Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for Oct. 31, 2024 by Eric Francis

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Planet Waves

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You seem to be under tremendous stress of some kind, which will only find resolution through creative and sexual expression. Forces deep in your psyche are melting and rearranging your inner landscape, and this is creating heat that needs somewhere to go. The cold, sterile world of the digital environment does not allow any expression of your emotional and psychic reality — but it does offer a shabby illusion. The message of your charts is that life is lived in physical experience. Every cell in your body is likely to be driving this message. We are ultimately talking about the difference between porn and sex; between a video game and a real-life experience of softball or soccer. It’s the difference between a food video and cooking a meal for your friends. Your body wants to express deep feelings, needs and desires. You know what they are.

Old Dutch Church cemetery, Kingston. The monument at center in the back is the grave of Governor and Vice President George Clinton. Photo by Eric.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — To experience attachment in a relationship is also to experience the fear of losing the relationship. They are so closely intertwined that the world has created a whole genre of literature around the theme of “love and death.” This may feel tragic; there is a certain beauty to it as well. And yet there is no liberation from the seeming paradox by using any worldly values. Those are the ones that lead to all of those love-and-death-related beliefs. There is only a spiritual solution possible, and that is having some understanding of existence that embraces the facts of this world, and then at the same time looks beyond them. This is where the deepest growth happens in profound relationships. This is the encounter with existence that to truly love and care about someone calls forth. And here is where you encounter the living mystery — and the process of gaining true maturity.

Huguenot Street Cemetery, New Paltz. Photo by Eric Francis.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The work you do must be meaningful to you. You require some depth, and actual human interaction, in order to be happy in your day-to-day business affairs. You need a bit of intensity, too, something that holds you emotionally. It happens that many factors are encouraging you to re-evaluate your relationship to work and to what you want to accomplish in this lifetime. You feel your own potential, and you also know that you’re up against certain limits. Yet the most significant of those is your need for both meaning and structure. While it would not be totally fair to say you thrive on accountability, at this time in your life it will feel good to be a go-to person or a problem solver for someone. You want to be the place where the buck stops, and you must also be that for yourself. In this, there is freedom.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The New Moon in your resonant, fellow deep-water sign of Scorpio is encouraging you to get all of your feelings and desires in one place and take a look at them. They are yours — and perhaps your most important possessions, because on the physical plane, manifestation is driven by desire. Even if you can’t make peace with what you want (which is who you are), you can admit that it exists and in some significant way describes your reality. It would seem that you’re in a power struggle of some kind, specifically on the issue of desire. This may involve someone in your life, perhaps an intimate partner, who seems to have some regulatory control over your feelings. This is not true and it’s impossible: there is no such authority in the universe as one person setting a limit on the feelings or the desire of another person. So don’t fall for that one.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — There is a valuable lesson from A Course in Miracles, which is, “I am never upset for the reason that I think.” (This one comes up on day five of a one-year training program, so you know it’s a central teaching.) And while the words matter, what matters more is every time you discover this to be true. Then you will gradually be less enamored of any immediate sense of what is bothering you, and consider that there may be something else going on. This would be a perfect time to practice this lesson, because it looks like one thing is irritating you when in truth it’s something else. Once you’re not distracted by the illusion of a problem, you have new options. One may be recognizing that the actual problem is already solved. Or, short of that, you can define your situation in a way that lends itself to a solution.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Avoid putting yourself under any needless pressure. If you think something has to be done a certain way by a certain time, verify both of those assumptions. You may need to do less than you think, and — regardless of how uncertain the situation seems — matters may still be working out in a way that is favorable to everyone. Things might feel a little edgy before they feel resolved, though there would seem to be real change in progress. That suggests you’re working out something deeper than you think, where the surface conditions do not give a full sense of the situation. So in these dark and mystical days, be bold about looking under the lid of what may trouble you. Find the roots deeper in the past than you may suspect. Look as far back as your great-grandparents’ generation. You will learn something that puts everything else in context.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — In these nights, the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead is at its thinnest. Throughout many Northern Hemisphere cultures, this is the time for making contact with one’s ancestors. This would be a productive exploration for you, because they are so influential in your thoughts and feelings. Here is the thing to remember: either they are gone — as in all the way gone — or they exist somehow, as inhabitants of the spirit world or in your genetic memories. Your direct memories only present a partial picture of who they were, and the limited ways in which you may have known them. When you meet them in their current form, you may be surprised at the wisdom they have to offer. Due to the state of society right now, it’s vitally important that we pay homage to the past and the way things were done in times long gone. This is not about nostalgia; it’s about wisdom.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The message of the imminent New Moon in your birth sign is to not see yourself as better than anyone else. You might think you don’t, though this can manifest in ways you don’t understand. Any time you think that someone owes you something, that qualifies as ‘better’. Any time you have an ungrounded expectation, that translates to better. What is ‘ungrounded’? Anything someone has said openly, such as, “I will pick you up at the mall at 3:45 pm next to the big red planter by Macy’s.” Ungrounded is anything you expect where someone else has not promised exactly what, where and when. This would be a fantastic time to make a policy shift into rooted-in-words contractual commitments, and to expect no more, and no less, from anyone with whom you are coexisting: partner(s), children, siblings, parents, your boss, your employees or whomever. And especially yourself.

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — May there be no part of your own awareness of which you’re afraid. Yet that’s not how the ego works. The ego is fear, and then it’s terrified of everything other than itself. You contain an inner truth that is coming to a boil and spilling over. The heat is not something you can control. You can put a lid on the pot, which would only build up pressure. Or you can acknowledge what is happening for you. You can choose to let your feelings out in slow, steady, dependable ways — including many that you will find pleasurable. Many fear their inner truth before connecting with the sense of relief and freedom that comes from allowing yourself to be who you are. This can go on for decades. In the first instance, it doesn’t matter why you might feel a certain way. Yet if you can follow your feelings in, and go deeper, you will get closer to the fuel source that is moving you.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Here in the Northern Hemisphere, there’s something special about this time of year. The shorter days are turning into winter and there is a sense of transition in the air. Many cultures celebrate forms of Days of the Dead, including Halloween. In the Gaelic tradition, this is the night between the worlds, a kind of night out of time. You’re especially tuned into this particular psychic dimension. You have a kinship to ancient tradition, and you’re always close to the ancestors. They have a message for you — and they may also have messages for the people around you. Take a few days and walk among them. Visit their graves if you have access. Do what is known as “standing up for the dead,” and saying what they cannot say. We dearly need the wisdom of the past right now, and you are one of our very best points of access.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If there is a power struggle of any kind going on, look at it closely. It’s likely that this is really about an internal dynamic that is calling on you to confront your fears. This may include some extremely deep anxieties about existence, life, death and your core purpose. There is an aspect happening now that could provoke significant paranoia. This is an opportunity to learn something in the process of healing a condition that has potentially vexed you for a long time. You may not have put together that it was the same thing all along, though you can get a good look at that right now. The discoveries you make and the recognitions you come to right in this moment, in these severe days, have extra power to serve your growth and healing. Any extreme mental or emotional discomfort is reminding you to stay close to yourself rather than to retreat.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The forthcoming New Moon in Scorpio is calling on you to have a new vision for your existence on our beautiful, troubled planet. Use the idea of working with your remaining time on Earth, long or short though it may seem, to do what you know is the most important thing to do. This is likely to fit with a larger plan, or a larger vision. It would be better if this starts within you, though you may be informed by some seemingly external necessity you want to respond to. The feeling that will inform you and confirm whether you’re correct is a sense of adventure — perhaps a little danger — and the lust for experience. Remind yourself every day that there is no purity and that perfection is not a value. You will be feeling your way through this one, making sure to add a little logic for good measure.

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