. Astrology is a growth tool, an inventory of your resources, a guide to your relationships, and a picture of your mission on the planet. Class is part lecture, part discussion, and part chart reading demonstration.

Introduction to Chiron was on Sunday, April 21, 2019.
In her book Bringers of the Dawn, Barbara Marciniak introduces the idea of the system buster: someone whose role is to shake up the established order and bring in something new. That’s one purpose that Chiron plays in astrology: finding the fulcrum of change, or the weak link in any system, and revealing a place where change is necessary, and providing a corrective force. Class will cover Chiron in Aries, natal Chiron, transits of Chiron (done with a live client), and the major themes of healing, mentorship and handling ancestral material. Class will be part lecture, part discussion, part chart reading demonstration with a live client.

A 21st-century Chiron and centaur pioneer, Eric has worked with Chiron since his first days as an astrologer, and has studied Chiron and the centaurs with Melanie Reinhart, Barbara Hand Clow, Robert von Heeren and others.

Key Life Transits was a class in two parts on Monday, June 10 and Monday, June 17, 2019.
Barbara Hand Clow popularized the term “key life transits” in her book The Liquid Light of Sex. I picked up on the idea, and starting in the mid-1990s, have explored the lifetime transits of more than 1,000 clients. I have come to call them “threshold transits” — gateways and points of no return, which flow together as one lifetime pattern. In addition to Chiron transits, there are Pluto square Pluto, Neptune square Neptune, the returns of Saturn, Uranus opposite Uranus and the Uranus return. We talked about these transits in theory, and also saw how they work in the lives of class participants.

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