By Eric Francis Coppolino | Subscribe to the Horoscope
There can be no discoveries where everyone is suspicious of one another as a way of life. And yet trust would seem to be the very last thing people are interested in now, because it asks so much of them: in particular, making contact with their forgotten humanity.

Aries (March 20-April 19) — The world, by which I mean existence is swallowed by digital consciousness, has become a giant game of “you are wrong.” This is not a discussion of factual accuracy or intellectual integrity, but rather a mean-spirited drive to make sure that neither of those two things get to exist. It’s a game because it’s all a waste of time, which is designed to avoid the contact with reality and with one another that emerges from a state of trust. There can be no discoveries where everyone is suspicious of one another as a way of life. And yet trust would seem to be the very last thing people are interested in now, because it asks so much of them: in particular, making contact with their forgotten humanity. Yet you have this much, at least, to offer to yourself and to those around you. You know that your life story is now taking you deep into this territory, which is ultimately about trusting yourself. People make a big deal out of this, but only because their fantasies and delusions are threatened. You neither want nor need those; they are a waste of precious faith, of time and of opportunity to set your life on the path that you have chosen for yourself. Trust means going deeper than what you think. One of the most significant elements, and one that will come into full-force this month, is your willingness to reveal your own secrets to yourself. This includes being wholly and entirely willing to admit the ways in which you got it wrong — it being anything you decided based on information you know or should have known was false. When you discover those instances, quickly come to terms with the truth, and then make amends with yourself and whomever may have been in any way harmed or misled by your perceptions. Move swiftly from fantasy to reality, and honor your ongoing commitment to truth as your faithful companion.
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Closely related is disabusing yourself of the notion that you might have made serious mistakes, or keeping that fact a secret from those whom it may in some way affect.

Taurus (April 19-May 20) — When you have all the answers, there is no mystery to anything. There is nothing to discover. And your mind goes to sleep. When you believe that anyone outside you has the answers, the effect is tripled. Part of sleeping is setting aside the necessity of wrestling with your conscience. Closely related is disabusing yourself of the notion that you might have made serious mistakes, or keeping that fact a secret from those whom it may in some way affect. Uranus is now past the midpoint of its seven-year journey through your sign. This has transformed you from someone who is resistant to change and transformation to someone who wants nothing but these things. Uranus is a powerful liberating and revolutionary force, and you were long overdue to be propelled out of whatever reality you were lodged in for many years before that. Perhaps of all the signs, Taurus is the most determined to live life its way. Yet, this is the relic of another time. The emphasis of your astrology is shifting to houses 6 and 10 — related to service, work and reputation. Of the three, the last is the least meaningful now. You are being called to action on matters of urgent collective necessity. Your personal healing is still relevant; setting up the first aid station is more so. Your preferred activities are still relevant; doing the work of the community is more so. Err on the side of taking on too much rather than a little less than you think you can handle. Learn to distinguish your personal interests from what you know must happen. It is only because many other people have done this before you that you are where you are, with the advantages that you have. The forthcoming Mars square Neptune aspect strongly cautions that you cannot calibrate your truth against yourself. You will need some ideal, example or reference point to use for contrast. Be sure you select one that is based in time-honored wisdom.
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Mars retrograde in your sign is an opportunity and an invitation to correct the course of your existence. It is a time of review and reflection — during which making important decisions and embarking on new enterprises would be ill-advised.

Gemini (May 20-June 21) — How do you know what you believe is true? That can be a disturbing question, which is why it’s so rarely asked. This unasked and therefore unanswered matter is responsible for the ways that individual people make the same mistakes over and over again, which then ripples out into the world. Mars retrograde in your sign is an opportunity and an invitation to correct the course of your existence. It is a time of review and reflection — during which making important decisions and embarking on new enterprises would be ill-advised. You need this time to reconsider all that you believe, and also, to note the difficulty with the whole notion of belief. There is an undoing process involved here, which will ultimately leave you unharmed. It is not the truth that in any way threatens you, but rather the choice not to notice or accept it, and therefore to take the power that it grants you. If you have been doing your work, this will be easy. If the task seems daunting or if you know you have a lot of catching up to do, take a gentle approach. Work with one idea at a time; one relationship at a time; one choice at a time. Remember that your decisions emerge from your idea of who you are. If you think of yourself as little and irrelevant, you will decide on that basis. If you consider yourself someone who can impose your will on people around you, that will become your frame of reference. If you understand your crucial role as a participant in the affairs of your community and the world, that is the basis that you’ll use to determine right from wrong. Your chart describes you as the latter — as someone integral to the society that surrounds you. Your commitment starts with the people very closest to you, and gradually expands from there.
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What people describe as intuition is an inner sense, and the overwhelming nature of the digital environment has taken most of us way outside of ourselves. This is added to the prior situation with intuition — most people cannot distinguish it from fear.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) — With the transition of the centaur Asbolus into your sign, it’s essential that you always follow your intuition. All of the centaurs (strange, slow-moving worlds in the spirit of Chiron) pertain to a healing process of some kind. There is always a challenge; an initiation. What people describe as intuition is an inner sense, and the overwhelming nature of the digital environment has taken most of us way outside of ourselves. This is added to the prior situation with intuition — most people cannot distinguish it from fear. Usually, this is something learned in hindsight. People learn what their intuition was when they violate it and then things don’t go so well. The feeling they pushed through was not fear. It was something else — a kind of hankering, or signal from within to stop. In order to follow your intuition, you need to know what it feels like, and to understand its messages. It’s part of a guidance system that is speaking to you all the time, and helping arrange your circumstances and the path through them. With Mars turning to retrograde motion in the most sensitive area of your solar chart, it will be essential that you understand the role of fear in your consciousness. Mars is going to show you “the other side” of something about yourself, and you will need to determine whether it’s really true. In the widest sense, the Mars retrograde process (which lasts through late March 2023) is about emerging fully and irrevocably from any form of denial to which you may have succumbed at any time in the past or present. This is another way of saying that the purpose of this transit is learning how to be real with yourself. That is a tall order in the current state of the world, though your incentive is that nothing else will ever work for you. And this you know.
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There is an art to seeing the possibilities and the potential, especially in situations where you think you have only one option. Such would never be a meaningful form of choosing. Part of getting out of the wedge is learning to see every situation from multiple angles.

Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) — Beware what you construe to be a “message from the gods.” This would count for any form of seemingly external verification of some idea you may have. That message might not be wrong, but it calls for reflection rather than immediate action. The astrology of late September and early October comes thundering through the mind and communication angle of your solar chart, and it may indeed feel like you’re receiving signals from on high. The underlying theme is to learn how to open your mind, in a world where we are all being wedged into a tighter and tighter mental corner. There is an art to seeing the possibilities and the potential, especially in situations where you think you have only one option. Such would never be a meaningful form of choosing. Part of getting out of the wedge is learning to see every situation from multiple angles. Starting with “the other person” is helpful; few people really consider how they are perceived by partners, collaborators or friends. For your own sanity it’s essential that you have an actual, rather than made-up understanding of how you resonate within your own relationships. But there are more angles to consider. The most significant involves the ways that a decision you are considering fits your life purpose. For that, you need a working definition of your mission or purpose, however you think of it: your calling, your original instructions, your dharma or some other way to conceive it. This is a matter of assessing whether your daily activities or any choice you make align with what you understand to be your reason for living. Everything starts with personal constitution. Please make sure you have one, so you may use it when you need to.
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There is tremendous power to be gained from defining your intended goal or purpose for anything you do in a way that you understand and can explain. You may arrive somewhere different in the end; that’s irrelevant.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — If you find yourself stuck or in a state of confusion, check whether you are trying to achieve competing goals. Said another way, examine whether you’re working at cross-purposes to yourself. That can mean a few things, including not understanding what you’re doing or why you’re doing it. And it can include having two different intentions that ultimately conflict and stop progress. There is tremendous power to be gained from defining your intended goal or purpose for anything you do in a way that you understand and can explain. You may arrive somewhere different in the end; that’s irrelevant. What matters is that you have an understanding within yourself of the meaning of why you are doing something. This would be a rare thing in our time, though it will serve you well. One distinct feature of Virgo is the tendency to maintain two distinct career paths. And it’s essential to get those working together. The term is synergy — when the whole is more than the sum of the parts. While this can take some creativity, mostly it’s a matter of how you organize yourself mentally. There is also a special skill in the ability to apply what you know from one endeavor to another — and most occupations have one thing in common, which is the ability to work with others — especially people in positions of authority. Meanwhile, over the next few months you will be refining your professional goals, and it’s probable that you will leave certain previous plans behind and come up with something entirely new. This first may arrive in the form of, “Wow, why ever was I doing that?” Discovering that you are not into something is a helpful step in discovering what gets you going. The #1 theme of Mars retrograde is making contact with your motives and your motivation.
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This is happening at a time when you’re already asking profound questions about the purpose of your existence, and your relationship to whatever you think of as your higher power or inner teacher.

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — A stunning equinox chart followed by the New Moon in your birth sign describes one of those very rare occasions when your life is poised to renew itself entirely. I understand that this is the promise of every New Age and self-help book, as well as brand of mouthwash and car. However, I am talking about something else — the turnover of a cycle in your life that looks poised to release a tremendous amount of energy, which will need someplace to go. This is happening at a time when you’re already asking profound questions about the purpose of your existence, and your relationship to whatever you think of as your higher power or inner teacher. You must not let that questioning confuse you; the fact that you are interested and engaged with your spiritual process is enough. You don’t need to have answers, only relevant questions that you allow to stand without requiring answers. I know it may be difficult to see this till you feel it, though standing in the face of certain unknowns is a source of strength. That’s another way of saying that you will benefit from not accepting false truths because the real ones are too difficult to grasp, or seem out of reach. Meanwhile, the total picture of your chart describes you finding entirely new concepts to describe your relationships. Others play a role in your transformation, though it’s not quite the kind of involvement that you’ve experienced in the past. In any event, your role is to provide the impetus: the original energy and intention that start the process. This may happen consciously or not; it’s likely to already be underway; this, you can tell from the ways in which your life is starting to move in places where it had been stuck for a long time. Meanwhile, there is one other message coming through: on a matter of personal healing that may have previously seemed unsolvable, a solution may emerge. Yet you will need to notice, and remember what it was. Write it down. It may come in through a dream.
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To move through this territory successfully, you need one tool, mainly, which is the ability to be honest with yourself about what you know about yourself, and to extend that honesty into the most significant partnerships in your world.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) — Matters of intimate relationship are now at the forefront of your life, and this is deep material. While this is always true for you, you have reached a stage in your personal development where certain very old questions are coming up for investigation and resolution. To move through this territory successfully, you need one tool, mainly, which is the ability to be honest with yourself about what you know about yourself, and to extend that honesty into the most significant partnerships in your world. There are times when being truthful will not be convenient. The problem with honesty is that it requires action. The very crux of any therapy or spiritual process is that you learn how to be scrupulously honest with yourself, and then make choices based on that information. Usually the opposite happens: choices are made based on some degree of denial or self-deception — and that is what you are now in the process of ensuring never happens again. If you want to think of yourself as a strong person, this is the actual core of your power, to the extent that you have it. You can only make helpful decisions if you know where you stand with yourself, and if others know where you stand with them. How they feel about you matters, mostly in terms of you being real about those feelings. Under current and forthcoming astrology, this is not the easier path in the short term. Yet, in the long run, you have an advantage, in that you can get so much work done in such a short time, and right now time is the most precious resource. I suggest you consider the extent to which joint financial matters influence what you believe is true. In seeking your deeper truth, and in reckoning with yourself, matters of money and property cannot be a primary consideration.
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If you consider yourself a creative person, shift into physical media, such as clay, ink, paint, paper, and actual rather than virtual musical instruments. Get your body into the action — move around as much as possible, especially outside.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) — The sense of pressure you may be feeling is your own vital force energy needing somewhere to go. These outlets cannot merely be through digital devices, no matter how creative your use of them may be. Numerous planets — including two directly associated with your sign, Jupiter and Chiron — are collecting in Aries, your 5th house, which pertains above all else to direct experience. The joke is that the 5th is, by topic, about playing, making art, sex for fun, and any activity associated with gambling or taking a risk. And you have lived long enough to be in the era when a walk along the beach is now on the level of the Moon landing — exploring a strange and distant world — the one that is not online. While yours is the sign most associated with the distant and the exotic, you and the rest of us are all to some extent confined to the fantasy-fiction of the virtual/digital realm. If you consider yourself a creative person, shift into physical media, such as clay, ink, paint, paper, and actual rather than virtual musical instruments. Get your body into the action — move around as much as possible, especially outside. With the Sun’s ingress into Libra, the social realm is also an important place to explore. That means being with people in small groups, outside of your home. At the moment, connecting with old friends and colleagues is indicated. There is a potential rekindling of previous collaborations, or at minimum a review that will remind you of how many good ideas you have left scattered along the road of life. Collect and review those as you find them; look around in any old notebooks or sketch pads you find; look closely at old photos. Then, take any excuse to manifest any creative or practical idea in the physical world.
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The energies at the Libra equinox and New Moon offer many promises of success. Yet the caution from your chart is against wanting everything all at once. Based on the concentrated focus in your solar chart, you might expect to suddenly enter a major peak in your personal state and professional activities.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) — Events at the time of the equinox seem destined to focus you not just on your reputation as an achiever, but also propel you into actual accomplishments. The energies at the Libra equinox and New Moon offer many promises of success. Yet the caution from your chart is against wanting everything all at once. Based on the concentrated focus in your solar chart, you might expect to suddenly enter a major peak in your personal state and professional activities. However, what I suggest is the slow burn and the step-by-step improvement rather than any sense of soaring, peaking or escaping. If you are true to the qualities of your sign, you value deep and lasting results. That is different from some instant gratification of “making a difference.” You can forget about that — it’s largely a glamorous illusion — and instead work with specific goals that you know are the right thing for you and the world. And then, one by one, get those specific things done. If you practice taking consistent, steady steps in your chosen direction, which will position you correctly in those instances where the wind and tide pick up quickly. However, this is not about your life as a thing apart. Rather, your charts illustrate where your life intersects with the greater reality that surrounds you — of which you are an integral part. This is not a time to invest your energy for the purpose of personal gain or feathering your nest. That has its moment, which happens to be some time other than now. Rather, your solar chart describes you in a position of leadership, which translates to setting an example through your actions, doing actual work, and managing community resources, for the benefit of the community. Such is where people commune, and rely on their mutual action to be more than the sum of the parts.
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Most of the action in your chart is on what we could call the spiritual level — it involves your perception of yourself rather than “objective reality.” From your own internal viewpoint, objective reality does not exist; there is only your personal (what is called subjective) perspective.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — If you have lived for a long time with no view of the horizon, no sense that more is possible, a diminished sense of the future, or lacking faith in yourself, you will appreciate the astrology that is rapidly developing. Most of the action in your chart is on what we could call the spiritual level — it involves your perception of yourself rather than “objective reality.” From your own internal viewpoint, objective reality does not exist; there is only your personal (what is called subjective) perspective. This is what you’re being called to work with — to learn how your viewpoint determines what you see as reality. This is one of the most challenging lessons in a world where we are told that everything is mediated and determined from the outside. It certainly can seem that way — and no, I don’t think that floods and earthquakes are determined by individual will. Yet how you see the world, and all of its people, and all events, most certainly are directly the consequence of your own values. Most people resist this idea with all their might, which is energy that would be better directed at doing some personal exploration and reflection. That is on tap for you, in the form of what A Course in Miracles calls the “period of sorting out” and what the Program calls “a fearless and searching moral inventory.” Yet this is not in theory; it’s about making decisions and seeing the results. Accept in advance that you will make mistakes, and resolve to learn from them. Perhaps the most challenging lesson of all will be finding a way to honor what is necessary and practical without being distracted by fantasy. That is part of the sorting out. And always remember, “There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done.”
Get your full reading for Aquarius here. Use promo code: 7rddxgs2
One of the resources that you offer is guidance determining what that purpose is. Whatever others may believe, I am here to say that you’re the one who has the compass pointing to True North.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) — Your present yoga is to be vigilant with the use of your resources, and as the case may be, those of other people. Whether in great or modest abundance, those resources exist, and are calling for impeccable and thoughtful allocation. You are in the position of making decisions for anything that you control. And those decisions require firm grounding, which means applied practical ethics and values. Working in this realm also requires you to bring out your negotiation skills. This does not mean pandering to the will and viewpoint of others, but rather collaborating with them to find the common ground that you share. This is all for the purpose of getting something done — that needs to be done, for a common objective, not a private one. One of the resources that you offer is guidance determining what that purpose is. Whatever others may believe, I am here to say that you’re the one who has the compass pointing to True North. The only question is whether you use it, and I suggest that you do. Pisces has the ability to subvert its own personal needs and see with objectivity what must be so. This ability can also be corrupted, leading to self-indulgence and refusal to accept basic facts of life. You must be vigilant about the differences between these two states of being, which at times will seem to blur into one another. But they will still be distinguishable if you work out the equation for yourself. Bear in mind that the one thing not questioned in capitalist society is the seemingly inalienable right to be selfish. This is the very nemesis of both collective survival and the ability to thrive. Much depends on your ability to see the interests of others as not separate from your own, and to act on that basis. You have what it takes to get that right.
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