The Awa introduces the events of 2025 and catches up on the astrology leading to them. This eBook is the “reference reading” for The Awakening readings and is delivered now with any pre-order.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — Sexual desire is fickle. This would be more fun if we worked with that quality rather than against it. That would mean recognizing that your desires change, which is another way of saying don’t hold yourself to any particular preference. This is more difficult if someone is expecting you to want them as a matter of agreement or commitment rooted in the mental and economic strata of the mind. It’s one thing to have sex with someone because you want to, and another because you share an apartment with them. You now get to sort out these and other distinctions. Yet the real point of the upcoming Mars retrograde is to acknowledge how you feel without reservation or remorse. You cannot fool yourself; you cannot convince yourself of anything. So you may as well feel what you feel, and let that lead you to being who you are.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Your eternal optimism about a relationship — and relationships in general — is asking for a counterpoint: honesty. No actual relationship between two people is possible without total transparency. This would span everything from your past history to your current agenda. Past means all the way back, to where you might encounter some unprocessed emotions that can put a strain on any delicate emotional situation. Have these discussions at the kitchen table or in the living room, rather than as pillow talk. Though there is an effect known as “in vino, veritas,” you might stick to the good sense and good health of water. The reason is simple, which is that to make any progress, you need to own what you said and felt yesterday. Learning is cumulative. It’s all too easy to go back on something you learned or admitted to because it makes you uncomfortable. And that discomfort is your best friend right now.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — The best way to figure out what is going on with people close to you is to ask them. You can study their behavior all you want, though their reality is something they must claim before you in the form of saying it out loud. However, you don’t want to put someone in the hot seat. Rather, express your interest and ask where a person you care about is coming from; what they are feeling; what they want. Digital technology has put more space between people than ever. Intimacy was never particularly appealing, but to some real extent it was unavoidable. Now, it’s easy to sidestep and most people think they are happier that way. I don’t think this is true; I don’t think it’s a wholesome approach to existence. Be ready to share your personal truth but remember, that only reveals your reality and not that of someone else.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — To exist every day with purpose is a whole other feeling than our tired world knows. Not just tired but also people imitating their computing devices and going through the motions in automatic mode. It might not feel safe to be awake, aware and loving in this environment. Yet there is no valid argument for situational awareness being a bad idea. And while many would say that there’s no point to having integrity, your life is about you, not any of those people. You are here at this time with the option of serving the purpose you chose. Your learning is between you and your soul, and the views of no other person or entity matter. Tap into your boundless energy and do what you know is the right thing. Relax into your deep knowledge and make your decisions based on it. You’re fortunate to have these options so easily available.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The brilliance of a particular idea you have may not be apparent to you. For example, imagine you think you’re solving one problem, but in fact, you will eventually discover that you’re working out the resolution to an issue you don’t know you have. Therefore, respect your concepts, whether they fit the category of artistic, creative or practical. Take a circumspect view. Work backwards from the effect into the cause. Notice the environmental conditions that are leading you to think a certain way. And keep everything on a moderately-paced timetable: there is no need right now to rush toward any goal or objective. The big questions surround just what you’re trying to accomplish, which will emerge through a process of discovery. Keeping a kind of sketchbook will be very helpful, so you can track and trace your ideas. When and where you thought of something will tell you a lot about it.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may need to exercise your sense of adventure. It’s true that you’re the perfect armchair traveler. You can journey without leaving the room. You have amazing powers of focus and can find very nearly anything intriguing. Yet something in your chart is saying that you would benefit from getting on an airplane or pointing your car in the direction of another city or town. I realize not everyone can afford this, though there are inexpensive ways to travel. Think of someone, somewhere, who would welcome you in their home for a week. Armchair travel and couch surfing go together. Use your considerable charm and persuasiveness and get some friends to cover any responsibilities for a week or three. You will return with a whole new outlook on your existence and its purpose. And I think you’ll also remind yourself that freedom is the freedom to explore.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — With Mars about to turn to its somewhat rare retrograde motion, you’re going to learn something about who your friends are — which implies who they are not. Be grateful for everything you learn, and for each discovery. Pay special attention to who you want to connect with and who wants to connect with you. Is the feeling mutual? Can you work out an open line of communication? Mutual is the key: no more unrequited friendships, no more one-way relationships, no more servicing the prima donnas — and absolutely no being one. The essence of the sign Libra is fairness. In this situation, you will — at least in part — be the judge of your own cause. So you must be especially objective in your evaluations. Make sure you do a little more for others than is asked of you. Err on the side of generosity, unless you feel taken advantage of. Then you must speak up.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — This weekend’s New Moon in your money angle suggests that you need a new approach to how you handle your assets. The question is not how much of anything you have, but rather what is it for? Your financial angle involves the sign Sagittarius. This is about wisdom, knowledge and an overall spiritual approach to your affairs. This precludes any use for materialism. Yes, you need things, and you want things, but those things cannot be an end unto themselves (if you are to be happy). There must always be a purpose involved. There must always be a point of connection to a deeper reality. And in no case do the ends justify the means, where acquiring money is concerned. Where there is a need for any justification, something is out of tune or off balance. Ask yourself thoughtfully what is up. Consider your motives in a truthful way.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — With your ruling planet Jupiter hanging out in your opposite sign Gemini, you may be mistaking an inner need for an external one. Everyone needs companionship; though at the moment, your chart is making a strong case for needing introspective time. Turning your focus inward will help you sort out your priorities and expectations in all relationships: past, present and future. You might want to set a policy of needing less and focusing more on your experience with and of the other. Part of the modern relationship game is to think of them as entitlement programs, and this set of values needs to be burned and buried. Also, if love is a dance, consider whether you want to lead, or follow. You cannot meaningfully do both at the same time. This may come down to what aspect of life we’re talking about. Right now, your existence is more about what you have to offer than what you have to gain.
Sagittarius Astrology Studio 2024-25 is now available for instant access.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There are certain kinds of emotional disturbance that you can do without, and one of them involves relatives, and their phantom memories, dictating the course of your life. These come through as overt and covert signals that sometimes seem encrypted in your nervous system. However, though this may be coming through more loudly than you want right now, you do have a chance to see these messages for what they are. Note that they may come through as language, as feelings, or as both. If you pay attention, you can identify the characters. Who is the drunk? Who has the endless appetite for cruelty? Who wants to gather the family together, and overlook people’s toxic influence? Give these people names, and inquire what is motivating them. Part of what vexes you is their anonymity. Give these people names, and identify the specific messages they sent to you, or are sending. This will give you the upper hand.
Capricorn Astrology Studio 2024-25 is now available for pre order.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Pluto’s presence in your birth sign will shift your relationship to the entire social sphere of existence. Now, due to the crisis of 2020+, human interactions are more like some odd, squashed shape than a sphere. Yet because you are born under the sign of informal social leadership, you are being summoned, not just for yourself but for everyone. Start by re-mapping your own personal society. Study the way people act when they are individuals, when they are couples and when they are in small groups. You may notice that they seem like different people. While you’re at it, study your own dynamics in these situations. Also, it’s my observation that all relationships are one-to-one; the ‘group’ is an illusion. And if nothing else, this knowledge is a tool for how to relate. In the end, you can only do so one person at a time.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Pluto has made its final ingress into Aquarius, an extremely sensitive angle of your chart. The sign before yours is called the 12th place. It’s a strange space of consciousness that opens up the realm of dreams, your ancestral past, your imagination and your worst fears. Major transits here — and you’ve had quite a few in recent years, including Uranus, Neptune and Chiron — must be handled carefully. You have experience. You have a feeling, as a Pisces, for what this unusual, zero-gravity space is about. Pluto in Aquarius will bring upheavals in society, and it will help greatly if you update your inner sense of what the world is about as you move through waking life. And while you’re doing this, your ideals count for a great deal. You must have a notion of what you want the world to be, even as you may have to admit that it’s something else.
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