What’s unfolding in your life will serve as a reminder that your spiritual alignment and being at peace with your own existence are all that matters. Should you find that you need to get your spiritual house in order, that’s ideally what you will do.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — The thing about relationships is that you cannot control them and you can barely influence them. You cannot influence whether or how others are attracted to you, repelled by you, ready for you, or not. But you can be in touch with your own inner nature. You can be right with yourself. And there is a pitfall in that relationships, particularly of the ‘romantic’ variety, are often used as substitutes for self-acceptance. And notably there is always someone willing to play that game. What’s unfolding in your life will serve as a reminder that your spiritual alignment and being at peace with your own existence are all that matters. Should you find that you need to get your spiritual house in order, that’s ideally what you will do. To make that about a relationship is tempting but is unlikely to be productive. Whether intimate partners are telling you the truth about their reality will be revealed in time. Meanwhile, honor your own truth.
The deeper question involves your values: what you hold to be near and true, and why you feel that way. Yet it’s easy for you to allow others to hold a vision for you, or to merge your own with theirs. Some of your most beautiful moments of bonding have involved this kind of sharing.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may be in an ambitious mood where money is concerned, though remember that your goal is to have your own wealth, not that of someone else — however it may come to you. Certainly it is convenient to save a lifetime of effort, luck and ingenuity. Yet that is perhaps what your lifetime is for. The deeper question involves your values: what you hold to be near and true, and why you feel that way. Yet it’s easy for you to allow others to hold a vision for you, or to merge your own with theirs. Some of your most beautiful moments of bonding have involved this kind of sharing. Though at the moment, your circumstances are jolting you out of this tendency and into a new kind of independence. There is a whole lot of energy behind this movement and you are unlikely to be in your usual polite mode. But once you make up your mind, that is that — so have mercy on the rest of us.
I suggest you take the month and study your situation. Consider the history of the relationship and all partnerships in your life. New information is coming, and you may be surprised by what you discover.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — For the next month or so, a theme may rise to the surface of your awareness: do your relationships have a spiritual basis, or a material one? Yes, there is true love, and yes, it’s nice to share the bills and have a support system. If your relationship — assuming this pertains to a specific person — has two feet, where do they stand? One on each side, or both to one side? Without judging, I suggest you observe what is so. This may be uncomfortable. You may wonder which is really true, and if you know you lean toward the pay-the-bills side you may get the idea you have to reveal this to a partner or loved one. I suggest you take the month and study your situation. Consider the history of the relationship and all partnerships in your life. New information is coming, and you may be surprised by what you discover.

Among the great themes of this time in your life is finding your true role, and your true mission, and growing into these things. As the Sun forms a trine to Chiron, your path is likely to unfold in some new and unusual ways.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Among the great themes of this time in your life is finding your true role, and your true mission, and growing into these things. As the Sun forms a trine to Chiron, your path is likely to unfold in some new and unusual ways. Yet the trailhead may be subtle and easy to miss — like the ones hidden at the corner of a parking lot or behind the trash bins that may lead to the top of a mountain. That something seems simple or basic is no clue to how the journey may develop. The main aspect influencing you is a trine, which is an invitation that must be taken if it is to be real. It’s a potential that is asking to be developed, or a talent asking to be expressed. You always have the option not to choose that opportunity or potential. The direction of flow is from activity to a visible result, not the other way around. What you do for its own sake is the closest to the mark.
It’s essential that you strive to understand yourself rather than understand the events of the world. Yet beware of provocation. Know it when you feel it, and respond on your own terms.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It’s essential that you mean what you say, and say what you mean. Others may attempt to provoke you into violating your personal truth. This may be less a product of their specific intent, and more about the total environment in which we find ourselves. That environment is one of intellectual chaos, and the rapidly spreading idea that nothing is true, and that we cannot know whether anything ever is. Therefore, it’s either not worth bothering to try, or making up a story that suits one’s belief framework — and does not threaten it. Yet none of this is about you personally. It’s essential that you hold your center, and know what has led you to any concept that you hold in your mind. Said another way, it’s essential that you strive to understand yourself rather than understand the events of the world. Yet beware of provocation. Know it when you feel it, and respond on your own terms. Anything you say can be held against you.
The image from your chart includes an exciting, though somewhat brief, intersection of the most grounded, emotionally rich elements of life with those related to the sublime aspects of sense of purpose. Relationships thrive when they are connected to the very reasons we are alive.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — The place to connect with others is on the spiritual plane rather than the emotional. Said another way, your point of contact is not how you feel about one another but rather where you both resonate with something far greater. Not enough is said about the approach to relating that goes beyond “you and me, me and you,” and gives relationships a much deeper purpose. This is not merely an abstract idea, but rather something that can be expressed in practical terms and deserves to be a consideration in every decision. The image from your chart includes an exciting, though somewhat brief, intersection of the most grounded, emotionally rich elements of life with those related to the sublime aspects of sense of purpose. Relationships thrive when they are connected to the very reasons we are alive, rather than being limited to day-to-day purpose, survival and seeming happiness.

Abundant resources surround you; you must open your mind to where they are and how to access them. No worldly search is involved; you are likely to already know the answer.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — Abundant resources surround you; you must open your mind to where they are and how to access them. No worldly search is involved; you are likely to already know the answer. Meditate and reflect, in slow motion, and orient yourself on the appropriate direction of thought, and the appropriate people. Recognizing that so much hinges on your mental and emotional approach is not encouraging to everyone. These things should rightfully be the easiest to adjust, though often they work out to be the most challenging. You may have information about what puts you in a receptive and aware state of mind. It could be music, it could be being outside, it could be sketching, it could be taking a long drive, or it could be reading. Whatever it may be, your quality of attention is the important variable. And it’s never too late to learn how to fly that glider.
Astrology Studio for Libra is now available for instant access.
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Your most valuable assets are your reputation and your sense of right and wrong. They are closely related, and it would be good advice on any day to say that you must live up to your reputation for fairness, and if you need to clean up your act, do so with a sense of reverence and self-respect.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Financial motivation can be a good thing — that is, the drive to earn more, and not greed. There is a difference. Sticking to the first, your chart describes you as driven by what actually matters to you the very most, and that is what I suggest you stick to. With minimal adjustments you will see that your deepest priorities translate to your best efforts and also honor your work ethics. Yet your solar chart is so strong right now, you can take this all up a few aspiration levels. Your most valuable assets are your reputation and your sense of right and wrong. They are closely related, and it would be good advice on any day to say that you must live up to your reputation for fairness, and if you need to clean up your act, do so with a sense of reverence and self-respect. It’s way too easy in this world to do the wrong thing, and you want no part of it. Do right by others at every turn. You will be happier and so will everyone else.
Astrology Studio for Scorpio is now available for instant access.
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This reading is included with a Backstage Pass
The Sun in your sign meets your ruling planet Jupiter, placed in Taurus, in a perfect 150-degree angle. This moment may be a portent of great things to come, based on one particular event arriving this coming April 20.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — One of my favorite astrological jokes, the brainchild of my first web developer Jordan, is the concept “Sagitaurus” — a fine misspelling by someone who knew absolutely nothing about astrology. So I decided to keep it. It surfaces often: the fusion of Sagittarius and Taurus, the mystical with the physical; the fiery with the earthy; the mutable with the fixed. And it’s happening right now, as the Sun in your sign meets your ruling planet Jupiter, placed in Taurus, in a perfect 150-degree angle. This moment may be a portent of great things to come, based on one particular event arriving this coming April 20. Tap into your potential and know that there are ways forward to get you to what you consider your very best possibilities. Jupiter is the expander; stretch yourself and practice doing what you might once have considered impossible. You will gain confidence when you discover that you can do even more.
Astrology Studio for Sagittarius is now available for preorder.

Recognize that your life as you are currently experiencing the world is more stable and prosperous than nearly anyone around you. It’s partly that you’ve been through so much the past decade, and also that as the sign that represents mountains, you’re so well adapted to life on Earth as a matter of your innate makeup.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Yours is a Saturn-ruled sign, and your home planet is now in your fellow feminine sign Pisces. Let this time in your life be one of peace and reflection. Recognize that your life as you are currently experiencing the world is more stable and prosperous than nearly anyone around you. It’s partly that you’ve been through so much the past decade, and also that as the sign that represents mountains, you’re so well adapted to life on Earth as a matter of your innate makeup. Pay attention to the passage of time. Look at old photos and if you feel nostalgic, remember that some day, you will feel nostalgic for the moment you are living through right now. Carly Simon offered us something brilliant when she wrote the line, “These are the good old days.” You don’t need to chase after anything better than what you have. Appreciate the moment. Do what you feel called to do. What is truly yours will come to you.
In a sense, the acquisition of knowledge is used by many as waging war on the unknown. Yet in truth, this is impossible. The unknown — what in Sanskrit is called the Rta — holds what it holds, and knows what it knows.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — None of the deepest truths can be proven. If proof is your standard, then you will end up with basic geometry and the ability to design a shed — not with art, music, love, or reverence for nature. And to those who are attached to their own rationality, an encounter with such a truth can seem deeply destabilizing. Yet this is only a temporary shakeup, which will inevitably lead the way to something better and more beautiful — if you are interested. In a sense, the acquisition of knowledge is used by many as waging war on the unknown. Yet in truth, this is impossible. The unknown — what in Sanskrit is called the Rta — holds what it holds, and knows what it knows. So let everything you learn and discover be a testament to all that you cannot know, and will never know. This is a lot easier and more fun than trying to prove that you exist, or do not exist.
There is no turning back from an encounter with you; it is transformative, and this can reach to a cellular level. This influences your relationships profoundly, and is doing so now — all of them, with anyone.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You are more influential than you may think. Forget that people don’t admit this much (some do, but you may think they are biased). Think of it this way: there is no turning back from an encounter with you; it is transformative, and this can reach to a cellular level. This influences your relationships profoundly, and is doing so now — all of them, with anyone. Yet there is a particularly deep sexual element that you would be wise to attend to. The most important thing you can do is to make a yoga out of feeling good about yourself, because others pick up on whatever energy you are running inwardly. You are a kind of generator whose inner relationship emanates from you and enters the wider human environment, and that is happening right now with unusual potency. Therefore, do what you can to stay as positive toward yourself as you can. As a side benefit, doing so will help you move toward your highest aspirations much more smoothly. And at the moment you have some fantastic ones.