Planet Waves Weekly for Sept. 14, 2023

Notes, Photos and Charts for the new STARCAST

One of the mistakes people aware of Mercury retrograde make is trying to get it all done as soon as the retrograde ends (4:12 pm EDT on Sept. 15). Rather, conduct little experiments here and there; probe your environment to see how your ideas are received.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — You have just passed through some turbulence that may have shaken up your work-related life, such as unexplainable scuffles with higher-ups. Mercury at the end of its retrograde is not making matters simpler. I think your best strategy is to lay low through the week, paying attention to what is going on around you. There will be openings for you to make changes and put some of your plans into action. Yet there is no rush, and it would be unwise to lurch. One of the mistakes people aware of Mercury retrograde make is trying to get it all done as soon as the retrograde ends (4:12 pm EDT on Sept. 15). Rather, conduct little experiments here and there; probe your environment to see how your ideas are received. Also, it’s a good idea to keep your ears open for facts, figures and other information that may have been missing.

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Never settle for one answer to a question, or one solution to a problem, no matter how simple it may seem. Even seemingly elementary puzzles can have a diversity of possible keys that turn the lock.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Focus on originality rather than success. Explore your ideas rather than thinking you’re going to have a big winner. Mercury stationing direct will offer you something new, if your mind is open enough to notice and to embrace the idea. Its value is not its “sell-ability” but rather that it is in some way intelligent, interesting or beautiful. Think like a child, and if you can, have some conversations with one or two. That will help remind you that no matter what you are looking at, you can see it in a new way. Never settle for one answer to a question, or one solution to a problem, no matter how simple it may seem. Even seemingly elementary puzzles can have a diversity of possible keys that turn the lock. Creativity means finding the one that is most suited to your circumstances and needs.

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Small adjustments to the flow of your interior living space can make a big difference in the flow of your life. One area to pay attention to is food storage such as pantries, cupboards and your refrigerator.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Now would be the time to have a potentially difficult discussion related to household or family matters. If you live alone and such things are not factors, make necessary repairs, reorganize trouble spots and clear out what you don’t need. Small adjustments to the flow of your interior living space can make a big difference in the flow of your life. One area to pay attention to is food storage such as pantries, cupboards and your refrigerator. Look through your supplies and let go of what you know you don’t want or don’t need, and what may be past its use-by date. When you restock with fresh supplies and ingredients, do so modestly, paying attention to what you did not need and did not use the last time around. Don’t forget to sweep and wipe up storage areas. If you’re Jewish, you recognize this as a Passover thing. If you’re not, you probably haven’t done it for a while.

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The real gift of Asbolus is remembering that all we call life has many things in common, the most significant of which is the drive to keep going. Do this in a beautiful way and keep the notion of survival way at the back of your mind.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — After spending many years in Gemini, an important early centaur planet has started its journey across your sign. The object is Asbolus, its theme is being able to stand up to adversity; it will be in Cancer until 2040 and serve you well as the world continues its birthing process into the Next Age. The early years (and the final years) of a transit are the most important, and this just began in August. Because Asbolus strengthens the qualities of strength and endurance, you may be noticing the many things calling you to rise to the occasion. Remember that not everything is a confrontation. You cannot count on the worst always happening, and you have many allies and strategic advantages. The real gift of Asbolus is remembering that all we call life has many things in common, the most significant of which is the drive to keep going. Do this in a beautiful way and keep the notion of survival way at the back of your mind.

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Your motto could be, “My life is not about them. My life is about me.” This is the big lesson that so many refuse and resist — and yet life is offering you an opportunity to embrace, engage and claim who you are.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Continuing with the theme of “be what you do,” this is rarely comfortable at first, but comfort is not the point. Being true to yourself is the point, and that is worth any inconvenience. Most people don’t feel that way, so those who strive to be true have yet another point of resistance. And this often adds to the sense of discomfort. Neither is that the point; your motto could be, “My life is not about them. My life is about me.” This is the big lesson that so many refuse and resist — and yet life is offering you an opportunity to embrace, engage and claim who you are. Just remember, it’s always a little (or a lot) awkward, until it is not. Eventually, you not only get used to any tension; you will breathe it like oxygen. Whether people claim to respect you or not is irrelevant. As you may be discovering, ultimately, your quest is one for self-respect.

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Mercury stationing direct always comes with a peak of data and other revelations that can shift your view and allow you to either sidestep potential problems or confront them with much greater efficiency.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Mercury stationing direct in your sign later this week will help you unravel several complicated and seemingly urgent situations you’ve been dancing with for the past month or so. However, that will include the discovery that maybe they were not so pressing after all; and that the thing missing was a vital bit of information that suddenly makes things much simpler. The reason to wait until after Mercury retrograde to make decisions and life maneuvers is specifically because you may not know what you do not know. You might not even know the question exists. Mercury stationing direct always comes with a peak of data and other revelations that can shift your view and allow you to either sidestep potential problems or confront them with much greater efficiency. The motto of Mercury retrograde should be printed on a coin that says, “It’s worth the wait.”

Astrology Studio for Virgo is now available for instant access.

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Astrology Studio for Libra is now available for preorder.

Either the world is all about you, or the world is all about what you learn, observe and discover. The difference pertains to your mental orientation. Your life is always about you.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Everyone is a big star, though you’re getting a moment to shine brightly. Yet here is the question, and it pertains to every topic. For instance: If you visit the Great Pyramid at Giza, do you take a selfie and say to everyone, “Look at me! I’m here!” — or do you walk up to the thing, take some detailed photos, and a few perspective shots, and write detailed, accurate captions? You may say it’s not a choice of one or the other. But I disagree. Either the world is all about you, or the world is all about what you learn, observe and discover. The difference pertains to your mental orientation. Your life is always about you. That can mean putting your body in front of something, or revealing what you are witnessing. Which is more relevant? Which one will you be able to study in the future, and keep learning from? Now, apply this question generally.

The meaningful planet Ceres has entered your birth sign, which it does every four years. She arrived with several questions. An important one is, how does the food you eat make you feel?

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — The meaningful planet Ceres has entered your birth sign, which it does every four years. She arrived with several questions. An important one is, how does the food you eat make you feel? Do you think about what goes into your mouth, and what it contains? And do you consider what comes out of your mouth, and how it makes you and others feel? Regarding the first question, I’m reminded of something Dr. Andy Kaufman said to me during one of our late-night conversations in Thailand: most people cannot even tell when they’re thirsty. This reveals a significant cutoff from sensation and the messages one’s body is sending. It’s possible to pay attention, and to note what, in truth, is not so subtle after all. After a while, how you feel becomes more important than how something tastes, whether it’s convenient, or what your habits might be. However, that is predicated on actually taking note of what your body is telling you.

For you, a reputation is something you express in the moment, through your devotion and sincerity. The combination of a New Moon and Mercury moving direct at the very top of your chart is your reminder to speak softly, and walk lightly.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — Living on your reputation has never been more complicated. Part of the challenge is that in a world where anyone can say anything about any person or any issue, it’s difficult to have one. Yet the most important thing is that you not be confused about who you are. That said, for as bold as Sagittarius is said to be, humility is a vestment you wear well. It’s best to understand the nature of your talent and your abilities, while never boasting about them. Let your accomplishments speak for you. Yet this is not about what “the world” might think, but rather any individual or organization you are serving. For you, a reputation is something you express in the moment, through your devotion and sincerity. The combination of a New Moon and Mercury moving direct at the very top of your chart is your reminder to speak softly, and walk lightly.

One can be told their whole life that they are worthless, but if they believe in themselves, they can accomplish great and unlikely things — even what some would call the impossible.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — On the occasion of Mercury moving to direct motion in Virgo (your solar 9th house), I’d like to bring up this odd thing called “belief.” Here is how it works. There can be all the evidence-based proof in the world; sincere witness testimony; and legit data supporting or discrediting a position. And someone can simply say, “I don’t believe it.” And that’s it —  none of it is true; objective truth is eclipsed by this thing casually called “belief” — often, never to be questioned. Or, one can be told their whole life that they are worthless, but if they believe in themselves, they can accomplish great and unlikely things — even what some would call the impossible. I suggest that you come to a full stop every time you hear yourself say or think the word, or when you find yourself accepting something without evidence, or contrary to it. Pay attention. Take note.

The great changes that will help you establish a new foundation of your life will take place in the spring. Leading up to then, you are being guided into a new idea and direct experience of who you are.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The great changes that will help you establish a new foundation of your life will take place in the spring. Leading up to then, you are being guided into a new idea and direct experience of who you are. And before that happens, it’s necessary that you clear a few more obstacles from your ‘unconscious’ mind. Maybe you’ve had the feeling of getting a splinter of wood or glass embedded in your skin. Your skin heals over it, but your body is constantly working to push it to the surface. Then when it breaks the surface and comes out, your skin will rip a little, but it’s the most excellent feeling because you know that’s what it’s taking to get the foreign object out of your body. Now imagine this as a psychic experience, pertaining to fear, guilt, and denial. And in that process of breaking through the surface of your mind, you will feel your true passion.

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In all of these areas of your life, planets are moving in what would seem to be reverse. That may seem to impede progress; in truth you are being called inward, and summoned to reconcile with yourself in many different ways.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — A collection of nine retrograde planets now embody Pisces and signs on either side: Capricorn and Aquarius in one direction; Aries and Taurus in the other; and three planets retrograde in your own sign (Saturn, Nessus and Neptune). The signs close to one’s own are also closely related to one’s own — representing values, resources, ideas, inner thoughts and feelings, and what you share with your friends. And in all of these areas of your life, planets are moving in what would seem to be reverse. That may seem to impede progress; in truth you are being called inward, and summoned to reconcile with yourself in many different ways. Yet consider what a retrograde planet is: it means the Earth is close by. So there is a sense of proximity to all that is natural, all that is the most real, all that is older than life and yet alive in its own right. That is you.

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