Author’s Note — I am making my horoscopes available to all readers for a while. If you want to subscribe and can only afford a reduced-price subscription, use the link and write to us for a promo code. We value your investment and involvement, and I write these horoscopes so they may be read.
The readings below address conditions as Mars approaches its first of three squares to Neptune, which are in turn amplified by the Aries Full Moon. I also consider certain factors involving Mercury having just stationed direct in Virgo. The prevailing astrology involves Mars square Neptune, and Mars going retrograde on Oct. 30. I cover this best in a recent article called Rumors, as well as in this week’s coverage. — efc
You may feel like it’s a great time for your emotions to overtake you (that would be the forthcoming Full Moon in your sign). But keep your ruler and calculator handy and stick to the facts.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — With your ruling planet Mars now in a long aspect to Neptune, it will be helpful to keep yourself grounded in physical space. You may feel like it’s a great time for your emotions to overtake you (that would be the forthcoming Full Moon in your sign). But keep your ruler and calculator handy and stick to the facts. Meanwhile, the spiritual dimension is clamoring for your attention. What were some of the self-study or philosophical books you found dependably helpful in the past? You may benefit considerably from revisiting them, and reading in small nibbles rather than many pages at a time. A single idea can help you focus on a theme, which could take you through an entire day. It will also help to write, preferably in physical space (such as a diary or notebook) rather than in virtual space (any form of a digital file). Consider a Mars retrograde notebook, and setting a goal of writing something to yourself daily through next March. We will all be passing through an unusual phase of time, and given your association with Mars, this will be especially true for you. You will learn many things you will want to remember.
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You are at the forefront of an energy wave that is about to take over society, and it involves integrating your individuality with your involvements and connections with others.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — What is the nature of your personal reinvention? It would seem to be addressing your need to be totally independent. Yet you will always depend on someone, if only because you don’t know how to make shoes or do a wheel alignment. And to some degree others will always depend on you. From all angles, your solar chart describes involvement with others, particularly in small groups (by this I mean where you are likely to know most of the members or associates). You are at the forefront of an energy wave that is about to take over society, and it involves integrating your individuality with your involvements and connections with others. There’s plenty of room for chaos, mischief and avoidance here — and a rare opportunity to fully engage the fact that you are an integral part of society. I suggest you get used to having a lot of responsibility. Your duties today are a mere hint of what is to come, and for that to work, you will need to be fully aware of the ways you relate to others, particularly on the matter of mutual responsibility.
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Unless you can tell what is real from what is not, you will pay a lot more than that. The place to be extremely cautious is the one where you are about to make a decision.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The realer things seem, the less real they may be. This is the perfect metaphor for the age of what’s being called artificial and enhanced reality, otherwise known as the fake world. The problem with these technological “advances” is that they take over everything else, by creating the mentality (in this case) that a pretend one is as good as a real one (which you will pay for with a monthly subscription). Unless you can tell what is real from what is not, you will pay a lot more than that. The place to be extremely cautious is the one where you are about to make a decision. The first decision you might want to question is that decisions can be reversed. Some can; most cannot, in that you will still be living with the effects. If you know when you’re making a decision, you can stop and ask the basis of your choice. At that point it will be much easier to see the factors that are influencing you. It bears repeating that the question to ask yourself at every turn is, “How do I know that?” But you will only ask if you know you’re making an assumption. So that is the point in your thought process that you must train yourself to observe.
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This is the time to remember what you have learned so many times — which is to set your sights high and assume you are wholly capable and deserving of success.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The Full Moon in Aries, your house of career and reputation, is reminding you that greater things are possible, perhaps greater than you imagined. This is the time to remember what you have learned so many times — which is to set your sights high and assume you are wholly capable and deserving of success. Meantime, Mercury has just stationed direct in the angle of your chart associated with rational thinking and communication. Conduct a review of all that you’ve said during the past few weeks and make sure it stands up to the criteria of “reasonable.” This is not a warning, just a suggestion that a review is in order, and a reminder that for the next week or so it will be easier to correct any mistakes you’ve made (than it will be in six months or a year). So it’s better if you identify and assess them now. There is a chance that errors you made can work in your favor. There is a chance that if something was annoying you, there was a good reason for that. In general, reviewing both the past and your assessment of it will make an excellent project for the next few months, including clearing out spaces where physical objects have collected and are blocking your energy. It’s easier to work on physical spaces than it is on psychic ones, though there is a connection. As you clear and organize the physical world, the nonphysical is likely to follow along. It’s worth an experiment.
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A perception that may be fully formed in your mind may have no existence to anyone else. Therefore, it will help if you step back from what you feel and what you believe for long enough to have a reality-check.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Not everything you feel is true. You may feel it with great intensity and that is still not a measure of its reality. A perception that may be fully formed in your mind may have no existence to anyone else. Therefore, it will help if you step back from what you feel and what you believe for long enough to have a reality-check. That could take a while, as the planetary setup involved is describing this is slow-moving. It will also evolve in several distinct stages over the next month or so. With each of those, you may have new insights or experience personal discoveries that lead you to reverse your point of view. So I suggest that you not be attached to what you think or believe — and not hold anyone else to it. This could come in the form of an ultimatum or other demand for them to reveal their truth. There is a lot of room for confusion under the current setup. You will benefit from handling matters related to partnerships, shared finances, or family matters gently. Give people the benefit of the doubt. The truth of any matter is likely to emerge in layers rather than in one peak or revelation.
Get your full reading for Leo here. Use promo code: 86tp9bxv

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You can apply this model to different areas of your life. The idea is to eliminate what you don’t need, and don’t really want, before you eliminate what is serving you or helping others.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – One of your recent discoveries may have been about making personal changes that you know will help you save money. This is likely to be something specific where you figured out the cost was just not worth it. You can apply this model to different areas of your life. The idea is to eliminate what you don’t need, and don’t really want, before you eliminate what is serving you or helping others. Venus and the Sun transiting your solar 2nd house of resources are reminding you how much abundance you have, including the resource of your resourcefulness. Not everyone has the ability to conjure, borrow or find secondhand rather than pay retail plus tax. Meanwhile, everything about your charts is summoning you to a more adventurous way of living, and of thinking. The engine driving your growth is Uranus in your fellow earth sign Taurus. This is extremely compelling astrology calling for the true liberation of your spirit. The challenge is to be a free person who also is in possession of your moral compass. Right and wrong are not what we were told — but they still exist. Though they are useless concepts if you don’t get to actually be yourself, in your own life.
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Your discovery or change in viewpoint is something you will want to remember. It will be useful in the future.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mercury has stationed direct in one of the most sensitive areas of your solar chart. And the coming Full Moon lights up your relationship angle, which will help you see people more clearly for who they really are. Both help you make peace with something that you may have been struggling to wrap your mind around. Or you may have figured out what was irritating you that you had not been able to give words to before. Your discovery or change in viewpoint is something you will want to remember. It will be useful in the future. It may even become a cornerstone of a new ethical position that you are establishing as part of your reassessment of your life. One message of this birthday season is that you are not your problems. Yes, you are responsible for working them through and for finding creative solutions, but they are not you and you are not them. As part of the working-through process, you get to know yourself in new ways. The more methodically you can do this, the better results you will get. The creative angle of your chart is in rare and beautiful form, but it’s the kind of painting you create in carefully-laid layers rather than in broad, thick strokes. Patience will get you excellent results.
Get your full reading for Libra here. Use promo code: ws2e4hdg
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While it is true that some people tend to be clinging extra vigorously to who and what they have, others are noting that it’s now or never in the quest to be honest.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — When you feel something and you think it may be transgressive — that is, potentially violating social boundaries but not in itself harmful — you’d probably assume that someone close to you does not feel the same way. While it is true that some people tend to be clinging extra vigorously to who and what they have, others are noting that it’s now or never in the quest to be honest. I once met a longtime married couple who discovered in their 70s that they were both polyamorous. In real life, many people are bisexual, they share fantasies and photos, and have saucy erotic lives with themselves. And while some keep these things from partners, others discuss their experiences openly, and some share them. For years, your life has been moving in the direction of a less structured and more independent concept of relationships. This includes some of the many possibilities that humans are capable of. Yet you must also honor your need for some structure. An essential part of this working for you is learning how to be fully real with those closest to you; how to not be secretive about your needs; and being open to the personal truth of those important to you — without judgment.
Get your full reading for Scorpio here. Use promo code: ufmzqmdd
If you have been feeling mental pressure, we can look to Saturn in Aquarius, which is serving the purpose of clearing out all of the old jetsam and flotsam from your mental process.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — You may not recognize the extent to which you’ve been told who you are. This may have been by parents, teachers, therapists, spiritual leaders, doctors, partners or astrology books. To leave this thought structure is to enter a world where your main role in this incarnation is to be self-creative. That is the very essence of your sign: to make yourself up as you go, which in turn means surfing on a wave of the unfamiliar and the potentially dangerous. If you have been feeling mental pressure, we can look to Saturn in Aquarius, which is serving the purpose of clearing out all of the old jetsam and flotsam from your mental process. It is time to clean the closets of your mind and to unload and make room for a simpler version of yourself than the one embedded in you by the influencers of the past. You may be feeling their influence as you gradually purge them from your consciousness. You may notice that there seems to be a whole group of voices that speak to you inwardly. It will help to get that down to two or three that you know are your own. Listen carefully for them — they’re right with you.
Get your full reading for Sagittarius here. Use promo code: mkgkbhgz
Yet your beliefs are subject to influence, particularly at the moment. That is what you need to study: what, exactly, gets to adjust what you think is true?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Everything is mediated by what you believe. And with belief, there is a lot of room to get it wrong. Your notion of what is so will prevail over all the facts in the world, all the testimony, all the sensory evidence. Yet your beliefs are subject to influence, particularly at the moment. That is what you need to study: what, exactly, gets to adjust what you think is true? I don’t mean whether in the direction of right or wrong; I mean any change at all. From the look of your astrology (now and for the foreseeable future) it’s most likely to be anger, fear or needing to resolve inner conflict. However, these feelings may be concealed under a few layers of clouds. You would be fortunate to even notice that there is a question — but what is astrology for? Anyway, given the planets and signs involved, there is unlikely to be a clear scenario in your mind about what is happening. It will therefore help if you proceed with each situation on its own terms, on a case-by-case basis. While it will help for you to understand your own state of mind and the environment that you’re in, please do not think in generalities. Think in specifics.
Get your full reading for Capricorn here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
The digital world is not the place to do this, but sadly, it’s where we live our lives.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The underlying material is what you are after, not the superficial. I say this in a world where people think they can go to therapy by text message, or marry people they have only met on Zoom. By underlying material I mean the issues that comprise the actual obstacles to your growth, your progress and your happiness. I mean the things that people describe as traumas. I also mean potential influences coming from both ancestors and previous lifetimes. The digital world is not the place to do this, but sadly, it’s where we live our lives. Do everything you can to stick to the physical plane of reality. That means working with actual places, with people you speak with in person, and the effects of your feelings on your physical body. It does not matter where you seek your entertainment or communicate with friends over long distances. What matters now is that you address the circumstances of your physical being and real people in your life. The most important ones are going to reach into the distant past. Consider yourself fortunate if your parents or their siblings are available to speak with. Be patient, focus your discussion points, and listen carefully to what they say.
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
All of this asks more questions than it does provide answers, though one property is that time is a variable.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The movement of time is internally mediated. It’s an attribute of perception. We know from meditation, experiences in the dreamtime, psychedelic substances and even a hit of weed that what seems like hours can take seconds. And we know from waking experiences that last week can feel like six months ago and last year can seem like last week. All of this asks more questions than it does provide answers, though one property is that time is a variable. You can work with this in a diversity of ways — and I propose that now is the time to focus on this as Mars approaches a square to Neptune in your sign. This can act like an accelerant. It may also be the astrology lurking behind bursts of fear and insecurity. You will need to be at your Zen Ninja finest over the coming weeks and months, as this is a slow-moving aspect that will influence everyone to some degree, though this event is close to home for you in several ways. Use your focusing power to stay ahead of schedule on all routine matters. Focus on maintaining the practical dimensions of life. And make sure you take some time for your favorite Pisces-styled indulgences in the sensory world. That is a must.
Get your full reading for Pisces here. Use promo code: gxfptejn
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