Planet Waves Weekly for Oct. 10, 2024 by Eric Francis

The Awakening: Your 2025 Readings by Eric Francis – 12 Signs bundles now available.

Photo by Eric Francis.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The key is communication, by which I mean the key to just about everything. It may be difficult to start a conversation about a sensitive matter. There may be something you want or need to disclose; there may be something you need to ask. You will feel better for doing so, and you will also get the result, at least, of moving the energy forward. You might fear that things will get chaotic, though there is a crystal structure running through your solar chart associated with words and speech. If you are what is sometimes called ‘in integrity’ — which really means whole — you will find that the discussion goes better than you expected. One condition is that you not take authority in any way. There can be no “gotcha” moments. Say how you feel, make your statements and ask for feedback. Then see what happens.

Photo by Eric.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — What is really bothering you? Your astrology offers a clue. There is what seems like a facet of yourself that is trying to get your attention. You may have an aching sense that you want to be someone or express something and yet it can turn to vapor or disappear like a dream when you try to make contact with it. And then it keeps trying to get your attention, potentially any time, anywhere, whether you’re asleep or waking. And that thing prodding you as if from another dimension is yourself — your actual self. Not what you show the world; not what you want to be; not who you thought you were. But your actual self. Now, the reason you may not want to go there is the feeling that you think something about your existence is wrong. Yet this is the feeling you must confront and investigate.

Photo by Eric.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Often life seems like a game of Chutes and Ladders. The idea of the game is to emphasize your virtues and work consciously with your vices. Yet what sometimes seem to be setbacks can put you in a whole new place, and you are always subject to that odd thing known as luck. Even in the midst of uncertainty, you can see the patterns of your life and make the best decisions you can based on them. In the age in which we are alive, pattern recognition is the single most important skill we can develop. It’s the difference between seeing nothing but chaos and seeing what makes some sense. The important thing with seeing patterns is to cultivate your objectivity and not project your wishes onto the situation. You must be receptive and allow yourself to be in a state of uncertainty long enough for something deeper to come through.

Photo by Eric.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — There is an art to not getting mixed up in the business of other people, and it does not come from them. It’s an art that you develop for yourself, because it’s the only sane thing to do. Some Teflon coating is involved; there are people you’re inclined to help because it’s the thing to do — and you are neither required to assist, nor to carry any burden of guilt. Generally, helping another person is OK if no harm comes to either of you. What I’m describing is a situation where you are indeed avoiding future harm, and also working to get your life in order. So this means not having the kinds of emotional attachments that you might typically engage in, and feeling good about these decisions. By feeling good I mean having a distinct sense that your life is better for the lack of involvement with most others.

Photo by Eric.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Learning in all forms is a confrontation. It might be an encounter with the unknown, and it might involve having your existing assumptions and presumptions challenged. Either way, you have to hang loose if you’re going to have any fun. We currently live in the age of artificial knowledge and know-nothing experts who thrive on ignorance. You are being invited to take the opposite approach — a kind of empty-cup way of living, where everything you see and feel can represent something new and as-yet undiscovered. The challenge here, and the thing that most would resist, is existing in a state of not knowing about yourself, rather than a state of false certainty. Seen this way, the choice is obvious to some, but not to everyone. Ungrounded assurance is often a comfort zone, whereas facing the mystery of existence is often a source of significant discomfort.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — A relationship is one thing when you arrive feeling incomplete, needing another person to make you whole. And it’s another when you arrive as a whole being, ready to relate to another person as someone solidly merged with yourself. This could be called ‘integrated’, and the experience of integration is one of the core functions of Virgo as a part of the human design of astrology. In a world of people roaming about looking for their missing piece, feeling your own wholeness is a cosmic experience. You are moving in that direction and may be noticing the rumbles of ecstasy when you tap into the power of your whole self connected to your whole self. What remains to be worked out are the details of relationship that might require some other approach. Yet your self-completion gives you significant influence, even as you may gather it one element at a time.

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Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — We are in particularly stressful times for committed relationships. There are so many variables and so many options that it’s difficult to hold together a structure, particularly one that involves human foibles. The kinds of factors that supported relationships from the outside no longer exist: various customs and necessities of age (such as an imperative to get married, or to be married when you have children). Not only this, we live in a world of many seeming possibilities — but relatively few of them are real. The problem this creates is when relationships are mostly supported by negative attachments, resentments, expectations and scorekeeping. Yet what is the point of that? None of it leads to fulfillment, which is fine if that’s not what you want. But I assure you that it is. I propose that you want to be happy. For that to happen, your relationships must be honest and peaceful.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Yours is the only ‘fixed’ water sign. This is an old word for set and stable; for what is seemingly unchanging. One hundred years ago an example of fixed water might have been a polar ice cap. Another example is underground fossilized seawater, such as may be found in Michigan. Any notion of integrity that prevents you from being emotionally flexible is yet another. You may think that keeping your desires in check somehow makes you a better and more pure person, though what it really does is push your feelings under the surface. That is the primary source of chaos in the lives of most humans. Your ruling planet Mars is square Chiron. This may feel like the urge to be very, very emotionally disciplined, but what this aspect is saying is relax and be who you are. Let yourself be moved by nature, and by your own nature. You’re more likely to do what you know is right.

Photo by Eric.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The most meaningful things you do are likely to be the most controversial. So to avoid honest self-expression allegedly for the sake of pleasing others is only to cheat yourself. In fact it’s a perfect excuse not to challenge yourself to do something real. What would mother think? But the real question is, what would you think if you went deeper into your psyche and challenged yourself to create something that changes you? That is the definition of art, of creativity, and of intellectual honesty: you change in the process of making something that you truly mean. The avoidance of seeming controversy is more often a dodge against doing something that is real, that’s meaningful and where the results are unpredictable. Social approval is for the craft fair. Challenging yourself to grow and to reveal yourself to yourself: that is for the art studio — of life.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — You have an opening to do some deep healing work on a family matter that may have lingered around for years. You knew it was bothering you, but somehow it seemed intractable, as if the consequences could not be avoided. Your opening is not about avoidance but rather the direct encounter. You may feel like you’re taking responsibility for the actions of someone else; you are not. Rather, you are taking responsibility for the impact of those actions, or circumstances, on you. Focus on healing your own life and getting your own emotional affairs in order. Ask for help if you need it; once you have focused on a couple of questions, you can be sure you’re making progress. That would be the time to seek the counsel of someone who has been through this territory before. Focusing tangible questions is your superpower. Alcohol and food abuse within your family are the slippery, wet floor to watch for.

Photo by Eric.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Pluto has retrograded back into Capricorn for the second and last time. This ends in mid-November. It’s unusual that this is happening again, albeit briefly, though it describes an important opportunity for healing. The past 16 years of Pluto in Capricorn have pushed, pulled, dragged, stretched and guided you through some difficult, deeply personal territory. It’s almost as if you have had to clean up the results of what many past generations have done to their children. It has all accumulated, and you have been heir to sorting out and creating solutions to problems long taken for granted. That is the thing with families: agony going deep into the past is presumed to be ‘just the way it is’. Yet you will need to remain vigilant, particularly about power dynamics and those with secret plans. After all these years, it’s time to value sincerity as the essence of commitment.

Photo by Eric.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) —The forthcoming Full Moon in Aries may seem to arrive with a showdown. But remember, you have the goods. You’re in possession of valuable assets, knowledge and moreover, self-respect that you have worked long and hard to gain. Therefore, stand your full stature, make your moves slowly, and let everyone else make the mistakes. The most important thing you can do is respond from a mental orientation rather than an emotional one. This always takes you a little time, but you do figure it out. Therefore, if you feel yourself reacting rather than responding, step back and interpose some kind of delay. Slow down the movie to give yourself time to reconsider your position and gather your thoughts. As a Pisces, it is difficult for you to see the advantages you have, and to see what they are worth. While you’re doing that, note that most people lack these very things.

Photo by Eric.

Visit The Boutique — New from Planet Waves. Excellent products for all 12 signs and rising signs, all subscription options, chart casting service, personal consulting and more. Note, I’ve scrapped most ads around the horoscope to make room for more photos. You will find what you’re looking for, including tons of audio previews, by tapping the banner below.

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