Aquarian Era, Aquarian Age — Written Readings for 2021-2024


Astrology for the next 24 years with a focus on Aquarius; Written readings for all the signs and rising signs, covering from December 2020 into 2024; Annual editions; Get all 12 readings or choose your individual signs.


The astrology of the next 24 years will focus on Aquarius. These are written readings for all the signs and rising signs, covering from December 2020 into 2024. Aquarius is the sign of doing things together, whether that happens voluntarily or by some externally imposed regulations. We are all here together. No person is an island. We rely upon one another.

The annual editions focus on Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Aquarius, as well as Uranus in Taurus and Chiron in Aries. You will learn everything you need to know to get your bearings. Whether you’re curious, a serious astrology fan, or an astrology student, you will find these readings helpful and motivating.

Get all 12 readings or choose your individual signs.

My annual readings are crafted with the care of the very best personal nonfiction writing, with the ethics and the training of competent, responsible therapy, and the alive, fresh immediacy of journalism. They are carefully researched, edited and fact-checked. I take full responsibility for my work.

I am not writing for “true believers” in astrology. I am writing for some who value astrology, and for those who will be engaged by the quality of the work. I am writing for thinkers, for healers, and for spiritual seekers.

Moreover, you get much of the value of a personal reading. Not all — but most. You learn a lot about current astrology and how it influences you, in clear, concise language. Most significantly, you get something respectful of your intelligence and your individuality.

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Important note: All customers of the Respect 2020 readings will automatically receive access to the same signs for An Aquarian Era. If you’re unsure whether you previously purchased Respect, please write to us at

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