The Ultimate Opportunity to Get Unstuck

Dear Friend and Reader: LATELY I HAVE been hearing a lot of the word stuck. This feels positively strange to say, but there seems to be a trend of admitting you’re not going anywhere in life, or like you feel like you’re not going anywhere. Every other email I get from a reader is about … Read more

A Psychological Process

Dear Friend and Reader: IN THE LATE 1970s, a book was channeled that appeared five or so years later under the title The Starseed Transmissions by Raphael (later revealed to be Ken Carey). It was circulated underground as a photocopied typescript for years, and I was fortunate enough to obtain a copy. Before that happened, though, one … Read more

The Lusty Month of May

Beltane: Monday’s New Moon on the Cross Quarter Dear Friend and Reader: There are actually eight seasons in the year. Each of the traditional four seasons is divided in half, for a total of eight, six-week mini-seasons. We reach the turning point within one of the official seasons when the Sun’s apparent position is halfway … Read more

The Aquarius Alignment of 2008

THE SUN is currently in Capricorn for a few more days, but planets are gathering in Aquarius. It’s a cool setup. Aquarius is a cool, airy sign associated with novelty, invention and themes of social acceptance, and this chart is wearing some fancy shades. As I begin writing just before noon eastern standard time Thursday … Read more

UAC Conference, Fool Moon and Horoscopes

Making the Most of an Astrology Conference Dear Friend and Reader: I mentioned a few weeks ago that we would be providing coverage of the United Astrology Conference (UAC) in Denver, which takes place May 15-20, 2008. This coverage is based on a relationship Planet Waves has with UAC, so we are in effect promoting the conference … Read more