Chiron in Aries: Exploring The Ground of Being

On April 17, Chiron will enter Aries — its first return to that sign since 1968-1977, an eventful era that left its mark on the world. Outer planet transits through signs tend to describe phases in history. During those particular years, Chiron was in the phase of its cycle prior to its own discovery, which took place in November 1977.

Aquarius New Moon: All Together in the Belly

Dear Friend and Reader: Tomorrow’s New Moon — a conjunction of the Sun and Moon — takes place right at the midpoint of Aquarius. This marks the middle of the current season; a time the ancient Pagans celebrated as Imbolc. Although the origin of the word Imbolc is not entirely clear, one common explanation is … Read more

The Next Battle in a War on the People

Here is feast of solitude A fiddler grim and tall Plays to dancing kings and wives Assembled in the hall — R.H. Dear Friend and Reader: Once again, we’re being confronted with a mass casualty incident involving firearms. This is on the heels of every other kind of disaster, or the threat of one, in … Read more

The Next Battle in a War on the People

  Here is feast of solitude A fiddler grim and tall Plays to dancing kings and wives Assembled in the hall — R.H. Dear Friend and Reader: Once again, we’re being confronted with a mass casualty incident involving firearms. This is on the heels of every other kind of disaster, or the threat of one, … Read more