Dear Friend and Reader:
We are at the first peak of 2024 astrology, as Pluto enters Aquarius on Saturday in a conjunction with the Sun.
I cover the details in the STARCAST episode presented as audio and video above the newest excerpts from Somewhere In Between. If you are finding these excerpts to be engaging, you can get the full reading with many options under each sign’s entry.
The Planet Waves annual readings have happened 25 times before Somewhere In Between, and I can say I’ve never put so much thought into the project. Each sign has a generous chapter-length written entry, divided into sections; and a video reading that describes your chart and transits.
These are all readings created for humans in ordinary language. My intent is to be understood — and I leave enough astrology in to satisfy the curious and to key other astrologers into how I’m coming up with my ideas.
Thank you for participating in Planet Waves.
Thank you for your business and your trust.
With love,