About the Moon: House and Sign

Dear Fellow Traveler: One week ago today, I sent out an assignment, suggesting that if you’re into astrology it’s a good idea to know the house and sign of your Moon. With the Sun (and a recent solar eclipse) in Cancer, I thought this was an appropriate time to get you started. Many people are participating … Read more

In the Nature of Water

Dear Fellow Traveler: We have nearly arrived at the total solar eclipse in Cancer. There are many kinds of eclipses, and this is just the second total solar eclipse in Cancer since the June 2001 event that rewrote existence. (The most recent was last July.) The June 21, 2001 eclipse was precisely on the Aries … Read more

Tales from Topographic Oceans

What happened to wonders we once knew so well? Did we forget what happened, surely we can tell. — Jon Anderson, Yes Dear Planet Waves Subscriber: It’s ominous to me that the explosion aboard the BP/Transocean/Mitsubishi oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico happened within hours of Chiron entering Pisces on April 20. Chiron, a … Read more

Cosmic Equinox, or the Anti-Sixties?

Dear Planet Waves Reader: We’re about to experience a spring season like no other. It has an ordinary beginning, more or less. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, spring begins when the Sun’s rays square the equator, just past noon in the Eastern U.S. zone on Saturday, March 20. We’re currently in that brief phase where … Read more

2010 Conferences: Relationships and Astrology

Dear Friend and Reader: Just one more week till the next monthly horoscope. Actually, I am scheduled to finish next Tuesday’s long monthly edition today. I’ve learned to schedule this job over three consecutive days, as opposed to a weekly horoscope, which takes about three hours to write if I have a good wind at … Read more