The astrology of the remaining months of the year will be attempting to draw you inward, and to map out your inner territory. As foreign as this sounds, there may be an element of conflict or fear involved.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — You cannot really be of two minds, though many people try. Without recognizing it consciously, they hold two competing belief systems, switching from one to the other. Often, this leads to what A Course in Miracles calls “the war against yourself,” which is designed to do one thing only — rob you of your spiritual inheritance. The way this is set up under what I call full digital conditions is mostly competition between inner and outer perception — your inner life, and your outer life. One example of this is how you feel, versus what you believe other people think. In our time, it’s truly challenging to bring your focus inward. It’s not merely that there are so many distractions. It’s that the nature of the digital environment draws us all out of ourselves, to the point where it’s difficult to sleep. The astrology of the remaining months of the year will be attempting to draw you inward, and to map out your inner territory. As foreign as this sounds, there may be an element of conflict or fear involved. Your own deep personal landscape may be unfamiliar to you, or seem like an intimidating place to enter. Why would that be? Well, because your whole spiritual reality exists within yourself — and there you will find your core being, your guides, and what Quakers call the Inner Light. None of this is in “the world.” It is all in you. To embrace this means to let go of the insanity of the embroiled mentality of image, projection and the belief system of the ego. Yet inward is the direction you are moving, and will be moving into more deeply. Practice passing through the turbulence and toward a space of reassurance, calm and what may feel like Divine presence — because it is.
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In the long run, your chart tells the story about emerging in the world in a position of leadership and a certain kind of social authority. Yet if you do that with a division in your priorities, you are likely to create conflict rather than being someone who leads people out of it.
Taurus (April 19-May 20) — You may think that financial matters are important, or even at the forefront through the next few months. And with Mars working the money angle of your chart for the next seven months, that is believable. However, there is something else, which is about honoring what you say is important to you. In psychological astrology, finance translates to values. Values are the codes we live by, and what makes our lives meaningful. And on this topic, Taurus can struggle with a split. This may feel like saying one thing and doing another; claiming something is good, and placing emphasis somewhere else; or holding competing beliefs that ultimately block your ability to do what you know is right. In the long run, your chart tells the story about emerging in the world in a position of leadership and a certain kind of social authority. Yet if you do that with a division in your priorities, you are likely to create conflict rather than being someone who leads people out of it. Anytime you say to yourself, “this is important,” ask yourself what you’re doing about it — besides saying that to yourself. You both teach and learn with your actions, rather than with your ideas or your words. By teach and learn, I mean teach and learn from yourself, which then flows out into your environment. And what you must accept is that you are about to become an extremely potent transmitter. That means eliminating any mixed messages you send to yourself, or that you demonstrate by going against your own priorities. You will teach people to do what is right by doing what you know is right — by which I mean necessary, and honoring of truth. As a Taurus, to do this with your soul means to do it with your body.
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In this same spirit, it’s time for a threefold policy of holding the truth above all else, which can really take some work. We are alive in a time when all of society finds itself in total chaos regarding matters of veracity.
Gemini (May 20-June 21) — Mars in your sign for many months places the emphasis on keeping your promises. Some of these are to yourself; some are to others. This means making fewer of them, and keeping track of your own commitments, rather than the very modern thing so often done of making others come to collect. In this same spirit, it’s time for a threefold policy of holding the truth above all else, which can really take some work. We are alive in a time when all of society finds itself in total chaos regarding matters of veracity. A religion has emerged around there being no such thing as the truth (this is related to an old idea; in ancient times, they called themselves skeptics, an ancient Greek school that doubted the possibility of real knowledge). This is wholly self-serving, as it disavows any difference between truth and lies — something that is not a luxury, and that you cannot afford. Mars is retrograde in your sign only rarely; the last time was 2008. The time before that was 1990. (While we’re at it, the prior time was 1976.) Therefore, this is a personal invitation to take up the lessons that it has to offer — while they are easily available. And these go against all the mental and intellectual chaos that our society has thrust itself into — which is all centered around nothing is real, there is no truth, and if there is, it does not matter. Underneath all of this is a profound spiritual challenge, though it comes down to this: ‘skeptic’ comes from a deep linguistic root that means to observe. And that is what I suggest you use the power of Mars to do. Every cell in your body might want to assert, to advance, to speak out loud, and to take action. Yet I suggest you remain silent, and focus your attention on what is actually happening both within you and around you.
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The theme of this transit is about facing your fears, your inner conflict, and any sense of emptiness that may remain in your life. This time in your life is about doing the real spiritual work, which for you may have been a profound calling when you were younger.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — The thing lost in the digital revolution of the past 25 years — and the core of the spiritual crisis we face — is the inner life, and inner awareness. I write these words and I know that a great many people don’t even grasp what I’m describing. Many who are young have never been introduced to the experience (with the result being a wide variety of body dysphorias, depression, and a black hole of self-esteem). Many older people remember the time before this all happened, but may not recall what a quiet afternoon alone with oneself is. To grow, to keep your sanity and to feel good, your whole life would ideally become a quiet afternoon. With children, jobs, devices and all the incessant shuttling we so often do, that would seem to be impossible. But perhaps consider whether those things, by design, prevent us from being within ourselves. And that is the quality of existence I suggest you subvert over the next seven months of Mars moving through your 12th house of inner space. The theme of this transit is about facing your fears, your inner conflict, and any sense of emptiness that may remain in your life. This time in your life is about doing the real spiritual work, which for you may have been a profound calling when you were younger. This is not about “diving in” as much as it is gradually habituating yourself to honor your inner reality, your needs, and your senses. Seek wisdom from places where you’ve dependably found it in the past — and then grow from there. As you do this, you are likely to seek a reorientation of your relationships. Those have been going through a kind of clearing, which means a gaining of clarity, and an opening of space. Simplify, and focus on clearing up any situation where people seem to have power over you.
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By structured I mean containment by topic, specific projects, and for a purpose that you understand. You presently face significant exposure to risk by presenting yourself before an audience, unless you apply the Saturn principle — which, in a word, is about boundaries.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — We all woke up one day and were public figures. What day was that? Nobody remembers. We were using publishing tools with a global reach that were once only in the hands of established newspapers and broadcasters. This has been profoundly disorienting; reason one is that exposure to an audience is challenging even for those who have prepared for it. Reason two is less easy to discern, though it involves having our souls vacuumed out of our bodies and projected all over creation. This has extreme effects that are difficult to see, though I suggest you use all of your perceptive power to take notice. If you are going to participate in public forums, I suggest you work in structured ways rather than willy-nilly spreading your opinion all over the place. By structured I mean containment by topic, specific projects, and for a purpose that you understand. You presently face significant exposure to risk by presenting yourself before an audience, unless you apply the Saturn principle — which, in a word, is about boundaries. If things go wrong (for example, by taking a random or unconscious approach), this could create a significant drain on your relationships, your finances and your reputation. I am suggesting that you not merely ‘weigh in’ when an issue comes up, but rather dig in, and get a real understanding. This applies to social and organizational situations as well. You must recognize the differences between knowing, not knowing, believing and understanding. And I suggest evaluating — fully consciously — your stake in any situation. That is where you’re most likely to substitute belief or opinion for a determined quest to establish the truth of the matter. This is especially critical in issues where personal loyalty is involved. This is a time when your fidelity to the truth must take precedence over personal loyalty.
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What you may notice is that expressing certain elements of your calling seem to interfere with your relationships. That is the very thing that you may run into, as you finally get a grasp on an important element of your work and, more significantly, your motivation to achieve great things.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — Between now and next March, your life is set up to go through a long-awaited transformation. My read is that this will provide some relief from many of the problems you experienced over the past decade or so, since around 2011 (when Neptune entered your opposite sign Pisces, which primarily affects relationships). That may seem like a long time, though I don’t suggest you wait for something to happen; there is plenty to do, and it all involves your sense of purpose on Earth and the way in which you relate to your dharma. Neptune is a strange influence, and in such a prominent position, it has a way of clouding one’s experience of people, places and experiences. It can describe a sense of ennui, isolation, or a distortion that you cannot describe in a tangible way. It’s as if “objects in mirror are further than they appear.” In the meantime, the focus of these six months is focusing your purpose and weaving together the seemingly different facets of your professional life. Mars will be retrograde in Gemini, which is your house of career, reputation and life-purpose. What you may notice is that expressing certain elements of your calling seems to interfere with your relationships. That is the very thing that you may run into, as you finally get a grasp on an important element of your work and, more significantly, your motivation to achieve great things. If this seems to perturb someone, take note, and you will have a sense of what was holding you back, and further, what was likely to have been creating your sense of isolation or deficit of meaning. Most people feel they have a moral or cultural obligation to favor the needs of personal partnership over those of their personal life journey. This is a false dichotomy. The two must work together, and as a Virgo, your work is the place where your soul takes root into the Earth.
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Study your motives for small decisions, and be honest what you intend to gain by your choices. This tends to be where denial slips in — the excuses we make for why we’re taking a particular action, no matter how small.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — To be honest is not to be brutal. It is to be observant and accepting, including of yourself. You don’t need to sit in a cave for 20 years to do this. You do it with every gesture, every choice, and every breath you take. Study your motives for small decisions, and be honest about what you intend to gain by your choices. This tends to be where denial slips in — the excuses we make for why we’re taking a particular action, no matter how small. And people love excuses; they trade them like tokens. Give a reason you need to do something, or don’t want to do something, and you get a pass. People rarely say, “I didn’t feel like coming to your house for dinner.” They say, “I wasn’t feeling well”— and feel entitled to do so. This is the thing I suggest you address, in your examination of your reality. That — for the moment — is my best interpretation of the forthcoming Mercury retrograde in your birth sign. If you “follow that in,” as they say in Hakomi therapy, you will enter deep inner territory, the place where you keep all of your secrets from yourself. Those are the ones that slip out in dreams, easily dismissed by the ego as meaningless, but which contain the keys to understanding your true feelings and your motives. There is, meanwhile, another kind of divide you’re crossing, and this one pertains to all that you would count as spiritual. When it comes to matters addressing religion, psychology, spirituality and the personal journey to the truth, you can be of “two minds.” That is to say, you can operate either in competing viewpoints, or alternate from one to the other, not quite sure which one you want to commit to. This may be the underlying matter when it comes to the infamous indecision associated with your sign, which you will hear about more from Libras themselves than from anyone else. The time has come to bring the hemispheres of your brain together into one beautiful mind.
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There is probably a financial angle to the scenario. And the nucleus of the relationship spreads out into something that could affect others. And you may be wondering just what you’re doing there, how you got there, and what you’re going to do about it.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Asked by a journalist about the role of sex in her extraordinary music, Kate Bush, at age 20, said that art in all of its forms is about sensuality. But sex, she said, is about projection. By that, she meant that there is confusion over who is who in relationships, whose attributes belong to whom, and seeing things as we are, rather than as they are. With your ruling planet Mars making its way across the zone of projection in your chart — Gemini, and your solar 8th house — you will be living in this territory. Yet it might seem like living in a relationship (or potentially, an entanglement). There is probably a financial angle to the scenario. And the nucleus of the relationship spreads out into something that could affect others. You may be wondering just what you’re doing there, how you got there, and what you’re going to do about it. Well, the first thing to do is be there; as in be where you are — known uncommonly as the vipassana meditation. As your ruling planet Mars moves to retrograde motion (which begins next month) you will slowly orient toward figuring out the nature of the past. You will discover many sides to the story, though you’re really looking for one thing in particular: what has motivated you. But for now, Mars is slowing down, and is soon to become the still point of the turning world. And this is a crucial point of view. Whatever your situation, be where you are. Make no plans to go anywhere. And I do suggest some form of physical activity that ritualizes combat (any form of martial arts will do, no matter how basic your study) so that you don’t take out your energy on yourself, or on anyone else in a potentially damaging way. Your situation will move in stages, and if you’re paying attention, you will see just how interesting they are — and do not miss the humor. There is plenty.
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You don’t need to exert much energy. Rather, pace yourself, and apply your creativity sparingly. A little goes a long way. The same is true with taking a chance on something.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — With dual ruling planets Jupiter and Chiron moving retrograde in your 5th house — your fellow fire sign Aries — you may not think you’re holding back. Yet it is likely that you are. And that may be for the better. You have so much power and so much creativity that you don’t need to turn the blow torch all the way up, or even half way up. You don’t need to exert much energy. Rather, pace yourself, and apply your creativity sparingly. A little goes a long way. The same is true with taking a chance on something. Rather than the big risk, you will thrive on the subtle new experience, or even re-exploring an old experience. If we translate this into any form of creative or artistic endeavor, you are being invited to return to your roots. For the sculptor who became a musician, get some clay into your hands. For the photographer who became a painter, look through the lens and notice what you see. Now, not everyone feels so creative, particularly adults, though I assure you that most children are awash in their world of ideas. Most have fully functioning imaginations, particularly if they grew up in the pre-digital world, which is you. And it is in connecting with that inner being who is unabashedly curious about the world, and who notices how weird things smell, that you will make contact with your amazement of being alive in this world, at this time. Life in the digital environment has shattered and fragmented us. You are seeking wholeness. And in that seeking — not only the accomplishment — you will discover the pleasure of existence. One of the most tense things about our lives right now is the onslaught of change that never seems to stop. Yet this is an external factor. There is something about you that has never changed, and will never will — and that something can give rise to many new revelations about who and what you want to be.
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The confusion is not between right and wrong. It’s about whether the distinction exists. This may be within you, or it may show up anywhere in your environment; it’s so widespread that few people seem to even notice the matter.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Whether a bottle of soda spews all over the picnic table depends on whether you shake it up first. It also helps to keep it cool. That is my best summary of your astrology: remain cool and don’t shake yourself up. Keep your eye on right and wrong, and don’t lose sight of the bold line between the two. This must be the basis of all of your decisions. The central issue here is not whether you would make the right choice given distinct options, but rather falling for the notion that everything is a matter of opinion. The confusion is not between right and wrong. It’s about whether the distinction exists. This may be within you, or it may show up anywhere in your environment; it’s so widespread that few people seem to even notice the matter. Therefore, it’s easier to just blend in and pretend nothing is wrong. This may manifest in subtle, barely noticeable ways; it may show up in situations that seem larger than life. The little things are the most significant, and I suggest you meditate on the phrase, “the small cause with the big effect.” One thing I can assure you is that you have the moral capacity and intelligence to see things exactly as they are. But are you willing to do the emotional work involved? And are you willing to take the actions that would necessarily flow from a moral analysis, or even your observations? Pay close attention in work environments, and anything that might impact your health. Where you feel like you must defer to an authority, get second and third opinions, and most importantly, do what you think is right rather than what anyone tells you to do. Getting advice means that you take matters under advisement, which is a conscious and often challenging act. Then you do the right thing.
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To do this takes coming out of robot mode; that means bending, stretching, and allowing your mind to enter the various gray areas of morality without getting stranded there. Yet this is not an aggressive or violent process.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — The only thing between you and your deepest creativity is your need for flexibility. Saturn in your sign may seem like an influence that calcifies or crystallizes, though many times it has the opposite effect — especially in Aquarius. The essence of making the most of this superpower is not deciding you’re right before you really are; and holding off on decisions before you have conducted a full evaluation of the data. Then, when your body and mind align on yes, you move. To do this takes coming out of robot mode; that means bending, stretching, and allowing your mind to enter the various gray areas of morality without getting stranded there. Yet this is not an aggressive or violent process. It is, rather, necessarily graceful and delicate, and sensitive to energy. There is no chipping away at the stone involved; instead, more like the intuitive blending of paints. Speaking of art, finding your way to freedom is one. And one of the blessings of Saturn in your sign since March 2020 has been about the cultivation of competence, or potentially even mastery. The thing about those two — whether they are things, qualities, devotions — is that they confer a measure of freedom: competence and mastery. The place you want to hang out is the zone right between them. Always strive to be a little better than competent, and never certain that you’ve attained mastery. Leave yourself that bit of doubt. Leave yourself something to aspire to, and keep reaching. Make space for the mystery of creation to enter your process, keeping in mind that to do anything relevant is a matter of profound self-discovery. And one last bit: please remember, as Mark Knopfler said of playing guitar, you really have to want to do it.
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Toss what you don’t need, keep what is valuable, and make a conscious decision on everything you touch. These activities, mundane as they seem, will ground you and help you concentrate your power.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — The message of the forthcoming Mars retrograde, and Mars in Gemini generally, is to keep your house in order. This includes your physical home, your interior emotional space, and your communications with immediate relatives and neighbors. “House in order” starts as simply as cleaning and organizing. Dig out a closet, clean a drawer, and in the process, sort out little elements of the past. Toss what you don’t need, keep what is valuable, and make a conscious decision regarding everything you touch. These activities, mundane as they seem, will ground you and help you concentrate your power. As you get into the groove of conquering your bookshelves and undergarment drawer, your presence in your wider and more visible life will shift. And you will have a more positive influence on the people around you — that being a fact of your existence. Your presence shifts environments, whether you say something or not, and no matter how invisible you may feel. I’m suggesting something that many people find difficult to grasp, which is to work in the background, including your private spaces, to have greater control over what happens out in the open. As you do this, you may discover a refreshed sense of purpose, well-needed clarity and a boost of energy. The message of your solar chart, taken as a whole, is to keep your interests close to home, and to focus on what you have determined to be your most important purpose of this incarnation. In a sense, your purpose is your home, and you strengthen your core by focusing on what is most important to you. Now, this is always a process of development and of working-out, and you do that as you go. Just like you sort out one drawer or one closet at a time, and train your mind to make decisions and to be happy with making slow yet steady progress toward your objective.
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“To grow, to keep your sanity and to feel good, your whole life would ideally become a quiet afternoon” ha ha! Yes! Guilty as charged, your honour! Thank you for this wonderful and helpful horoscope, dear Eric. Will put this in a very safe place to read and reread. Bless you <3
Amazing for my Virgo sister, too – you ‘got’ her, as you did with me – these are truly stunning horoscopes, dear Eric xxxxx
Hey Eric,
Just wanted to reach out to say that cleaning and organizing; taking stock of belongings and reminiscing through the past is exactly what I’ve been up to since Mars ingressed Gemini. I’m so happy to be tackling all of it with focus and enthusiasm, instead of resentment.
I revamped my filing systems, my photo albums, my bookcase and even my recipe collection. I’ve sold furniture that exists unused in my home. It feels like the start of a change I’ve been longing for.