Planet Waves Weekly for Aug. 1, 2024 by Eric Francis

Opening night at the Ulster County Fair. Photo by Eric.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — There seems to be some debate or dialog within you about doing something new versus sticking with something old. Either way will work, though the underlying question is your motivation. Check in with yourself and determine whether there is someone you’re trying to impress, rather than doing something for its own sake. Another point of inquiry: what do you want to make? It seems like ‘making’ is the theme of the moment — the creation or fabrication of something, whether it’s an idea, a skill or a physical object. To build or create something new for a purpose you want to fulfill is the concept of the week. This can be in ways large or small, whether utterly brilliant or mere common sense. One other thing, perhaps unrelated: please treat any disclosure of confidential information by a close partner with the utmost care.

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Opening night at the Ulster County Fair. Photo by Eric.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — Use any reversal or disruption to a project as an opportunity to develop something a little different from what you were planning. Artists, inventors and clever business people know that the odd little knock or shift in direction is almost always an opportunity to do something different and better. Not a major modification to your plans, but enough to have the sense of experimenting. There is a random factor that will work wholly to your benefit if you treat it as a game and a mental exercise. Turn self-criticism into a game as well. For example, if you get the idea that you’re not good at something, imagine that as a clue about a personal asset, like a metal detector going off as you scan the beach. The little screech is not what you want; rather, that’s a hint to dig down a few inches and see what is there.

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Opening night at the Ulster County Fair. Photo by Eric.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — You may think that a change of mind is about a change of feelings; or that a change of feelings reflects a decision you’ve made. There’s an unusual amount of overlay between what people describe as thoughts and what they describe as feelings. Neither are an inherently reliable source of information; both must be subject to sincere evaluation in order to have an understanding of where you are coming from. Yet let there be no doubt that you are indeed coming from someplace; and for the next few weeks you may be exploring where that is. It speaks little about where you are today: there’s a big difference. Your present status is your point of orientation if you want a new heading. As you know, the past is a very powerful influence and is almost surely indicative of what will happen in the future. But if you want a future different from the past, you will need a different approach.

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Cancer (June 21-July 22) — Place the emphasis of your thoughts and action on the positive results of your good work, as well as the fresh ideas that are coming in abundance. Sadly, most people don’t recognize a good idea when it arrives in their mind — though you would be wise to. So much of how you earn your keep and maintain a state of abundance involves ideas. Those who study the bible may be impressed that God created the world from nothing in just seven days. However, a similar principle applies to you. An idea — which is a concept — is to manifest something, seemingly out of nothing. You might pay attention to what that ‘nothing’ is — it is a thing — and that thing is partly you and it’s partly your connection to something greater than yourself. The other thing about ideas is that they affirm the ‘something greater’ part. Such explains why so few people are even meekly interested in having any.

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Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — You will be more peaceful if you know that it’s not possible to keep secrets for any more than a short time — and that people read minds. There is, therefore, nothing you can really hide, nor do you need to. Yet in the politics of human relationships, it’s always better if you reveal your truth before someone ‘discovers’ it. The thought of this would make many people a little queasy — to think that everything they have said and done, and everything they want, is available. I don’t mean on the internet; I am describing the transparency of consciousness and the fact that minds are joined. All this hide-and-seek and sneaking a peek are games played by the flawed operating system known as the ego. There are many benefits to being real, and to having no secrets from the people around you. This is a good time to take leadership of your affairs, by being fully truthful.

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Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — There is a lot you don’t say about yourself. You would feel much better if you let it out. Imagine if you wrote all of your most personal needs, desires, concerns, fears and passions in a letter, written as if it was either intended for you alone, or just one person. Then further imagine that every single person in your life were able to read these things — in your own, most intimate words. How do you think you would feel? Would you feel embarrassed, liberated, or some combination? Imagine if you handed this letter to anyone who might be a potential new associate, friend or lover — so they would know everything about you before they even had a chance to interact with you in any detail. Do you think people would find you acceptable or lovable if they were in possession of all of your deepest secrets? The answer to that question tells you how you feel about yourself.

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Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — If you really knew that everything about you would someday be revealed, you’d be a lot more relaxed. There would be nothing to hide. Yet the deeper question is what you might be concealing from yourself. What do you get a sense of, and slip in the drawer, hoping to forget? That’s the thing you want to remember. That’s the thing you want to know about. It’s a private matter; the content involves your feelings, or someone’s feelings about you. They exist, regardless of whether you acknowledge them — though doing so will give you the kind of strength that comes from having all of your parts in one place. Compartmentalization is seen as a kind of survival skill, and maybe it is. But if you compartmentalize important aspects of your own experience, you will only weaken yourself, and diminish your confidence. Be bold. Tell yourself everything.

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Opening night at the Ulster County Fair. Photo by Eric.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — If you are in a close relationship with another person, you might be wondering if anything will ever make them happy. However, I suggest you ask this of yourself. It’s a good question, and it deserves useful data in response. You may have the roles reversed — there seems to be someone generous near you who would love if you were pleased and fulfilled. You seem like the one who is restless and searching for someone, something or yourself. I suggest you turn to the person who is closest to you right now. Maybe it’s an existing partner; maybe it’s someone else. Be real about your desires, which are running hot these days. If you’re not feeling monomaniacal about a relationship, take a deep breath and remind yourself that life is for living and you need variety. One other bit — it would be helpful if you stopped worrying about what the neighbors (or your friends) might think; honesty is for your private encounters.

Trust Yourself – 2024 Midyear Reading Now Available

Opening night at the Ulster County Fair. Photo by Eric.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — What is new in a world where everything except plastic is recycled over and over? You might start with what would be new for you. Make a short list of what you’ve never experienced and truly want to. This does not need to be a 99-point bucket list. Start with two or three places you want to go, and choose one of them. Consider a few things you want to say to people close to you, and start with one of them. This action alone will be a catalyst. The act of keeping secrets (sometimes called withholds) has a way of creating a stuck or inert mental state. Revealing yourself gets things moving, and movement means change. Change can be ‘scary’ and that gives withholds and secrets a role: that of keeping your life as it is. Yet consider that the envelope with the secret letter is already open. Who you are is already known; it’s up to you to claim your reality.

Trust Yourself – 2024 Midyear Reading Now Available

Opening night at the Ulster County Fair. Photo by Eric.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — It will be easier to say what you have to say now rather than to wait. So let it out, and see what happens. Let what out? Whatever you have to say, to anyone who is a significant other — or to yourself. Underlying any withholds that you may have from another person are the ones you have from yourself. This is a little different from denial; it’s more like watching from off to the side, when you could be dancing with your truth. Everyone is afraid of shaking up the applecart of their lives, and everyone feels entitled to some measure of privacy. However, intimacy requires disclosure; the concept is meaningless without it. One interesting and helpful study you could do for yourself is to list all that you have not said to the people around you — and ask yourself your motive in each case. Your reasoning process will tell you a lot about who you are and what your relationships are about.

Trust Yourself – 2024 Midyear Reading Now Available

Opening night at the Ulster County Fair. Photo by Eric.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Be aware that changes to contracts or agreements may come at you fast and thick, and it will be up to you to hold people to their word. The question is, do you uphold the letter of the agreement, or the spirit of the agreement? You may have to do both — though the information you need (and that will reveal itself within a few days) is contained in the fine print. Whatever form of persuasion you may apply, you must know what the words in the agreement say. If there is no agreement, look through emails and other correspondence. If this is a business matter, get your paperwork in order, and set up a chronology. People know what they have committed to; it’s likely that they are the ones who established the rules or set the terms, and you went along with the proposal. Take a light touch, but be persistent — and avoid the attitude of being ‘right’.

Trust Yourself – 2024 Midyear Reading Now Available

Opening night at the Ulster County Fair. Photo by Eric.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The coming weeks may be among the most productive in ages. Your inner fire is burning bright and you appear to be wholly devoted to what you’re doing, and why. So do not let any complications with others slow you down — and on Earth, there always seems to be at least one or two trying to get everyone’s attention. You need far less from others than you may imagine; most days you need nothing — if you remember. You might want to practice a bold, new self-sufficiency — which includes being aware that most of your material needs are met, and that you have the power to heal yourself of most of what could ail you. Your own vital force is the power source of your life. Your commitment to your truth, and full awareness of the content of your mind, are what guide you through any circumstances. Keep a notebook or a diary — it will come in handy.

Trust Yourself – 2024 Midyear Reading Now Available

Opening night at the Ulster County Fair. Photo by Eric.

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