Planet Waves Weekly for Nov. 2, 2023 by Eric Francis

The question of the moment is: what, exactly, do people bring into your world? And to what extent do you feel you’re responsible for their outcome? Going a little further: by what means do you distinguish your material from that of someone else?

Aries (March 20-April 19) — When you invite someone into your life, they arrive with their entire personal history, including all the unresolved business of the past. Then, much of what we call relationships is what happens as a result. The question of the moment is: what, exactly, do people bring into your world? And to what extent do you feel you’re responsible for their outcome? Going a little further: by what means do you distinguish your material from that of someone else? The lines are blurry at the moment, though it’s still possible to sort out what belongs to whom. There are also points of compatibility, or karmic intersection, where your history matches up with that of someone else. The question to ask on a continuous basis is, what is the purpose of any relationship? The answers to that question may seem to drift and shift; it will be helpful if you study the patterns in the chaos.

Events and affairs are so intense, you need emotional perspective, and the feeling of standing on your own two feet. This is unwelcome in certain kinds of intimacy, and I would propose that you’re too old and too wise for those varieties.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Looking to others to smooth out the ripples in relationships they are part of is like trying to still the surface of a lake with a canoe paddle. There’s likely to be plenty of passion, desire, turbulence and deep emotion seeming to come from outside you. It’s only through making contact with yourself that you can find your way out of that. Even if you love what is happening, and find it fulfilling and intriguing, it would be a really good idea to spend enough time alone to process all of the many feelings involved. In order to suss out what is yours and what belongs to others, you need to be alone. Events and affairs are so intense, you need emotional perspective, and the feeling of standing on your own two feet. This is unwelcome in certain kinds of intimacy, and I would propose that you’re too old and too wise for those varieties.

Matters of your personal health are now in focus. When any such question arises, remind yourself that you have a strong constitution and potent regenerative powers. Regarding whatever may concern you, the role of food will be profound in both understanding the potential problem and the solution.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Matters of your personal health are now in focus. When any such question arises, remind yourself that you have a strong constitution and potent regenerative powers. Regarding whatever may concern you, the role of food will be profound in both understanding the potential problem and the solution. This is too often said and acted upon not often enough. Food is feeling; food is chemistry; food is ancestry; food is environment — the external that becomes internal. The diet fads are flying these days almost as fast as email can travel. Yet you know, innately, what is right for you. And if you don’t know, you can experiment with your hunches, by the old standby of eliminating a diversity of potentially problematic foods, then experimenting with adding them back one at a time. Most people pay nearly no attention to how something they eat makes them feel, yet every food has a resulting emotional state.

With the Sun, Mars, Ceres and Mercury all moving through Scorpio and your 5th solar house — all related to sexuality — your passions could be running deep. You need sexual outlets, and creative ones. This is energy too powerful, too meaningful and too beautiful to bottle up.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Because we live in a world where it is rare for anything with meaning to actually happen, it can be surprising when something does. And at the same time, a discovery of genuine significance can evaporate because you didn’t stop to notice, or take the action that was called for. This will be an unusual few days ahead, where you may make many small discoveries and one large one. And if astrology means anything, you will have the motivation to do something about what you learn. This could cover a wide diversity of subjects, from the most personal choices to matters related to your work. With the Sun, Mars, Ceres and Mercury all moving through Scorpio and your 5th solar house — all related to sexuality — your passions could be running deep. You need sexual outlets, and creative ones. This is energy too powerful, too meaningful and too beautiful to bottle up.

The primary message from your current astrology is to find your way to the present, and do the appropriate thing for right now. There are certain things you take as a given — what others should do for you; what you should do for them; how others are supposed to treat one another. It’s time to question all of that.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — It can take a long time to figure things out, but it takes a lot less time when you’re paying attention. The ability to learn from the past and not disregard its valuable lessons is also a big help. Something keeps trying to get your attention. Something is saying you’ve learned this lesson and don’t need to do any of this again. Yet emotional attachments can be strong, particularly to the past — the way it was, and also the way we wanted it to be. The primary message from your current astrology is to find your way to the present, and do the appropriate thing for right now. There are certain things you take as a given — what others should do for you; what you should do for them; how others are supposed to treat one another. It’s time to question all of that; it’s time to challenge your many assumptions.

Perhaps speaking about what you feel as you feel it is a form of flight. And like those who learn to fly and get their pilot’s license, you may decide you no longer want to be so tethered to your previous emotional reality. It may have “grounded” you, though there is a sense in which that can be self-limiting.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Don’t be surprised if you admit your deepest feelings spontaneously in a moment when you’re least expecting it. Or you may choose to do so as a conscious act, wanting to let go of all that you’ve held onto, and still there will be a moment of surprise. Imagine it’s like a dream where you’re flying and wondering how you’re doing it, because it’s impossible but you’re still doing it and wondering if thinking about it will suddenly mean you cannot. No need for all that; just be there; be with yourself. Perhaps speaking about what you feel as you feel it is a form of flight. And like those who learn to fly and get their pilot’s license, you may decide you no longer want to be so tethered to your previous emotional reality. It may have “grounded” you, though there is a sense in which that can be self-limiting.

Astrology Studio for Virgo is now available for instant access.

This reading is included with a Backstage Pass

What your psyche is calling out for is adaptability. You do not need to make your changes all at once, but rather slowly and steadily. One adjustment will lead to the next. With each problem you solve, the next one will be easier, until you begin to appreciate the challenge of taking steps forward.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — You may be dealing with more anxiety than usual, in the style of fearing that your life might go out of control. And you might respond with a diversity of tactics designed to keep a grip at all costs, when that is simply not necessary. It will be much easier to recognize that you can handle yourself capably in a wide diversity of circumstances, and to remind yourself that your worst fears have rarely ever come to pass. What your psyche is calling out for is adaptability. You do not need to make your changes all at once, but rather slowly and steadily. One adjustment will lead to the next. With each problem you solve, the next one will be easier, until you begin to appreciate the challenge of taking steps forward. But as that happens, take care not to convince yourself of anything that is not true. Plenty is not, and only a few things are.

Astrology Studio for Libra is now available for instant access.

This reading is included with a Backstage Pass

Imagine if you woke up one day released from all the connections, commitments and entanglements of your life. If you could consciously choose only what you want, I reckon it would be simpler than what you now have. Yet your present scene is mostly driven by your desires and complexity.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — You’re in a new stage of potential in your relationships, though to make that real, the creative spark has to come from you. The heat, the light, the ideas, the motivation, must start with you. However, you may discover that ultimately this is not about relating to anyone but yourself. You know this on some level: that your partnerships are a reflecting foil. You don’t need them as much as you think you do, or for the reasons you think you do. Imagine if you woke up one day released from all the connections, commitments and entanglements of your life. If you could consciously choose only what you want, I reckon it would be simpler than what you now have. Yet your present scene is mostly driven by your desires and complexity. Important people in your life have been moving toward greater independence for quite a long time.

Astrology Studio for Scorpio is now available for instant access.

This reading is included with a Backstage Pass

Not to bring up anything too personal in a horoscope millions of people will read, but are you able to express yourself sexually in any of the ways that you need? Your imagination seems to be rather rich at the moment, and you might look for creative partners in this important facet of life.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — If there is conflict in your life, do not be so quick to trust it. By trust, I mean take it seriously, or assume that it’s valid. It’s likely, and close to certain, that any strife is coming from a source other than what seems obvious. So begin with some healthy skepticism and then based on that, try not to get too involved, or to act on any “hunches.” Whatever you’re experiencing is bubbling up from a source other than what you may think. It may take some time to work out what that is, and it may have roots in the distant past. Also not to bring up anything too personal in a horoscope millions of people will read, but are you able to express yourself sexually in any of the ways that you need? Your imagination seems to be rather rich at the moment, and you might look for creative partners in this important facet of life.

Astrology Studio for Sagittarius is now available for preorder.

There is at least one guardian near you right now, someone who does what you might think of as tending the sacred flame, guarding the space you occupy, be it spiritual or physical. Be sure you acknowledge their existence. This protection is very important and is helping keep you balanced.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — The most pressing question involves the nature of sacrifice. Not everything you give up or offer to another person qualifies. Be cautious if you feel a sense of obligation rather than of sincere and honest giving. Taking care of matters related to your home is likely to come easily to you now. That is an offering to yourself, and it will have lasting benefits. Pay attention to what others offer to you as a gesture of their own free will and generosity. Study the spirit that motivates them to be who they are and do what they do. There is at least one guardian near you right now, someone who does what you might think of as tending the sacred flame, guarding the space you occupy, be it spiritual or physical. Be sure you acknowledge their existence. This protection is very important and is helping keep you balanced.

You have a rare opportunity to resolve just about everything so that you may move forward into the Pluto-in-Aquarius era without the encumbrances of the past. People are so used to dragging old business, old feelings and old stuff around that few have considered that any alternative is possible.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — With Pluto now moving toward your sign in direct motion, it’s essential that you wrap up old business. This means any pending matters that might involve your relationship to the government, the corporate world, and lingering issues related to family and ancestry (wills, estate-related issues, etc.). You have a rare opportunity to resolve just about everything so that you may move forward into the Pluto-in-Aquarius era without the encumbrances of the past. People are so used to dragging old business, old feelings and old stuff around that few have considered that any alternative is possible. I don’t mean dumping anything or anyone; I mean genuinely resolving situations, which will likely include unraveling them first. This is all related to a fundamental reconstruction of yourself that will take place over approximately the next year. When you arrive at the end of 2024, remember that I wrote these words, look back, and you will be amazed at what you’ve accomplished.

You can let the pressure off of a difficult situation this week, though you will need to be the one who takes action. (In astrological terms, the active aspect is a trine — you have an opportunity, but must use it, or lose it.) So what is the difficult situation, and what is the corresponding means to a solution?

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — You can let the pressure off of a difficult situation this week, though you will need to be the one who takes action. (In astrological terms, the active aspect is a trine — you have an opportunity, but must use it, or lose it.) So what is the difficult situation, and what is the corresponding means to a solution? You’re usually pretty skilled in this area, though you will benefit from a couple of discussions with people more seasoned in it than you. Not one — more than one, potentially three or four. You need real information, and it’s right there to be found. All you need to do is tap into your contact network and have a real conversation, then take what you learn into the next conversation, and so on. Pretty soon you will know everything you need to know, and have a plan for exactly what to do. Just don’t sit around waiting for your phone to ring. Let your fingers do the walking.

Limited copies of Somewhere in Between + Private Session available for preorder.

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