Bucky Fuller: This Is The Future

Dear Friend and Reader: EARLIER this week I was writing Daily Astrology & Adventure, describing the helpless feeling that I think most of us have when we’re considering how serious the world situation is. Some names came to mind of people who were not scared or paralyzed, but rather who viewed the future as an opportunity … Read more

The Big 8 :: PlanetWaves.net

New Moon in Capricorn By Kirsti Melto and Eric Francis | Lunations WE ARE currently in an extended phase of Aries Point events. The first New Moon of the New Year falls at 17+ degrees of Capricorn, in one of the cardinal signs, and qualifies for an Aries Point event. The news is reflecting the astrological Aries … Read more

A Psychological Process

Dear Friend and Reader: IN THE LATE 1970s, a book was channeled that appeared five or so years later under the title The Starseed Transmissions by Raphael (later revealed to be Ken Carey). It was circulated underground as a photocopied typescript for years, and I was fortunate enough to obtain a copy. Before that happened, though, one … Read more

News from the Divine Feminine

Dear Friend and Reader: A FRIEND OF MINE in Los Angeles is working on an article for a newspaper about why some men there allegedly don’t want to have sex with the women. Or at least that’s how it started. After doing voluminous research, she now seems to be going in some different directions, and … Read more

Mixed Signals, Bright Ideas: Mercury Retrograde in Gemini

Dear Friend and Reader: WE ALL KNOW how weird Mercury retrograde can be. On a mundane level, it’s usually simpler than the psychological level; i.e., it’s easy enough to back up your disk drives early and often. It’s also wise to avoid doing anything of the kind during the few days close to the stations, … Read more