Additional details and coverage collecting here. Please watch that page, and this one, for updates, additions and corrections. Dear Friend and Reader: For those who may have doubted that Pluto entering Aquarius would come with some indication that we are in a different era, indictments and international arrest warrants were issued Thursday afternoon for Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former defense minister. They were charged with crimes against humanity, including attempting to starve the Palestinian people to death. As this has happened, the world has looked on in horror, though acting as if everyone is helpless to make a difference. The fear of calling out Isreal for its atrocities has been compounded by fears of being labeled antisemitic — a claim that Netanhayu wasted no time making on Thursday. Now, it is accurate to say that Benjamin Netanyahu is an indicted war criminal. He can deny it all he wants; they all do. Meanwhile Sen. Lindsey Graham (R, SC) has tweeted that the ICC should be permanently sanctioned. Others in Congress have chimed in. Pres. Biden has condemned the ICC’s decision. It is noteworthy that this comes within days of a major escalation of the United States’ proxy war against Russia, which has now expanded to the use of long-range missiles launched from Ukraine. The indictments, which will dominate the news cycle for the next few days, could serve as a scrim or smokescreen concealing the consequences of that escalation. In the language of astrology, the chart leaves no doubt that this development was associated with recently arrived Pluto in Aquarius. This event, while arguably minor, will deliver a shock to the world order — the first of many under the reign Pluto in its new sign. It’s not unusual for there to be some sign fairly quickly about what this placement might be about. What is so stunning is that at the time the indictments were announced, the Pluto group, consisting of Pluto as well as asteroid Child and slow-moving, Chiron-like centaurs Amycus and Orius, was rising to the degree. As I mentioned in Tuesday’s edition, asteroid Child and Pluto entered Aquarius simultaneously, pointing to the urgent need to consider the welfare and safety of children in the digital age. According to recent official estimates, more than 43,000 civilians have been killed since Israel began a war on the Palestinian Authority in October 2023. More than half are estimated to be women and children. Women serve as combatants in Isreal, though they do not serve in the Arab world. While this war is being blamed publicly on an unprovoked attack on Tel Aviv by Hamas in October of 2023 on the last day of the Jewish high holidays, a close reading of that chart suggests that some veiled authority was coordinating the actions of both Hamas and Isreal. What has been astonishing to many onlookers is how little objection there has been to Isreal’s massacre and demolition of Gaza, the West Bank, their populations and their infrastructure. The only vocal opposition seems to have come from students in the United States last spring. To have Pluto and its current companions so prominent in this chart hints at a possible theme of the new era. With 360 degrees in the zodiac and each one passes the ascendant in about four minutes, it’s highly unlikely that this would have happened — but obviously, not impossible. This chart points directly to the Pluto group as if it were intentionally timed to be the outstanding feature of the chart. I have no evidence to indicate that world leaders use astrology to plan these kinds of events. There are too many variables, too many people involved, and nearly everyone considers astrology irrelevant. Rather, astrology provides a signature of the moment, which is read using the principle of synchronicity. Aquarius is often considered a sign of humanitarian efforts, and in my experience this is a rare occasion when its presence is making such a comment. More to the point, Aquarius is a fixed sign describing a highly structured social order that has set in under digital conditions. And Pluto indicates that the current order is rapidly deteriorating and being replaced by something new. When the indictments were announced, the Sun was at the end of the last degree of Scorpio, a condition known as void-of-course. My interpretation of the Sun void is that highly unlikely things can happen. While tomorrow is the official anniversary of the assassination of Pres. Kennedy, the solar return is today. In the JFK assassination chart, the Sun was at 29 degrees of Scorpio and 44 arc minutes. The chart for the indictment has the Sun at 29 degrees of Scorpio and 39 arc minutes, a conjunction so close as to be considered perfect. However, the Sun in this degree can represent a kind of Pandora’s box. That connects to the Moon’s position — exactly conjunct asteroid Pandora. There is no way to tell what this event will bring, or what it may serve as an excuse for. When the Sun entered Sagittarius Thursday afternoon, the first thing it did was make an aspect to Pluto and its group, which will last until Saturday when it separates. We do not pause to ask often enough — if ever — why the story of the world as we know it is nonstop war. While this is happening, many (or most) people experience profound family dysfunction, neglect and abuse. And most people walk around in a state of emotional, psychic and sexual distress that leads to both frustration and aggression. A defining feature of the sky right now is a cluster of minor planets in early Capicorn that I am calling the Family Hunger Game group. We are witnessing as life is being reduced to such a blood competition as wealthy “leaders” and oligarchs watch from places of at least physical safety sipping champaign. The cluster is outlined in the approximate square drawn in blue and marked by red bars at the outside of the wheel. This includes the lunar nodes, which together describe an irreversible turning point in history. The family issue makes this personal. It describes how so many people watch, seemingly paralyzed from taking action or even speaking up. It describes the projection of collective family drama, and the powerlessness of children to stand up to abuse and dysfunction. We may wring our hands about the affairs of the world, yet few have the drive or the integrity to take care of the affairs of their own life. With love, Your faithful astrologer,A Shock to the World Order
More than 43,000 Civilians Killed
Rare Expression of Aquarius as Humanitarian
The Sun is Void of Course, Conjunct JFK Assassination
Capricorn Group Also Prominent: Family Hunger Game
I’d like to see an analysis of Hamas here as well. No one really talks about them, their mission of total destruction of the Jewish state & people, putting their own women & children in harms way, refusal to release the hostages, and how the Palestinians on the street identify with them.
Gretchen: Thank you for raising this request. Although I feel that the results of Netanyahu’s response to the murder of Israelis is awful I also wonder why people are not analyzing the stars on Hamas. It is difficult to negotiate with people whose objective is to obliterate an entire people and their country.
Wonderful, moving piece. Thank you, dear Eric <3