Sexual Healing & the Fiery Edge of Virgo

Dear Friend and Reader: Where two signs meet is rich territory. Often it seems that the 12 meeting points of the signs are like another set of archetypes that we often hop over so we don’t break our mother’s back. Yet in those subtle spaces, we can slip between the worlds. They are the zones … Read more

Which Way is Reality?

ON THURSDAY, June 14, oil industry officials from around the world gathered at the GO EXPO (Gas and Oil Expo ’07) in Calgary, Alberta, and heard a presentation for an innovative, sustainable replacement for petroleum: a new technology called “Vivoleum.” The presenters represented themselves as executives from ExxonMobil and the National Petroleum Council (an industry organization) and … Read more

To All New Arrivals

WAKING UP my first morning home in Brussels after sleeping about 15 different places the past couple of months, I dreamed of chaos and riots in the streets. Horses were coming at me, but I was not scared of them, and I knew they wouldn’t hurt me. The mayhem had spread on a psychic level; … Read more

Inner Space for March

Dear Friend and Reader: We’re now in that mysterious interval between two eclipses, and the suspended moment of a Mercury station direct. There was a fairly rare total lunar eclipse [in Virgo] over the weekend, and we are headed for a partial solar eclipse [in late Pisces, conjunct Ceres] on March 18, just before Equinox. … Read more

Global Orgasm Day: Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door

CAN ORGASM create world peace? In our strange but true country known as the Internet, the word is out on the streets that Friday, Dec. 22 is Global Orgasm Day. Being someone who thinks “every day is Global Orgasm Day,” it took some time (and a few reader emails) for me to figure out this … Read more