In the Belly of the Internet

Dear Friend and Reader: February arrives at the depth of winter in most of the Northern Hemisphere, when we live in the shadow of cold, rain and snow. Within February’s first few days lies one of the four high holidays — or sabbats — of the pagan calendar, called Imbolc in Celtic times. Its corresponding … Read more

The Ring of Fire and the Wake of the Flood

Events surrounding Wednesday’s “ring of fire” annular solar eclipse in Libra have been troubling. Eclipses have two main properties, which might seem to conflict. One is they represent a shift in the storyline, or of the historical process. The other is that conditions at the time of an eclipse can be preserved as a new status quo.

Planet Waves Weekly for Sep. 19, 2024 by Eric Francis

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) — The days before the Sun enters your sign can be tense, as if you’re not quite aware that your worst fears might be true. This might be especially challenging with the Full Moon happening on the 17th, conjunct mystical, delusional Neptune in Pisces. Is there a lake, a forest…

Pavel Durov Arrest Chart Does Not Compute

There was some strange news this past weekend with the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov on Saturday evening. As Durov approached Le Bourget, the private Paris airport, a warrant was issued for his arrest. When he got on the ground, we are told that he was taken into custody and later charged with a diversity of crimes related to allowing others to commit…

We Need a Word For It

Dear Friend and Reader: For language-obsessed Gemini-types everywhere, a beautiful book exists called There’s a Word For It. It’s a 300-page glossary of rarely-used and little-known words that stand for specific concepts. I checked the book this morning and I don’t think there’s a word for what Thursday’s New Moon describes, though. Today at about … Read more