It will be worth any conscious effort to get through resistance or insecurity, which could manifest as your ruling planet Mars makes a square to Saturn this week.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — You can do anything you’re not afraid to do. Therefore, don’t let your anxieties get in the way of your desires. See if you can take a ride on your confidence. It will be worth any conscious effort to get through resistance or insecurity, which could manifest as your ruling planet Mars makes a square to Saturn this week. This may feel like a test of your integrity, though translate that to persistence, sincerity and patience and it will make more sense. The integrity angle, though, is about a challenge to be one person consistently throughout your encounters with others. While there are some circumstances where situational appropriateness is a thing, be the same person all the time, and treat people with equal respect. That makes it much easier to not experience yourself in parts and pieces. This is the true purpose of consistency. It is a soul-development project. You are not acting a role in your life, which you modify for different environments. Rather, your prime directive is to express your truth from the inside out.
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Leadership is in short supply right now, and everyone loves it when a plan comes together. You have one, and it depends on a measure of collaboration — make sure there’s a little something for everyone.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — The key to doing what you want without clashing with authority figures is to be organized and pre-emptive. Discuss your plans with others, and make it known that you’re sensitive to the needs of the people around you. Better still, get others involved, even if it’s in small ways. Leadership is in short supply right now, and everyone loves it when a plan comes together. You have one, and it depends on a measure of collaboration — make sure there’s a little something for everyone. However, the thing that will signal your intentions as worthy of a wide berth is demonstrating that you are your own boss, and that you take care of the details. People are concerned about inconvenience more than anything, and they love when someone listens to their concerns. There are also some jealous people, and there’s not much you can do about them except to be polite, and steer clear of their path. The one thing you don’t want is to engage in conflict in any noticeable way.
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Whatever feelings you may be experiencing — however intense or disruptive — are sending you a message of some kind.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Now is a good time to practice using spiritual approaches to fear and anxiety. This is the only approach that will work, as it comes entirely from you and does not depend on externals. Whatever feelings you may be experiencing — however intense or disruptive — are sending you a message of some kind. So the most helpful response is to listen and focus inwardly. It is rare that fear is actually sending you some message of concern over the alleged object of your worry. Nearly all of the time, the issue is something else, and the seeming concern is merely a thought that the anxiety has grafted onto. It can take some awareness to see this for what it is, though you will get better with practice. It’s worth dusting off the lesson from A Course in Miracles: “I am never upset for the reason I think.” Way at the bottom of what I am calling a spiritual approach is asking for help — inwardly. You bring the small willingness, and Spirit brings the rest.
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There are an enormous number of nervous, narrow-minded people who want absolutely nothing of spontaneous experiences.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Your social and sexual opportunities will improve as the Full Moon approaches. As you’re well aware, not every situation is for you. However, it will help if you do a lot of trying on a diversity of social environments and get a sense of how you and the people around you are vibing together. There are an enormous number of nervous, narrow-minded people who want absolutely nothing of spontaneous experiences. Usually, you’ll know in about five minutes whether you actually want to spend time with someone — and whether they are interested in you. Feel your way gently into spaces where people are communicating with one another in an unscripted way. Then notice where the conversation goes, and how you feel. Remember something else: you need the company of people who are a little odd, eccentric and who have their own version of the social contract. And that must be true beneath the most superficial level. Fortunately, the possibilities are opening up over the next week or two. If you want to take part, be available to new experiences.
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Venus is the master of attraction, and with her in your sign, you’re the magnet. The less you do to get attention, the better.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Venus enters your birth sign or rising sign right as the Full Moon happens on Aug. 11. This is an astrological flowering of your potential, and a great birthday gift (early, belated, or right on time). Venus is the master of attraction, and with her in your sign, you’re the magnet. The less you do to get attention, the better. You’re already a beacon. So the most helpful thing you can do is to be observant of how people are responding to you. The Moon reaching full phase in your relationship house will emphasize social groups of all kinds. One thing to remember is how awkward most people are when they are around one another. Under digital conditions, most of society has forgotten how to relate naturally (and they were never that good at it). You, however, possess natural poise and a kind of intelligence that people do not see as threatening. So let them be the ones who feel insecure, while you do what you can to reassure them of their likability. No matter where you find yourself, you will be able to both blend in and stand out (just enough) at the same time.
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That is a form of power and, of emphasis. Mercury in the style of Virgo is deep and integrated knowledge.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — We are approaching Mercury retrograde season. It’s more than a month off, but it usually catches people by surprise. (The exact dates are Sept. 9 through Oct. 2, and add about two weeks on either side for the ‘shadow phases’). This retrograde takes place in your sign. Mercury has just arrived there as of Thursday, Aug. 4, so you get an extended visit of your ruling planet in your birth sign. That is a form of power and, of emphasis. Mercury in the style of Virgo is deep and integrated knowledge. (In the style of your cousin Gemini, it’s pithy, clever and insightful.) However, when we add the retrograde, the theme becomes the quest for self-knowledge. The present psychic and social environment has most of us living our lives in parts. Mercury retrograde in your sign wants you to collect yourself and be one person. You may not be able to ‘get it all done’ in one astrological phase, though you can make some progress and learn the method. This starts with turning your awareness inward, and returning there every time you remember.
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Libra is a sign with many modes, perhaps because Venus is so good at picking up the surrounding energy and reflecting it right back to people.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Your ruling planet Venus soon enters Leo, and for you this is the ultimate social butterfly. Libra is a sign with many modes, perhaps because Venus is so good at picking up the surrounding energy and reflecting it right back to people. You don’t need to turn up the intensity; rather, ease into the confidence and beauty of fiery Venus in the most social area of your chart. However, don’t be afraid to come on with some gusto where you feel it’s fun or appropriate. The Full Moon in your fellow air sign Aquarius will encourage you to take some creative risks, including in group and social situations. You can have a lot of fun with this — playing dress-up, experimenting with characters, and saying whatever you dream of when asked, “What do you do?” You can afford to be a bit outrageous and have fun with people, most of whom at this late stage in world history are feeling a bit tired and bored with all the pre-processed and seemingly never-ending sameness. You get to be the variety, and everyone will benefit.
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You may love them to bits, though you also need them to recognize your singular qualities and your independence, which is not their forte.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Your ruling planet Mars is working its way into a 90-degree aspect to Saturn (called a square, and it takes place Sunday, Aug. 7). This could be exciting — but only if you keep your sense of humor. Seen one way, it emphasizes your usual quest to break away from the emotional control of your family. You may love them to bits, though you also need them to recognize your singular qualities and your independence, which is not their forte. At the same time, the planets are positioned such that you can have fun with the dynamics. If you remain aware of the idea of ‘projection’ — that is, people pretending their issues belong to someone else — you will learn a lot, and see what is under the personality dynamics of any social environment. Be cautious of any situation where a partner or loved one is expected to go against a custom or expectation; it would be preferable not to engage, and let any conflict blow over. It will soon enough, if you don’t stoke it.
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Strive to do a little less rather than a little more. Go easy on the gas, and easy on the brakes.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The sky is Fire Sign Theater right now. The current inventory is Jupiter, Chiron and Eris in Aries; then Venus, the Sun and Ceres in Leo; and those steadfast deep space points in your own sign (the Galactic Core and the Great Attractor). You are getting a boost from all this fiery energy, and you will thrive if you keep your expectations modest. Strive to do a little less rather than a little more. Go easy on the gas, and easy on the brakes. Mars has been moving through Taurus, which is the sign in your solar chart associated with your personal health and wellbeing. This is cautioning you against burnout, but also will reward physical activity and a good workout of your productivity. Yet that depends on your being inspired and passionate about what you’re doing. If you run into some kind of roadblock over the next few days, proceed slowly and thoughtfully. Do not use force. Use your intention, and rely on other people to offer you a perspective to help you do things more easily.
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Make sure you exercise your restraint as well as your insistence that your your financial activities align with your values.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — This can be a financially lucrative time in your life, though you must never jump to snap decisions. Follow up all hunches about investments with due diligence; stick to what you know, and what you know works for you. Make sure you exercise your restraint as well as your insistence that your financial activities align with your values. This is the definition of “financial integrity.” You’ve been refining this to a great degree the past two years, and there is still more you can do to bring yourself into alignment. Part of this involves understanding the difference between personal responsibility and collective responsibility. You have Aquarius on your 2nd house of personal resources: this implies a collective theme. The ideal position for you to be in is to manage resources that belong to others, and make sure they are used for the right purpose. Ideally, this is something you would teach, demonstrate and make part of your life purpose. There are very few people who can be trusted with the community chest, and you are likely to be one of them. And that requires one standard: impeccability.
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The friends you make the next two weeks will keep you set for quite a while, and help you have an equally social winter.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Venus is about to join the Sun in your opposite sign Leo, just as the Moon swings into full phase. This is a high point in your season, when your social magic is working at full strength. For the next few weeks, get to every social event that you can, from the county fair to private parties to the Full Moon drum circle. The friends you make the next two weeks will keep you set for quite a while, and help you have an equally social winter. The Full Moon will be a turning point for you in many ways, as the Moon-Sun opposition makes a square to the lunar nodes. This is a bold symbol of coming around a corner, and also snapping the tension that has held certain situations in your life at a loggerheads. Do not use force; rather, work with existing momentum and gently guide events in the direction you want them to go. Make sure you do something that might feel a little odd, which is allow for spontaneous experiences — wholly unplanned, unexpected, and unknown. Leave yourself available! Few people know or care how to do this. They would rather fill up their calendar two months in advance.
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Choose carefully and as the old joke goes, “Work is precious, so save a little for tomorrow” — or even next month.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — There is a lot going on in the “work and wellness” angle of your chart — and I suggest you stick to the “wellness” part of that. This time of year, you want to relax, and yet you’re often motivated to get a lot done. Therefore, you can help yourself by being disciplined about what you don’t do, as much as what you do. Choose carefully and as the old joke goes, “Work is precious, so save a little for tomorrow” — or even next month. With Jupiter in your 2nd house, you can be confident that financial matters will take care of themselves. Keep a grip on your financial commitments, pace yourself, and you will do fine. A more relaxed approach will help you stay open to new possibilities. Chiron is also in your 2nd house, and where goes Chiron, there can seem to be delays or things that need to be fixed. There is a very strong possibility you’re making much more progress than you think. Now, for a good time, invest your energy in self-care and self-awareness.
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