Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may decide that someone else had the right idea, and make a sudden adjustment to your priorities — so you can continue your adventure with them. If you’re holding onto something, the question is what, and why? You’ve been itching for change for a long time. And from the look of your solar chart, you’re not sure what you really value. Yet that does not need to imply that you’re indecisive or noncommittal. There are times in life when it’s a good idea to take leadership from others, if you’re sure that you trust them. And every decision in every relationship is ultimately an experiment in what is possible — and whether you’ll be happy with it. In your current situation, a little trust and a smidge of passion will go a long way. And part of love is being supportive of what another person wants from life. Taurus (April 19-May 20) — I’m wondering if you still have an image of yourself as a social conservative. I don’t mean what you think about what other people do, or what others think about that. I mean what you think they think of you, and how you think they think you conduct yourself. Do you need to be seen as a certain kind of person, a certain kind of partner, or someone with a certain moral framework? Is any part of how you feel, or what you do privately, in any way governed by the appearance of propriety? If not, you’ve done the work of Pluto in Capricorn. Your life, your choices and your feelings are your own, and not subject to any social, religious, cultural or moral theory. It’s just so convenient to tick the boxes of a “good person.” In truth you’re far more passionate than you let on. You run a fever all the time. Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may be feeling extremely restless as the Moon reaches full phase in your deep inner zone known as the 12th house. This is a kind of restlessness that’s been with you for a good few years now, and every once in a while it charges you up like you’re about to be struck by lightning. Your imagination might be going places you’ve never gone before. You might be staying up until 4 am wondering what to do with all the energy you have. If I may make a suggestion: have fun. Ride out this rare wave of energy, try to collect some of your wild ideas (such as in a notebook, sketchbook, camera, digital recorder, MIDI keyboard or something, anything) and have fun. The winds of creativity are blowing strong. They are encouraging you to be a free person, respectful of your own streaks of genius. Cancer (June 21-July 22) — You will make some discoveries about who your friends are over the next few days. This word is tossed around casually. It’s been turned into a digital commodity, and a cheap popularity contest (as opposed to the previous slightly less cheap kind). But there is such a thing as a friend. Sometimes you don’t know who they are until they reveal themselves. The message of the planets right now is get out where you can encounter others in person. Take a break from digital friendship and get out this weekend and be as social as you possibly can. Find someone to watch the kids and don’t worry about what existing social partners, or other partners, want to do. Explore the world and leave yourself the all-important factor of being open to random encounters. Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — The Taurus Full Moon may come with the discovery of an important goal or plan that you were not quite aware of. Yet it was there all along, waiting to be awakened. First, sketch out this potential and even try it on. Even if it’s the right thing for you, it will be better if you get moving early next year rather than springing into action now. Three or four months is the perfect length of time to conduct a few proof of concept experiments. With Mars about to be retrograde, your idea will go through a series of revisions between now and February. So take advantage of that timing. Gather information and experience. As an aside, on the ordinary “day job” work front, give higher-ups the benefit of the doubt if they have a grandiose idea. It may seem ridiculous and turn out to be brilliant. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — You may catch a glimpse of your future self this week. This could be an actual vision, something you see, in the spirit of ‘remote viewing’. Often these are actual transmissions of a potential future sent back to the present — and they are powerful. They are like attractors, and once you have ‘seen’ something in your mind’s eye, it’s much easier to reach for and build. Often this takes much less effort than you would imagine, and so a sense of ease is one of your most helpful invitations. Pay attention to your fear level and be sure to distinguish your worries from your potential. There may come times in the next few weeks when your fear seems to carry more emphasis than love. You are going through a catharsis, and venting excess energy. Harness this heat and use it for creative and productive purposes. Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — If you’re addressing a financial question or situation, you might find the solution over the next few days. You don’t need to push, strain, fret or freak. Rather, be open to the possibilities, and the most important of those is cooperation. This might mean a form of negotiation and it might mean asking for help. Cooperation means you do your part, and others are gracious enough to do theirs. In relations where there are joint financial agreements or business arrangements, everyone must do their part. The rewards are commensurate with the commitments and responsibilities — and you will be the facilitator of that. Start with all the parties agreeing to the fundamental values you share; then the next step is what to do about it. This order of operations is very important and cannot be revised. Values first, then appropriate action — on an agreed-upon time frame. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — There is no such thing as tough love. Or perhaps better said, as tough as it gets is being sincere and speaking your truth to those who matter. You may be mired in some concept of love or relating that was natural to your family of origin and that you may have decided was normal. Yet love does not contain a trace of meanness, of the fear of consequences, or of laws and rules imposed on one person by another. You will find all the information you need in the speech patterns of your early family. The words they used and how they used them will reveal the feelings involved. If you find that some or all of this is unacceptable to you, that’s a wholesome first step on what is in truth a fairly long journey to reconciliation. However, gentleness, forgiveness and sincerity go a long way in the spirit of healing. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Yours is the most cosmic and mystical sign. I don’t mean that to play favorites in any way. Your patch of sky is home to the core of our galaxy, and an energy vortex that groups together 100,000 galaxies, including our own. If you’re wondering why you feel so strange sometimes, or like your life is so intense, this is your metaphor. What you need the very most is grounding. That means direct involvement with the needs of your body, the food that you eat, and your earthly priorities. This takes special focus. You’re a little like an extraterrestrial from another star system. You have the intelligence to do quite well here, but you need to follow certain rules that exist on the physical plane. And to this end, your solar chart gives you many advantages. You have to know when to err on the side of caution, and when to take a risk. That is the question. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — To do something new, you will need to let go of a form of security that you think anchors you. This seems inevitable, and you may be feeling the Earth rumble as you sip tea or eat your poached eggs. The ground is definitely moving. You don’t need all the reassurance that you think you need, and you will benefit from having significantly less of what people think of as assurance. This may feel like having less to lose, therefore your efforts are less encumbered by fear, and thus worth more. We are on the cusp of a potent Full Moon, which is carrying a lot of momentum. So you don’t need to force anything. You don’t need to apply pressure to yourself or anyone else. All you need is to be willing to move when the moment is right, without hesitation. Therefore, stay close to yourself. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — A spectacular Full Moon in Taurus will morph into the Sun transiting your 10th place, Sagittarius. The planets continue to offer you a message about desire. What do you want for yourself? What do you want to offer the people you serve? Nothing else matters much now. You must know your own will. That will get a result, when everything else will fall flat. However, this is a lot for some, as wanting one thing seems to imply not wanting something else. This is a matter of priorities. That’s another way of saying put first what you want to be first, and let the other things take care of themselves. The Full Moon will bring a breakthrough for you, and you’ll feel much more free to desire as a kind of birthright. This includes sexual desire, the thing that is often relegated to the dustbin as ‘unspiritual’. That is perfectly ridiculous. Visit The Boutique — New from Planet Waves. Excellent products for all 12 signs and rising signs, all subscription options, chart casting service, personal consulting and more. 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Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — There are certain kinds of emotional disturbance that you can do without. OK, you could skip them all, but your family continues to be a source of potential upset even if those entities are long gone from the physical plane. They leave their legacy as imprinting and negative expectation and this weird sense that the past will never be over. However, though this may be coming through more loudly than you want right now, you do have a chance to see these messages for what they are. Note that they may come through as language, as feelings, or both. If you pay attention, you can identify the characters. Who is the drunk? Who has the endless appetite for cruelty? Who wants to gather the family together, and overlook people’s toxic influence? Give these people names, and inquire what is motivating them. Part of what vexes you is their anonymity.