Planet Waves Weekly Horoscope for July 6, 2023

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You’re being shown what is possible, even though you don’t necessarily understand how to make it so.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You may be getting little flashes that reveal your true potential to you. These might be glimpses of the future through the veils that seem to conceal it from you. You’re being shown what is possible, even though you don’t necessarily understand how to make it so. Be open to reassurance that this is a learning process. You will be directed in the steps that you need to take, if you recognize something in yourself that you want to become. Remember, this “revelation” process is revealing what already exists. Getting there will be easier than you think as you remove the obstacles that stand between who you think you are, and who you truly are, one at a time, day by day.

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The love of deep personal vulnerability is not usually your strong suit, yet you need it now more than ever.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Whatever you may be feeling, ask yourself how the pre-digital version of yourself would have responded. You’ve been influenced by the sudden rise of robotics and AI in deep ways, especially since the ingress of Uranus into your sign in 2018. This is not about technology, but rather your ideas about yourself. You are characteristically sensitive in certain ways that you risk losing without deep self-reflection. The love of deep personal vulnerability is not usually your strong suit, yet you need it now more than ever. The only answer to what we are collectively experiencing is to be open to the people you care about. When you find yourself hedging bets, that’s the time to go the other way.

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It’s as if your personal antenna is tuned into something generally available to everyone, but which seems to be funneling directly through to you.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You are more aware of the vast sea-changes happening in society than most people are. One result may be that you’re taking personally what is really a collective situation. It’s as if your personal antenna is tuned into something generally available to everyone, but which seems to be funneling directly through to you. The result may be a sense of urgency that few people around you feel, and may not be acknowledging. This is only increasing your sense of urgency. You’re not in this alone, and as some kind of community antenna, you would be wise to initiate discussions with others who may be receptive. This may feel like taking a chance, though being real has worked for you in the past. It will work for you today as well.

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Be grateful; you’ve been patient and tolerant…

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Everyone has their limits, and you have reached one of yours. Be grateful; you’ve been patient and tolerant, and now you are taking action. What seem like difficult decisions are much easier when you line up the known facts and the known history. The path forward is obvious, even if you’re not sure of your destination. At the center of this plot is your recognition that your resources are primarily to serve your own needs. It’s only when you’ve taken care of yourself that you can safely take care of others. Your role is not to be self-sacrificing but rather to share from a place of abundance; and to receive from others when they offer what they have. Your resources come in many forms besides money — your considerable talent being the first.

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This reading is included with a Backstage Pass

Do not be discouraged; just keep going — slowly, persistently…

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Work with a methodical, fact-based financial strategy and you cannot go wrong. Yet you must make no assumptions, and every decision needs to be checked against specific goals and methods. Forget the willy-nilly approach to the world which usually takes to nearly everything and stick to the known facts and figures. You’re likely to encounter some challenging obstacles soon into this process, though that’s the time to be extra persistent and to understand the deeper nature of any problem that arises. Do not be discouraged; just keep going — slowly, persistently and patiently. Situations will respond to mental power and not to force. There will be several viable solutions to any puzzle that you face — even very simple ones.

In every situation you encounter, you have a diversity of options for how to handle it; there will never be just one path forward or approach to a situation.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Current aspects are infusing you with both drive and a measure of detachment. This combination of assets guides you toward an outcome without being so attached to it. You have the ability to plan your moves, and to be several steps ahead of current developments. Your ideal frame of mind is cool, observant and aware. In every situation you encounter, you have a diversity of options for how to handle it; there will never be just one path forward or approach to a situation. In any competitive situation, which it would appear you may be in, it’s important to know and understand yourself and your tendencies. And you need to have a real understanding of adversaries or competitors. Nothing is “only business.” It’s usually very personal.

You are now reassessing what is left of your most personal inward relationship to yourself, and also making sense of changes to your friendships.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Everyone woke up one day sometime during the past 15 years to discover they are a public figure. Our private lives are exposed to the public, and everyone serves as their own active, daily publicist, managing their image. You are now reassessing what is left of your most personal inward relationship to yourself, and also making sense of changes to your friendships.  Your review needs to reach back to around 2008 (when you were more or less “the person you always were”). Then everything changed — so slowly, you barely noticed it happening. Pluto’s return to Capricorn for the rest of the year is urging you to study the glacier that has altered the landscape of your existence, from the inside out. Once you do that, you will see that many new options have opened up here in this strange, new reality.


You have tremendous persuasive power right now. You must aim it carefully, and be true to your purpose at all times.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Conduct yourself in public with the acumen of a skilled politician. That means knowing who you are talking to at all times, and if you do not, treating people with the respect of a dignitary. It will be easy to seem combative or even aggressive, and only you can take that edge off by expressing true empathy and handling people gently. And there is one especially vital thing — that you know what you want at all times, so that you can do what you can to make it happen, and avoid all forms of conduct that would go to the contrary.  You have tremendous persuasive power right now. You must aim it carefully, and be true to your purpose at all times. Think slowly and carefully before you take any action you cannot reverse.

Success is never an accident. Even when it seems to emerge by chance…

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Success is never an accident. Even when it seems to emerge by chance, it’s always the result of preparation, planning and attention to when you have an opportunity in front of you. However, over-preparation can eat away at your confidence, and there will often be times when you must be decisive while you’re thinking on your feet. Know what details are persuasive and support your cause. Use specific examples as discussion points rather than thinking that they will prove anything. You just need to give people a few tangible examples of how you know your stuff rather than overwhelming anyone with the granular details. If you show some confidence and knowledge, anyone who might care will be sure that you know your stuff.

What you might find out is that certain things you believed in the past do not hold up to the scrutiny of arithmetic, or a basic listing of the facts.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) – Sometimes faith is about understanding the specifics, and sometimes you just know and it’s OK not to worry much about facts and figures. Currently, you will benefit from acquired knowledge and understanding; and it’s not going to injure your faith in yourself. What you might find out is that certain things you believed in the past do not hold up to the scrutiny of arithmetic, or a basic listing of the facts. You would be amazed how far this kind of basic logical evaluation can go in clarifying even complicated situations. You may become a little panicky even at the idea of ever again accepting any powerful authority at their word. The mere fact that anything or anyone claims superiority is immediate grounds for a factual review.

This is an excellent moment to review what you’ve learned and what you’ve accomplished the past four or five months.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Some of the pressure to change and grow has eased off now that Pluto has retrograded out of your sign and back to Capricorn. This is an excellent moment to review what you’ve learned and what you’ve accomplished the past four or five months. If you do that, you will be in a much better negotiating position with anyone who seems to hold power or influence over you. Should you find yourself in such a spot, draw the other party out and learn what they are thinking. Assume that they are working with a plan, and gently, without pushing, unravel the details. A combination of casual conversation, observation and asking specific questions will get that result. Understanding financial plans is especially important, more so if you’re in a sexual relationship with someone.

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Don’t be distracted by what others may think of you; rather, focus on your view of yourself, and in particular, the distinctive value that you offer.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)  — You are responsible for the top line, the bottom line and the center. Anyone who holds a competing interest of some kind is counting on you not taking responsibility for yourself the very moment you need to do so. Therefore, self-awareness is your first and best friend. There may be circumstances where someone wants to move quickly, and you need to take your time. There will be others when you need to make a decision promptly and others cannot hold you back. Don’t be distracted by what others may think of you; rather, focus on your view of yourself, and in particular, the distinctive value that you offer. While you don’t need to feel superior to anyone, those who may have a strong opinion must demonstrate the validity of their ideas. If they don’t, you don’t need to take them seriously.

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