We all know not to force keys. What you want is the right key, so you may need to go through a few different questions before you find the one that moves things.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — Part of your mind seems to know, and part seems to not know that it doesn’t know. Therefore, what presents itself as knowledge and certainty actually conceals a question. And the question is what you want, because that is where the real information is. You might think that questions don’t contain knowledge, but they are akin to the lock that turns the key and opens the door. We all know not to force keys. What you want is the right key, so you may need to go through a few different questions before you find the one that moves things. However, if you are creating lines of inquiry and topics to consider, you are on the right track. You might make a list of everything you don’t know. If it’s a short list, you’ve missed a lot of things. Think of it this way: the more you don’t know, the better. Let that motivate you to come up with possibilities.
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You cannot settle and unsettle at the same time, so you might sidestep any impulse to undo, redo, disrupt or move around that seems to be one of the dominant forces in your life. I

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Hestia, the ancient Greek goddess of the household, is now present in your sign, offering a message: settle down. You cannot settle and unsettle at the same time, so you might sidestep any impulse to undo, redo, disrupt or move around that seems to be one of the dominant forces in your life. Important professional commitments are starting to emerge, and the emphasis of your partnerships is shifting toward business. The theme of the next six months is learning to stand on your own feet, which means taking leadership in your own life. You set the timing, the agenda and the workflow — which must be done within a structure that is flexible enough to adapt to changing conditions. The upcoming solar eclipse in your opposite sign will rearrange things for you; you will benefit from being fully present for beginnings and endings.
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This is not the best time to be doing anything that you cannot undo, and it’s likely that your judgment will be clouded in ways that are not apparent now, but will be easier to see in a few months.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — If you are considering anything resembling a career move (ranging from posting a new CV to giving notice at your old job), it’s essential that you consider certain details and practicalities that you may have overlooked. This is not the best time to be doing anything that you cannot undo, and it’s likely that your judgment will be clouded in ways that are not apparent now, but will be easier to see in a few months. Mars in your sign has you feeling ambitious, self-assertive and maybe even like you can conquer the world. Those are the very emotions you need to temper and keep in context; they are where you are most likely to get it wrong, no matter how right you think you are. I know you may not want to hear this; but I am reporting the weather more than the news. There are slippery conditions, which become more so if you assert your will. Gather facts, and for now, let people and things come to you.
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Potent events in Scorpio are a great help to those born under your sign. They offer you an opening to be assertive about who and what you want, and fire up your attractive qualities.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The next two weeks build up to a solar eclipse in Scorpio. It’s a special one, conjunct Venus. And it rings in nearly perfect harmony to planets associated with your life purpose at this time. Potent events in Scorpio are a great help to those born under your sign. They offer you an opening to be assertive about who and what you want, and fire up your attractive qualities. Your part in the arrangement is to not let your insecurities get the best of you. Sure, they are there — though never allow yourself to believe that you are undeserving, or that someone else is going to say no before you give them a chance to speak. People feel more positively about you than you may imagine. A good bit of this is about your sex appeal and what I call artist appeal. So flaunt your stuff just a little, and before you connect with someone, make sure that your desire is sincere. Then see how you feel in the days after any encounter.
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You are the natural gathering point, and people will appreciate your leadership and initiative.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — This is a great time to get together with people — meaning, to be the person who creates a small event and invites people to share space and maybe some food. You are the natural gathering point, and people will appreciate your leadership and initiative. The social dimension is an important focus of your life through the next few months as Mars moves retrograde in Gemini. This favors getting together with a mix of old friends and new ones, though it’s likely people you’ve known in the past will resurface. This could provide opportunities to resolve unfinished business and clarify matters (personal or professional) that may have not made sense at a previous time in your life. It would be best to approach these situations with curiosity rather than any sense of expectation. You can also take the opportunity to be transparent and say anything you may not have said in the past. It’s likely that positive developments will flow from this approach to the world.
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Make sure you follow the necessary protocols, stay on schedule, and do not give away any information that is not actually required.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – You will want to be at your most politically savvy when it comes to your relationships to people in power. These may be corporate authorities such as your boss, or anyone to whom you may owe money; or state authorities, including government in any form. Make sure you follow the necessary protocols, stay on schedule, and do not give away any information that is not actually required. You may not understand the specifics or the technical nature of a business matter, so you will want to get a few opinions and figure out the actual details. This could be as seemingly routine as office or company politics, though you want to stay far away from involvement in any such matters. Rather, gather information as it comes to you, and make sure that you have documentation of why you took certain actions. Keep that in a folder until you need it. Now is the time to plan career moves, not to put them into action.
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You may have decided you would wait out the retrograde (which began in your sign), or that’s just how circumstances worked out.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Mercury has re-entered your sign after its retrograde took it back into Virgo. It is likely that you will need to revisit a decision that you may have put off a few weeks ago. You may have decided you would wait out the retrograde (which began in your sign), or that’s just how circumstances worked out. Anyway, this can represent a significant turning point for you. There are two essential elements here. One is knowing where you stand with yourself. You may have done some work on this, though I suggest you air out the pros and the cons and proceed thoughtfully. Second, you’re asking for problems if you allow yourself to be led by someone close to you. For example, you might not want to make a decision, and feel it will be easier if you take someone’s lead. That is unlikely to work well. Your choice is the expression of your dharma. They all are.
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It is probable that any compartments in which you may have stashed certain truths about yourself are coming undone.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — If this feels like an unusual time in your life, that’s because it is one. You are being challenged to evaluate all of your assumptions. Many involve how you express yourself in your most intimate relationships, and what you expect of others. Real matters of integrity are at stake, and some involve ethical matters of the past and potentially distant past. It is probable that any compartments in which you may have stashed certain truths about yourself are coming undone. Imagine the potential that the whole truth of who you are is transparent to everyone in your life, including your feelings, your desires, your regrets and your experiences. We all live to some degree like we can hold secrets from others, and rarely consider that this is simply not possible. The boundaries that conceal the elements of who you are, from yourself or anyone do not exist. They only seem like they do. So the question for meditation may be something like, “What if everything about me is known to everyone?”
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Not everyone likes being in this position, and not everyone thinks they deserve it

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Please be mindful how many people your views and your feelings influence. You are an example to others. Not everyone likes being in this position, and not everyone thinks they deserve it. However, consider that you are teaching all the time. This is far less about your words than it is about your actions. And should your words and your actions not comport with one another, this is the loudest teaching of all. Therefore, this would be an excellent time to bring your words, your way of presenting them, and your actions into alignment. You are at a peak of power as a transmitter. You might want to tune up your receiver and put yourself in extra-sensitive receiver mode, so that you can both give and take. This will call for a level of flexibility that may feel unpleasantly vulnerable to you, or even like it is some kind of risk. That risk exists whether you like it or not.
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It will be a more stimulating experience than you think, if only from a sociological standpoint.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You can be a bit oil-and-water with social situations. All the usual bullshit is irritating, unless you find someone capable of truly interesting small-talk. Well, you might crawl out of your sea-goat-cave and see what’s going on in the superficial world of dinner parties, pubs, taverns, or anyplace the rabble gather. It will be a more stimulating experience than you think, if only from a sociological standpoint. It will probably be better than that, particularly as we get a little closer to Halloween. Between now and then, on a different topic, I suggest you do a health and wellness audit. How are you doing with things like sleep, getting enough time out in daylight, and moving your body around anywhere other than a swivel chair? Oh good. However, I suggest you do something really aggressive, like take a class where you can punch or kick a bag. The one thing you don’t want to do is take out that energy on yourself. Send it somewhere that can take it.
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One of them could be to actually dare doing the thing you want to do, whether it is write, dance, make music, or make some form of visual or physical art.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Take care of financial issues, which means know the facts about your situation. There can be a disconnect here, as if lack of knowledge is a form of protection; it’s not. Having the bottom-line figures will give you power and help guide your decisions. You may feel like this is a good time to take a financial risk, as if it’s an itch you must scratch. With Mars square Neptune involving two of your financial houses, that does not check out. But what looks fantastic is taking creative risks. One of them could be to actually dare doing the thing you want to do, whether it is write, dance, make music, or make some form of visual or physical art. This may feel like flying into a stiff wind. Alternately, you may have the sense of violating some boundary or stricture, including feeling guilty for expressing your creativity. These feelings suggest you are on the right path. There is something perverse (a little or a lot) about using your mind purely for expressive purposes (which always involve both self-exploration and pleasure), unconnected to a job description. For now, creative includes minimizing the cash outlay of any experiment.
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You know there are certain things you must accomplish. Trust fully that you have the ability, the energy and the focus to do so.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The energy of your sign and the activity of both of your ruling planets is heating up: Mars is now exactly square Pisces-styled Neptune, and your classical ruling planet Jupiter is about to re-enter your sign. The way to take advantage of these factors is to proceed according to your true intentions. You know there are certain things you must accomplish. Trust fully that you have the ability, the energy and the focus to do so. Recalibrate every day and match your immediate plans to your long-range intentions. The key to Mars square Neptune is twofold: one is placing practical matters ahead of what is purely recreational (and having fun in the process) and second, making sure you indulge some of your innate pleasure-seeking tendencies. This is the key to being a Pisces — having some of the exact fun you need to have, whatever it may be. This may range from bubble baths to dropping mushrooms on Saturday night; from a sushi dinner to a booty call. No need to push limits — there’s such a thing as enough.
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