What exactly aren’t you scared of?

Dear Friend and Reader: As Saturn cleared the last degree of Virgo and made its ingress to Libra yesterday, I’ve been watching the world with extra curiosity; and I’ve been observing myself in the process of watching. It was a strange week, though I think that many of us have actually taken a step. Others … Read more

Saturn in Libra: Planet Waves for November 2009

Dear Friend and Reader: In a matter of hours, Saturn will begin its first visit to Libra since 1983. That happens Thursday in most time zones. How it worked back then was, Saturn entered Libra for the first time on Sept. 21, 1980, right before Ronald Reagan was supposedly elected. History has not properly recorded … Read more

About that hole in so-called reality

Dear Friend and Client: In my second year at SUNY Buffalo, I took a course called American Norms and Deviations, taught by Robert Knox Dentan. He began the class by informing students, “Ninety percent of what you know is wrong.” It was a shocking concept at the time, since we were after all attending a … Read more

More action on the Cardinal Cross

Dear Friend and Reader: Venus is now in Libra, just past a square to Pluto in Capricorn. The Virgo-Libra cusp is a busy place these days; Mercury recently ingressed Libra (ending its retrograde two weeks ago, and its echo phase Wednesday). Pallas Athene, an asteroid connected with law and justice, is currently quite happy in … Read more

How to Fix the World, Part Two

Dear Friend and Reader: We met the Yes Men a few weeks ago, after I spent Monday morning, Sept. 21 trooping around Manhattan as they gave out their climate change edition of the New York Post. This paracosmic spoof on the conservative tabloid was distributed to 100,000 New Yorkers as a global warming conference consisting of … Read more