Better Than People Even Understand

Dear Friend and Reader: Wow, it’ll be a month tomorrow. It feels like it’s been years. Yes, I thought all of this would happen — in the first three months, not the first three weeks. It’s not easy keeping up with the news, there’s just so much of it. I just clicked on C-Span to … Read more

What Do We Do About These Flesh-Eating Zombies?

Dear Friend and Reader: What exactly are we supposed to do? That’s the question. It’s a little like The Onion’s fictional lady, Christine Pearson of Topeka, who baked an American flag cake after 9/11, just so she could do anything at all. “I had to do something to force myself away from the TV,” said Pearson, 33, carefully laying … Read more

Everything You Need to Know

Dear Friend and Reader: It’s my policy as the editor of Planet Waves not to frighten my readers. Whatever we report on our pages, we explain in the most evenhanded way that we can, presenting options to choose from. When we think of the concept of freedom, it’s meaningful only in the context of the … Read more

The Chaos Factor

Dear Friend and Reader: We now have our first tangible result of full digital conditions: a Frankenstein monster of every vile or repressive political stance has been designated president-elect. A national Muslim registry? Really? Rounding up Mexicans? This has been an exhausting year. It’s been agonizing enduring the attacks on women, on darker-skinned people, on … Read more

Trigger Warnings

Dear Friend and Reader: The one item I don’t remember including in any of my election coverage is that this is all happening in the midst of the Uranus-Eris conjunction, so anything is possible. Maybe I mentioned it somewhere. Uranus is the god of ‘expect the unexpected’: developments, revolutions, upsets, inventions, breakthroughs. We got one … Read more