The Dharma — Your 2020 Spring Reading for Aries

Introduction from Eric Francis Dear Friend and Client: Your DHARMA readings are ready. These video presentations are the result of many years developing sophisticated astrology discussions using the whole-sign/solar chart. For some questions, the birth chart offers extra guidance. The solar chart is rich with information as well, as you will see. To this work, … Read more

Key Life Transits: Challenges and Turning Points

Welcome to the Key Life Transits class resources page. This page contains your class materials and the recordings of both full sessions. Class Recording Part 1 Apple mobile device Part 2 Apple mobile device Class Materials PDF of sample charts Key Life Transits introductory video Notes by Eric Astrology is a tool to help with … Read more

Aries Astrology Studio 2020-21

Welcome, Aries, to your 2020-21 Astrology Studio by Eric Francis. The report, which is also valid for Aries rising and Moon, includes two audio sessions, a bonus music track, links to articles, your extended sign description and more. Here are the contents: Your 2020-21 Astrology Studio Link to your 2019-20 reading Aries sign description Links … Read more

Greetings from Earth to all our readers in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way, it’s Thursday, August 6. Interview with Pam Popper. Los Angeles may cut off power to homes hosting parties. Quarantine checkpoints in NYC. Turning Covid into an antisex campaign.

We’ll be keeping track of what we determine to be the most relevant updates on the coronavirus situation. New items will go at the top. If you have something to report — news, science news, or a check-in from your local area — please send to This blog is published by Chiron Return, an … Read more

What’s That Sound? Uranus Meets Eris in Aries

Originally published March 24, 2016 | Link to original Dear Friend and Reader: There is an astrological event brewing that happens this spring for the first time since 1927: a conjunction of two slow-moving outer planets called Uranus and Eris. You may recall that Eris became famous in 2006 when it precipitated the re-definition of … Read more