How people respond will tell you much about the ways in which they care about you (or do not) and whether they value your independence and freedom.
By Eric Francis Coppolino
Aries (March 20-April 19) — The forthcoming lunar eclipse in Taurus will put all of your relationships and partnerships to the test as to whether they are appropriate and mutually beneficial. This may come out in unexpected, real-time events rather than a theoretical discussion. And what may push the matter is your discovery of some new inner truth, or your need to make a decision without consulting others. How people respond will tell you much about the ways in which they care about you (or do not) and whether they value your independence and freedom. Yet this may reach a point where that doesn’t matter. You’re the only one who can value these things about yourself, and that alone changes the nature of your experience, and your personal encounters with others. You are worth more than money and more than sex. But given the prevailing values of the world, this can be difficult to see.
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If you notice that you’ve suspended the relevance of right and wrong, you might ask why you would grant yourself such a convenience.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may not quite comprehend the influence that you have on others, though you may see it demonstrated this week. It’s important that you be aware of how your choices and your ideas impact others. You might not change your mind about anything, though if you consider your actual role in your relationships, you will at least pause and reflect. This extends into how your presence frequently alters and even rearranges group situations. If you notice that you’ve suspended the relevance of right and wrong, you might ask why you would grant yourself such a convenience. It might be an act of rebellion, if you’re in a situation where you’ve repeatedly compromised your values and your freedom — or if you feel this is the story of your life. I’m not suggesting you be a prisoner to the values of others, only that you be aware of how your choices and the words you say shape their lives. In many situations, there is common ground where you have considerable freedom.
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Society does a lot of making people feel guilty about aspiring to what they want, even as it pushes false ideas of individuality and personal success.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — If you find yourself feeling any regrets, I suggest you pause and ask yourself if they are really true to your feelings. I don’t mean remorse about a specific situation, or for specific actions, but rather doubt about the value and meaning of your life generally. This may be wholly an illusion, having nothing to do with your actual experiences or their influence on others. You might notice whether you have any feeling of regret whenever you exert your will in a direct way. Society does a lot of making people feel guilty about aspiring to what they want, even as it pushes false ideas of individuality and personal success. You have a few months of Mars retrograde in your sign to carefully consider your priorities, your desires and your needs. There must be a level of this where you can be wholly independent and do not consider your influence on others. That is another matter.
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Who do you want to be? How do you want yourself to be seen or known? If you have an opportunity to try that out, you might want to take the chance.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The next few days to a week will be an experiment with your public image, by choice or by circumstance. Here in the digital environment, public seems to be the prevailing theme. Everyone is famous for 15 seconds a day and subject to some form of celebration or critique. How much fun do you have with this? Or alternately, are you contained within a concept of yourself that you are tired of? Here is where the experiment comes in. Who do you want to be? How do you want yourself to be seen or known? If you have an opportunity to try that out, you might want to take the chance. You may decide you like the result and you will, in a sense, acquire something new about yourself. The route for getting there is to be bold and have fun. Go to greater depths admitting what you want others to know about you. That is your spiritual fuel for months ahead.
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To blend finances and sex creates a contract that I consider akin to marriage, something appropriate only if that is your intent.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You may be noticing that you have extra resources in the sex and finances areas of your life. However, I would suggest keeping those interests separate. Sex in my view should have zero monetary value; it’s a gift of your humanity and an exchange of appreciation. To blend finances and sex creates a contract that I consider akin to marriage, something appropriate only if that is your intent. Anyway, there is plenty of what you want and need to go around. However, your attitudes and values could alter that perception; believing there is not enough leads to the experience, whether true or not. Carefully monitor the influences that come through social experiences and groups of any kind. People whose views you may not even care about can hold sway over what you think and believe.
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This is what’s happening in our climate of enforced and controlled speech, as if being compelled to change one’s words has any influence on one’s underlying truth.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) – Ideology is a bitch, and we are inflicted with it from the first time we go to church, read a schoolbook, or are instructed in any form of arbitrary right and wrong. To inflict people with, “This is this way because I say so” is to suspend the ethical dialog that needs to happen within and between people. It sidetracks the entire issue of why something might be appropriate or not. This is what’s happening in our climate of enforced and controlled speech, as if being compelled to change one’s words has any influence on one’s underlying truth. You may be feeling rebellious about this now, and your chart describes an outright revolt on all that comes into your life through “isms” of any kind. You don’t need anyone to tell you what is right for you. And as for the world, look around with open eyes and you’ll know everything that you need to.
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You will not have to do anything for certain changes to take effect in your life.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You will be happier if you let go of certain attachments. And some of these people and things seem to be squirming around, making you wonder if they or you really want to hold on. It’s essential that you know what you want and align with your choice. Put the full power of your will behind your decisions, and what you declare necessary for yourself. There is plenty that can happen to you in a passive way. You will not have to do anything for certain changes to take effect in your life. Yet the value of your present astrology is to align yourself with what you want and do not want. Use the considerable power of change that is operating in your chart to facilitate the specific alterations that you want, and at minimum, that you need. Remember at all times that you have sufficient resources to not be dependent upon anyone else.
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Your life is often a balancing act between your independence and your commitments, and you tend to be way too willing to compromise.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Someone’s conduct or choices may confuse or shake you up a little, and at the same time, they may set you free. However, this will feel different if you are committed to living in the past. This is your opportunity to trade the pain of attachment for an experience of liberation you may have wanted for a long time. Your life is often a balancing act between your independence and your commitments, and you tend to be way too willing to compromise. Typically, one of those compromises is flying stealth and under the radar, by which I mean not allowing certain people in your life to know the ways in which you express yourself freely. You might think it does not matter if they don’t know. Yet it ought to matter to you, and life is different when you place your actual integrity at the top of your priorities. The appearance, no matter how convincing, will never serve you.
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The key to wellbeing is feeling good, whatever it takes to get you there except for toxic chemicals. We think that physical wellness is what leads to mental buoyancy.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Over the next week or so, you will discover how closely aligned your psychic health is to your physical health. If you’re paying attention, you could not possibly miss the connection. And if you get it, this will be a life lesson that will serve you all your days. The key to wellbeing is feeling good, whatever it takes to get you there except for toxic chemicals. We think that physical wellness is what leads to mental buoyancy. For those who are truly observant, they might be grateful for the wholesome condition their body is in. Yet most people notice the negatives and not the positives, and do not imagine a time that could be worse than what they are experiencing. If you take matters in the opposite direction, beginning with your mentality and perspective, you have far more influence over your situation. You will see more choices. You will know what feels good and what does not, from the direct, immediate experience.
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Courage will take you out of virtual reality and into the world. It will guide you into tangible relationships where you offer yourself and receive what others have to offer you.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Life is about the risks you take rather than the safety you may seek. Ultimately there must be a balance, though the positive pole in this battery always involves some form of daring and the experiences that require courage. That is the price you pay for having real experiences. Courage will take you out of virtual reality and into the world. It will guide you into tangible relationships where you offer yourself and receive what others have to offer you. Accepting the love of others takes some heart, soul and mostly, guts. Sometimes, applying this philosophy may be as simple as the old expression “nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Or it may mean taking action on a vision you know is very important, particularly in a world where time is of the essence. Events are moving fast and will increase in speed and intensity. If you’ve learned one thing from Pluto in your sign, it’s to trust your instincts.
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You have choices. You have the ability to mix and match. And you may be feeling a kind of aspiration that is rare for you.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — There is another possibility; maybe several more, all of them viable. The question: which is the best, or which are the best few? The thing to pay attention to is that you have options. You have choices. You have the ability to mix and match. And you may be feeling a kind of aspiration that is rare for you. The one thing I can confirm about your astrology is that you are urged not to burn bridges, whether with colleagues, higher-ups or your family. Cross the bridge instead. Be where you want to be. Do what you want, or what you feel is necessary. You do not need to destroy any relationships to do this. By this, I mean it’s possible to resign or move on from a situation without blowing it up first. Relationships can transform without being turned into a war zone. You have a right to make your choices, and everyone knows it. Be respectable, and treat them with respect.
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It’s more likely to facilitate you being more productive, as you honor the most important factor in the life of any Pisces — the pleasure principle.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Work with your best ideas right now — the ones you love the most. Give yourself a break from mental necessity and play with what is fun and what turns you on. This is unlikely to lead to hedonistic conduct. It’s more likely to facilitate you being more productive, as you honor the most important factor in the life of any Pisces — the pleasure principle. Unless you go full-on rockstar-mode and have a fifth of bourbon for breakfast and another for lunch, doing what feels good will create rather than consume energy. You will have more access to your time and creative resources rather than less. And one good idea will lead to another. Try taking the path of least resistance through your day. Do what you want to do even if something seemingly urgent is supposed to come first. Plenty has been said about the most productive ways to organize one’s days. This partly depends on what you’re doing, and it partly depends on who you are. At the moment, your mind is on fire.
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